5,933 research outputs found

    Accurate Light Field Depth Estimation with Superpixel Regularization over Partially Occluded Regions

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    Depth estimation is a fundamental problem for light field photography applications. Numerous methods have been proposed in recent years, which either focus on crafting cost terms for more robust matching, or on analyzing the geometry of scene structures embedded in the epipolar-plane images. Significant improvements have been made in terms of overall depth estimation error; however, current state-of-the-art methods still show limitations in handling intricate occluding structures and complex scenes with multiple occlusions. To address these challenging issues, we propose a very effective depth estimation framework which focuses on regularizing the initial label confidence map and edge strength weights. Specifically, we first detect partially occluded boundary regions (POBR) via superpixel based regularization. Series of shrinkage/reinforcement operations are then applied on the label confidence map and edge strength weights over the POBR. We show that after weight manipulations, even a low-complexity weighted least squares model can produce much better depth estimation than state-of-the-art methods in terms of average disparity error rate, occlusion boundary precision-recall rate, and the preservation of intricate visual features

    OccCasNet: Occlusion-aware Cascade Cost Volume for Light Field Depth Estimation

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    Light field (LF) depth estimation is a crucial task with numerous practical applications. However, mainstream methods based on the multi-view stereo (MVS) are resource-intensive and time-consuming as they need to construct a finer cost volume. To address this issue and achieve a better trade-off between accuracy and efficiency, we propose an occlusion-aware cascade cost volume for LF depth (disparity) estimation. Our cascaded strategy reduces the sampling number while keeping the sampling interval constant during the construction of a finer cost volume. We also introduce occlusion maps to enhance accuracy in constructing the occlusion-aware cost volume. Specifically, we first obtain the coarse disparity map through the coarse disparity estimation network. Then, the sub-aperture images (SAIs) of side views are warped to the center view based on the initial disparity map. Next, we propose photo-consistency constraints between the warped SAIs and the center SAI to generate occlusion maps for each SAI. Finally, we introduce the coarse disparity map and occlusion maps to construct an occlusion-aware refined cost volume, enabling the refined disparity estimation network to yield a more precise disparity map. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, our method achieves a superior balance between accuracy and efficiency and ranks first in terms of MSE and Q25 metrics among published methods on the HCI 4D benchmark. The code and model of the proposed method are available at https://github.com/chaowentao/OccCasNet

    Real-time High-resolution View Synthesis of Complex Scenes with Explicit 3D Visibility Reasoning

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    Rendering photo-realistic novel-view images of complex scenes has been a long-standing challenge in computer graphics. In recent years, great research progress has been made on enhancing rendering quality and accelerating rendering speed in the realm of view synthesis. However, when rendering complex dynamic scenes with sparse views, the rendering quality remains limited due to occlusion problems. Besides, for rendering high-resolution images on dynamic scenes, the rendering speed is still far from real-time. In this work, we propose a generalizable view synthesis method that can render high-resolution novel-view images of complex static and dynamic scenes in real-time from sparse views. To address the occlusion problems arising from the sparsity of input views and the complexity of captured scenes, we introduce an explicit 3D visibility reasoning approach that can efficiently estimate the visibility of sampled 3D points to the input views. The proposed visibility reasoning approach is fully differentiable and can gracefully fit inside the volume rendering pipeline, allowing us to train our networks with only multi-view images as supervision while refining geometry and texture simultaneously. Besides, each module in our pipeline is carefully designed to bypass the time-consuming MLP querying process and enhance the rendering quality of high-resolution images, enabling us to render high-resolution novel-view images in real-time.Experimental results show that our method outperforms previous view synthesis methods in both rendering quality and speed, particularly when dealing with complex dynamic scenes with sparse views

    Light field reconstruction from multi-view images

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    Kang Han studied recovering the 3D world from multi-view images. He proposed several algorithms to deal with occlusions in depth estimation and effective representations in view rendering. the proposed algorithms can be used for many innovative applications based on machine intelligence, such as autonomous driving and Metaverse

    Reducing Shape-Radiance Ambiguity in Radiance Fields with a Closed-Form Color Estimation Method

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    Neural radiance field (NeRF) enables the synthesis of cutting-edge realistic novel view images of a 3D scene. It includes density and color fields to model the shape and radiance of a scene, respectively. Supervised by the photometric loss in an end-to-end training manner, NeRF inherently suffers from the shape-radiance ambiguity problem, i.e., it can perfectly fit training views but does not guarantee decoupling the two fields correctly. To deal with this issue, existing works have incorporated prior knowledge to provide an independent supervision signal for the density field, including total variation loss, sparsity loss, distortion loss, etc. These losses are based on general assumptions about the density field, e.g., it should be smooth, sparse, or compact, which are not adaptive to a specific scene. In this paper, we propose a more adaptive method to reduce the shape-radiance ambiguity. The key is a rendering method that is only based on the density field. Specifically, we first estimate the color field based on the density field and posed images in a closed form. Then NeRF's rendering process can proceed. We address the problems in estimating the color field, including occlusion and non-uniformly distributed views. Afterward, it is applied to regularize NeRF's density field. As our regularization is guided by photometric loss, it is more adaptive compared to existing ones. Experimental results show that our method improves the density field of NeRF both qualitatively and quantitatively. Our code is available at https://github.com/qihangGH/Closed-form-color-field.Comment: This work has been published in NeurIPS 202

    DINER: Depth-aware Image-based NEural Radiance fields

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    We present Depth-aware Image-based NEural Radiance fields (DINER). Given a sparse set of RGB input views, we predict depth and feature maps to guide the reconstruction of a volumetric scene representation that allows us to render 3D objects under novel views. Specifically, we propose novel techniques to incorporate depth information into feature fusion and efficient scene sampling. In comparison to the previous state of the art, DINER achieves higher synthesis quality and can process input views with greater disparity. This allows us to capture scenes more completely without changing capturing hardware requirements and ultimately enables larger viewpoint changes during novel view synthesis. We evaluate our method by synthesizing novel views, both for human heads and for general objects, and observe significantly improved qualitative results and increased perceptual metrics compared to the previous state of the art. The code is publicly available for research purposes.Comment: Website: https://malteprinzler.github.io/projects/diner/diner.html ; Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI_fpjY5k8Y&t=1
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