3 research outputs found

    Robust Observer Design for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Linear Maps and Approximately Known Jump Times

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    This paper proposes a general framework for the state estimation of plants given by hybrid systems with linear flow and jump maps, in the favorable case where their jump events can be detected (almost) instantaneously. A candidate observer consists of a copy of the plant's hybrid dynamics with continuous-time and/or discrete-time correction terms multiplied by two constant gains, and with jumps triggered by those of the plant. Assuming that the time between successive jumps is known to belong to a given closed set allows us to formulate an augmented system with a timer which keeps track of the time elapsed between successive jumps and facilitates the analysis. Then, since the jumps of the plant and of the observer are synchronized, the error system has time-invariant linear flow and jump maps, and a Lyapunov analysis leads to sufficient conditions for the design of the observer gains for uniform asymptotic stability in three different settings: continuous and discrete updates, only discrete updates, and only continuous updates. These conditions take the form of matrix inequalities, which we solve in examples including cases where the time between successive jumps is unbounded or tends to zero (Zeno behavior), and cases where either both the continuous and discrete dynamics, only one of them, or neither of them are detectable. Finally, we study the robustness of this approach when the jumps of the observer are delayed with respect to those of the plant. We show that if the plant's trajectories are bounded and the time between successive jumps is lower-bounded away from zero, the estimation error is bounded, and arbitrarily small outside the delay intervals between the plant's and the observer's jumps

    Observers for Hybrid Dynamical Systems with Linear Maps and Known Jump Times

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    This paper proposes a general framework for the state estimation of plants given by hybrid systems with linear flow and jump maps, in the favorable case where their jump events can be detected instantaneously. A candidate observer consists of a copy of the plant's hybrid dynamics with continuous-time and/or discrete-time correction terms adjusted by two constant gains, and with jumps triggered by those of the plant. Assuming that the time between successive jumps is known to belong to a given closed set allows us to formulate an augmented system with a timer which keeps track of the time elapsed between successive jumps and facilitates the analysis. Then, since the jumps of the plant and of the observer are synchronized, the error system has time-invariant linear flow and jump maps, and a Lyapunov analysis leads to sufficient conditions on the design of the gains for uniform asymptotic stability in three different settings: continuous and discrete updates, only discrete updates, or only continuous updates. Those conditions take the form of matrix inequalities, which we solve in examples including cases where the time between successive jumps is unbounded or tends to zero (Zeno behavior)