66 research outputs found

    On the relation between hyperrings and fuzzy rings

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    We construct a full embedding of the category of hyperfields into Dress's category of fuzzy rings and explicitly characterize the essential image --- it fails to be essentially surjective in a very minor way. This embedding provides an identification of Baker's theory of matroids over hyperfields with Dress's theory of matroids over fuzzy rings (provided one restricts to those fuzzy rings in the essential image). The embedding functor extends from hyperfields to hyperrings, and we study this extension in detail. We also analyze the relation between hyperfields and Baker's partial demifields

    A Brief Survey on the two Different Approaches of Fundamental Equivalence Relations on Hyperstructures

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    Fundamental structures are the main tools in the study of hyperstructures. Fundamental equivalence relations link hyperstructure theory to the  theory of corresponding classical structures. They also introduce new hyperstructure classes.The present paper is a brief reference to the two different approaches to the notion of the fundamental relation in hyperstructures. The first one belongs to Koskas, who introduced the β ∗ - relation in hyperstructures and the second approach to Vougiouklis, who gave the name fundamental to the resulting quotient sets. The two approaches, the necessary definitions and the theorems for the introduction of the fundamental equivalence relation in hyperstructures, are presented

    n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideals in multiplicative hyperrings

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    In this paper, we define the concept I−I-prime hyperideal in a multiplicative hyperring RR. A proper hyperideal PP of RR is an I−I-prime hyperideal if for a,b∈Ra, b \in R with ab⊆P−IPab \subseteq P-IP implies a∈Pa \in P or b∈Pb \in P. We provide some characterizations of I−I-prime hyperideals. Also we conceptualize and study the notions 2−2-absorbing I−I-prime and n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideals into multiplicative hyperrings as generalizations of prime ideals. A proper hyperideal PP of a hyperring RR is an n−n-absorbing I−I-prime hyperideal if for x1,⋯ ,xn+1∈Rx_1, \cdots,x_{n+1} \in R such that x1⋯xn+1⊆P−IPx_1 \cdots x_{n+1} \subseteq P-IP, then x1⋯xi−1xi+1⋯xn+1⊆Px_1 \cdots x_{i-1} x_{i+1} \cdots x_{n+1} \subseteq P for some i∈{1,⋯ ,n+1}i \in \{1, \cdots ,n+1\}. We study some properties of such generalizations. We prove that if PP is an I−I-prime hyperideal of a hyperring RR, then each of PJ\frac{P}{J}, S−1PS^{-1} P, f(P)f(P), f−1(P)f^{-1}(P), P\sqrt{P} and P[x]P[x] are I−I-prime hyperideals under suitable conditions and suitable hyperideal II, where JJ is a hyperideal contains in PP. Also, we characterize I−I-prime hyperideals in the decomposite hyperrings. Moreover, we show that the hyperring with finite number of maximal hyperideals in which every proper hyperideal is n−n-absorbing I−I-prime is a finite product of hyperfields.Comment: Journal of algebraic system

    History and new possible research directions of hyperstructures

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    We present a summary of the origins and current developments of the theory of algebraic hyperstructures. We also sketch some possible lines of research

    Hopf algebras for matroids over hyperfields

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    Recently, M.~Baker and N.~Bowler introduced the notion of matroids over hyperfields as a unifying theory of various generalizations of matroids. In this paper we generalize the notion of minors and direct sums from ordinary matroids to matroids over hyperfields. Using this we generalize the classical construction of matroid-minor Hopf algebras to the case of matroids over hyperfields

    Semiring systems arising from hyperrings

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    Hyperfields and systems are two algebraic frameworks which have been developed to provide a unified approach to classical and tropical structures. All hyperfields, and more generally hyperrings, can be represented by systems. We show that, conversely, we show that the systems arising in this way, called hypersystems, are characterized by certain elimination axioms. Systems are preserved under standard algebraic constructions; for instance matrices and polynomials over hypersystems are systems, but not hypersystems. We illustrate these results by discussing several examples of systems and hyperfields, and constructions like matroids over systems.Comment: 29 p
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