4 research outputs found

    On distance-balanced generalized Petersen graphs

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    A connected graph GG of diameter diam(G){\rm diam}(G) \ge \ell is \ell-distance-balanced if Wxy=Wyx|W_{xy}|=|W_{yx}| for every x,yV(G)x,y\in V(G) with dG(x,y)=d_{G}(x,y)=\ell, where WxyW_{xy} is the set of vertices of GG that are closer to xx than to yy. We prove that the generalized Petersen graph GP(n,k)GP(n,k) is diam(GP(n,k)){\rm diam}(GP(n,k))-distance-balanced provided that nn is large enough relative to kk. This partially solves a conjecture posed by Miklavi\v{c} and \v{S}parl \cite{Miklavic:2018}. We also determine diam(GP(n,k)){\rm diam}(GP(n,k)) when nn is large enough relative to kk

    Distance-unbalancedness of graphs

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    In this paper we propose and study a new structural invariant for graphs, called distance-unbalanced\-ness, as a measure of how much a graph is (un)balanced in terms of distances. Explicit formulas are presented for several classes of well-known graphs. Distance-unbalancedness of trees is also studied. A few conjectures are stated and some open problems are proposed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Non-\ell-distance-balanced generalized Petersen graphs GP(n,3)GP(n,3) and GP(n,4)GP(n,4)

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    A connected graph GG of diameter diam(G){\rm diam}(G) \ge \ell is \ell-distance-balanced if Wxy=Wyx|W_{xy}|=|W_{yx}| for every x,yV(G)x,y\in V(G) with dG(x,y)=d_{G}(x,y)=\ell, where WxyW_{xy} is the set of vertices of GG that are closer to xx than to yy. We prove that the generalized Petersen graph GP(n,3)GP(n,3) where n>16n>16 is not \ell-distance-balanced for any 1<diam(GP(n,3))1\le \ell < {\rm diam}(GP(n,3)), and GP(n,4)GP(n,4) where n>24n>24 is not \ell-distance-balanced for any 1<diam(GP(n,4))1\le \ell < {\rm diam}(GP(n,4)). This partially solves a conjecture posed by \v{S}. Miklavi\v{c} and P. \v{S}parl (Discrete Appl. Math. 244:143-154, 2018).Comment: 3