9 research outputs found

    Blazing a Trail via Matrix Multiplications: A Faster Algorithm for Non-Shortest Induced Paths

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    For vertices uu and vv of an nn-vertex graph GG, a uvuv-trail of GG is an induced uvuv-path of GG that is not a shortest uvuv-path of GG. Berger, Seymour, and Spirkl [Discrete Mathematics 2021] gave the previously only known polynomial-time algorithm, running in O(n18)O(n^{18}) time, to either output a uvuv-trail of GG or ensure that GG admits no uvuv-trail. We reduce the complexity to the time required to perform a poly-logarithmic number of multiplications of n2×n2n^2\times n^2 Boolean matrices, leading to a largely improved O(n4.75)O(n^{4.75})-time algorithm.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, a preliminary version appeared in STACS 202

    Finding Large H-Colorable Subgraphs in Hereditary Graph Classes

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    We study the \textsc{Max Partial HH-Coloring} problem: given a graph GG, find the largest induced subgraph of GG that admits a homomorphism into HH, where HH is a fixed pattern graph without loops. Note that when HH is a complete graph on kk vertices, the problem reduces to finding the largest induced kk-colorable subgraph, which for k=2k=2 is equivalent (by complementation) to \textsc{Odd Cycle Transversal}. We prove that for every fixed pattern graph HH without loops, \textsc{Max Partial HH-Coloring} can be solved: ∙\bullet in {P5,F}\{P_5,F\}-free graphs in polynomial time, whenever FF is a threshold graph; ∙\bullet in {P5,bull}\{P_5,\textrm{bull}\}-free graphs in polynomial time; ∙\bullet in P5P_5-free graphs in time nO(ω(G))n^{\mathcal{O}(\omega(G))}; ∙\bullet in {P6,1-subdivided claw}\{P_6,\textrm{1-subdivided claw}\}-free graphs in time nO(ω(G)3)n^{\mathcal{O}(\omega(G)^3)}. Here, nn is the number of vertices of the input graph GG and ω(G)\omega(G) is the maximum size of a clique in~GG. Furthermore, combining the mentioned algorithms for P5P_5-free and for {P6,1-subdivided claw}\{P_6,\textrm{1-subdivided claw}\}-free graphs with a simple branching procedure, we obtain subexponential-time algorithms for \textsc{Max Partial HH-Coloring} in these classes of graphs. Finally, we show that even a restricted variant of \textsc{Max Partial HH-Coloring} is NP\mathsf{NP}-hard in the considered subclasses of P5P_5-free graphs, if we allow loops on HH

    Structure and coloring of (P7P_7, C5C_5, diamond)-free graphs

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    We use PtP_t and CtC_t to denote a path and a cycle on t vertices, respectively. A diamond consists of two triangles that share exactly one edge, a kite is a graph obtained from a diamond by adding a new vertex adjacent to a vertex of degree 2 of the diamond, a paraglider is the graph that consists of a C4C_4 plus a vertex adjacent to three vertices of the C4C_4, a paw is a graph obtained from a triangle by adding a pendant edge. A comparable pair (u,v)(u, v) consists of two nonadjacent vertices uu and vv such that N(u)⊆N(v)N(u)\subseteq N(v) or N(v)⊆N(u)N(v)\subseteq N(u). A universal clique is a clique KK such that xy∈E(G)xy \in E(G) for any two vertices x∈Kx \in K and y∈V(G)∖Ky\in V (G)\setminus K. A blowup of a graph H is a graph obtained by substituting a stable set for each vertex, and correspondingly replacing each edge by a complete bipartite graph. We prove that 1) there is a unique connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, kite, paraglider)-free graph G with \delta(G) \geq \omega(G)+ 1 which has no clique cutsets, no comparable pairs, and no universal cliques; 2) if G is a connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, diamond)-free graph with \delta(G) \geq max{3, \omega(G)} and without comparable pairs, then G is isomorphic to a graph of a well defined 12 graph families; and 3) each connected imperfect (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, paw)-free graph is a blowup of C7C_7. As consequences, we show that \chi(G) \leq \omega(G)+1 if G is (P7, C5, kite, paraglider)-free, and \chi(G) \leq max{3, \omega(G)} if G is (P7,C5(P_7, C_5, H)-free with H being a diamond or a paw. We also show that \chi(G) \le

    Improved Algorithms for Recognizing Perfect Graphs and Finding Shortest Odd and Even Holes

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    Various classes of induced subgraphs are involved in the deepest results of graph theory and graph algorithms. A prominent example concerns the {\em perfection} of GG that the chromatic number of each induced subgraph HH of GG equals the clique number of HH. The seminal Strong Perfect Graph Theorem confirms that the perfection of GG can be determined by detecting odd holes in GG and its complement. Chudnovsky et al. show in 2005 an O(n9)O(n^9) algorithm for recognizing perfect graphs, which can be implemented to run in O(n6+ω)O(n^{6+\omega}) time for the exponent ω<2.373\omega<2.373 of square-matrix multiplication. We show the following improved algorithms. 1. The tractability of detecting odd holes was open for decades until the major breakthrough of Chudnovsky et al. in 2020. Their O(n9)O(n^9) algorithm is later implemented by Lai et al. to run in O(n8)O(n^8) time, leading to the best formerly known algorithm for recognizing perfect graphs. Our first result is an O(n7)O(n^7) algorithm for detecting odd holes, implying an O(n7)O(n^7) algorithm for recognizing perfect graphs. 2. Chudnovsky et al. extend in 2021 the O(n9)O(n^9) algorithms for detecting odd holes (2020) and recognizing perfect graphs (2005) into the first polynomial algorithm for obtaining a shortest odd hole, which runs in O(n14)O(n^{14}) time. We reduce the time for finding a shortest odd hole to O(n13)O(n^{13}). 3. Conforti et al. show in 1997 the first polynomial algorithm for detecting even holes, running in about O(n40)O(n^{40}) time. It then takes a line of intensive efforts in the literature to bring down the complexity to O(n31)O(n^{31}), O(n19)O(n^{19}), O(n11)O(n^{11}), and finally O(n9)O(n^9). On the other hand, the tractability of finding a shortest even hole has been open for 16 years until the very recent O(n31)O(n^{31}) algorithm of Cheong and Lu in 2022. We improve the time of finding a shortest even hole to O(n23)O(n^{23}).Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Finding Large H-Colorable Subgraphs in Hereditary Graph Classes

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    “First Published in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics in 35, 4, 2021, published by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)” and the copyright notice as stated in the article itself (e.g., “Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.”')We study the Max Partial H-Coloring problem: given a graph G, find the largest induced subgraph of G that admits a homomorphism into H, where H is a fixed pattern graph without loops. Note that when H is a complete graph on k vertices, the problem reduces to finding the largest induced k-colorable subgraph, which for k=2 is equivalent (by complementation) to Odd Cycle Transversal. We prove that for every fixed pattern graph H without loops, Max Partial H-Coloring can be solved in {P5,F}-free graphs in polynomial time, whenever F is a threshold graph; in {P5,bull}-free graphs in polynomial time; in P5-free graphs in time nO(ω(G)); and in {P6,1−subdividedclaw}-free graphs in time nO(ω(G)3). Here, n is the number of vertices of the input graph G and ω(G) is the maximum size of a clique in G. Furthermore, by combining the mentioned algorithms for P5-free and for {P6,1−subdividedclaw}-free graphs with a simple branching procedure, we obtain subexponential-time algorithms for Max Partial H-Coloring in these classes of graphs. Finally, we show that even a restricted variant of Max Partial H-Coloring is NP-hard in the considered subclasses of P5-free graphs if we allow loops on H.The first author’s material is based upon work supported in part by the U.S. ArmyResearch Office under grant W911NF-16-1-0404 and by NSF grant DMS-1763817. The third author’swork is a part of project TOTAL that has received funding from the European Research Council(ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant 677651).The fourth author was supported by Polish National Science Centre grant 2018/31/D/ST6/00062.The fifth author’s material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underaward DMS-1802201

    Three-in-a-Tree in Near Linear Time

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    The three-in-a-tree problem is to determine if a simple undirected graph contains an induced subgraph which is a tree connecting three given vertices. Based on a beautiful characterization that is proved in more than twenty pages, Chudnovsky and Seymour [Combinatorica 2010] gave the previously only known polynomial-time algorithm, running in O(mn2)O(mn^2) time, to solve the three-in-a-tree problem on an nn-vertex mm-edge graph. Their three-in-a-tree algorithm has become a critical subroutine in several state-of-the-art graph recognition and detection algorithms. In this paper we solve the three-in-a-tree problem in O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time, leading to improved algorithms for recognizing perfect graphs and detecting thetas, pyramids, beetles, and odd and even holes. Our result is based on a new and more constructive characterization than that of Chudnovsky and Seymour. Our new characterization is stronger than the original, and our proof implies a new simpler proof for the original characterization. The improved characterization gains the first factor nn in speed. The remaining improvement is based on dynamic graph algorithms.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figures, accepted to STOC 202