14,501 research outputs found

    The real SAPÂź Business one cost : a case study of ERP adoption in an SME

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    This paper reports on a UK based service management Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) that invested into SAP¼ Business One. The action research case study highlights the real cost and difficulties faced in moving to the one single SAP system and the process that was followed in order to identify third-party vendors that can integrate or customise SAP¼ Business One. This paper highlights the additional costs required to ensure a ‘fit-for-purpose’ solution to close the gap between strategic needs and the existing SAP Business One solution. The gap itself is illustrated by highlighting 10 key functionalities expected by the given service management SME. The actual implementation cost of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was found to be approximately double the initial SAP costs. The real costs involve time for, among other things, process reengineering, strategic decision making, software add-ons, staff-training, project-management and software maintenance

    ERP implementation for an administrative agency as a corporative frontend and an e-commerce smartphone app

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    This document contains all the descriptions, arguments and demonstrations of the researches, analysis, reasoning, designs and tasks performed to achieve the requirement to technologically evolve an managing agency in a way that, through a solution that requires a reduced investment, makes possible to arrange a business management tool with e-commerce and also a mobile application that allows access and consultation of mentioned tool. The first part of the document describes the scenario in order to contextualize the project and introduces ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning). In the second part, a deep research of ERP market products is carried out, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each one of the products in order to finish with the choice of the most suitable product for the scenario proposed in the project. A third part of the document describes the installation process of the selected product carried out based on the use of Dockers, as well as the configurations and customizations that they make on the selected ERP. A description of the installation and configuration of additional modules is also made, necessary to achieve the agreed scope of the project. In a fourth part of the thesis, the process of creating an iOS and Android App that connects to the selected ERP database is described. The process begins with the design of the App. Once designed, it is explained the process of study and documentation of technologies to choose the technology stack that allows making an application robust and contemporary without use of licensing. After choosing the technologies to use there are explained the dependencies and needs to install runtime enviornments prior to the start of coding. Later, it describes how the code of the App has been raised and developed. The compilation and verification mechanisms are indicated in continuation. And finally, it is showed the result of the development of the App once distributed. Finally, a chapter for the conclusions analyzes the difficulties encountered during the project and the achievements, analyzing what has been learned during the development of this project

    Software houses: Changing from Product vendors into solution Providers

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    Integrating hitherto separate IT systems while keeping within with tight budgetary restrictions is becoming the dominant software trend in this decade. Optimism is currently starting to spread again in software houses. However, there are marked regional differences in potential. Contrary to some forecasts, the US software houses are in the process of consolidating their already dominant position in the global market thanks to their economies of scale, combined with the network effect. Conversely, the only chance for most of their typically small European competitors to score points is in certain niches of the market.system software, application software, CRM, ERP, SCM, Web services


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    The economic impact of the digital revolution is highly important. Without www, globalization and outsourcing would have not been possible. The impact of the IT technological boom, especially on the higher education process is highly important. The facilities offered by the IT technological environments allow major changes both at the level of the teaching materials’ design and the projection of the learning environment, by using new systems and collaborative-participative technologies, student-oriented with distributed resources and a real fluidity of the roles in the learning process. Nowadays, small and middle – sized enterprises use the same collaborative systems (or their components) known by abbreviations such as ERP, CRM, SCM, HRS, etc. in order to provide data and information to the decision-making bodies at all levels, in due time. One of the problems in using collaborative systems has been the complexity of large-scale systems and, therefore, the main topics of this paper are: basic components, development of collaborative systems, benefits, costs, replacing/ re-implementing, e-Business, structuring the manufacturing Database, achievement of these systems successfully etc, and integration of these systems into the academic curriculum.Collaborative Systems, e-Learning, m-Learning, i-Click Technologies, Globalization, e- Business, Information Society

    Analysis of the Romanian offer of ERP solutions

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    This article tries to make an analysis of the actual Romanian offer of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions. In the first part of the article the level of ERP adoption by Romanian companies having as main sources two studies published in 2006 about the ERP market in Romania, namely: “ERP Romania 2006” by Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) and the second one made by the media company Agora Media and the market research company Sensimark. In the second part of the article a comparative analysis of the first seven best placed ERP products on the Romanian market will be made. In order to accomplish this analysis a synthesized table has been included with all 7 products together with the analysis criteria grouped in three categories: function, technical characteristics, and market segment that it addresses.ERP, accounting software, ERP software provider

    Factors influencing ERP projects success in the vendor selection process

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    Successful implementation of an ERP system is the result of knowledgeable and dedicated people working together. It entails company-wide commitment, openness to change, good planning and experienced guidance. These primary criteria determine the probability of gaining significant return on investment (ROI) from an ERP system. Using these criteria as guidelines during the system selection process and subsequent implementation can ensure that the chosen system will support and enable the business improvements envisioned. Among the numerous critical success factors (CSFs) in the implementation of ERP systems, identified and demonstrated by practitioners and academic researchers in the last few years, we will synthesize and analyze the vendor selection issues, in connection to the implementation aspects, as we consider implementation the essential “ingredient” of the ERP success.ERP implementation, ERP vendor selection process, critical success factors, ROI, ERP success

    Analysis of the Romanian Offer of ERP Solutions

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    This article tries to make an analysis of the actual Romanian offer of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions. In the first part of the article the level of ERP adoption by Romanian companies having as main sources two studies published in 2006 about the ERP market in Romania, namely: "ERP Romania 2006" by Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) and the second one made by the media company Agora Media and the market research company Sensimark. In the second part of the article a comparative analysis of the first seven best placed ERP products on the Romanian market will be made. In order to accomplish this analysis a synthesized table has been included with all 7 products together with the analysis criteria grouped in three categories: function, technical characteristics, and market segment that it addresses.ERP, accounting software, ERP software provider
