12 research outputs found

    Statistically-secure ORAM with O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log^2 n) Overhead

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    We demonstrate a simple, statistically secure, ORAM with computational overhead O~(log2n)\tilde{O}(\log^2 n); previous ORAM protocols achieve only computational security (under computational assumptions) or require Ω~(log3n)\tilde{\Omega}(\log^3 n) overheard. An additional benefit of our ORAM is its conceptual simplicity, which makes it easy to implement in both software and (commercially available) hardware. Our construction is based on recent ORAM constructions due to Shi, Chan, Stefanov, and Li (Asiacrypt 2011) and Stefanov and Shi (ArXiv 2012), but with some crucial modifications in the algorithm that simplifies the ORAM and enable our analysis. A central component in our analysis is reducing the analysis of our algorithm to a "supermarket" problem; of independent interest (and of importance to our analysis,) we provide an upper bound on the rate of "upset" customers in the "supermarket" problem

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme known to date with small client storage. We formally prove that Path ORAM has a O(log N) bandwidth cost for blocks of size B = Omega(log^2 N) bits. For such block sizes, Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM schemes with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal

    Secure Datastructures based on Multiparty Computation

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    The problem of secure multiparty computation -- performing some computation based on distributed, private inputs -- has been studied intensively for more than twenty years. This work includes both ``one shot\u27\u27 applications as well as reactive tasks, where the exact computation is not known in advance. We extend this line of work by asking whether it is possible to \emph{efficiently} both update and query secret data. A clearer formulation is, perhaps, to ask whether is it possible to construct efficient datastructures based on secure multiparty computation primitives. It is possible to construct arbitrary secure datastructures based on an oblivious RAM (ORAM). However, current state of the art information theoretically secure solutions incur a poly-logarithmic overhead on both secure computation and memory. The overhead is much smaller when considering computationally secure solutions, however, this requires secure evaluation of a one-way function as a primitive, which may reintroduce a considerable overhead. By constructing a secure priority queue we show that practical datastructures are possible. The ideas are radically different than those used in any ORAM implementation: The present solution accesses data in a \emph{deterministic} manner, whereas all ORAMs \emph{randomize} the access pattern in order to hide it. The priority queue operations -- insertion into the structure and deletion of the minimal element contained therein -- both require \bigo(\log^2 n) invocations of the cryptographic primitives (secure arithmetic and comparison) amortized in O(1)O(1) rounds amortized, where nn is the overall number of operations performed

    Path ORAM: An Extremely Simple Oblivious RAM Protocol

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    We present Path ORAM, an extremely simple Oblivious RAM protocol with a small amount of client storage. Partly due to its simplicity, Path ORAM is the most practical ORAM scheme for small client storage known to date. We formally prove that Path ORAM requires log^2 N / log X bandwidth overhead for block size B = X log N. For block sizes bigger than Omega(log^2 N), Path ORAM is asymptotically better than the best known ORAM scheme with small client storage. Due to its practicality, Path ORAM has been adopted in the design of secure processors since its proposal.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant DGE-0946797)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant DGE-1122374)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CNS-1314857)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts Grant N66001-10-2-4089

    Asymptotically Tight Bounds for Composing ORAM with PIR

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    Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is a cryptographic primitive that allows a trusted client to outsource storage to an untrusted server while hiding the client\u27s memory access patterns to the server. The last three decades of research on ORAMs have reduced the bandwidth blowup of ORAM schemes from O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) to O(1)O(1). However, all schemes that achieve a bandwidth blowup smaller than O(logN)O(\log N) use expensive computations such as homomorphic encryptions. In this paper, we achieve a sub-logarithmic bandwidth blowup of O(logdN)O(\log_d N) (where dd is a free parameter) without using expensive computation. We do so by using a dd-ary tree and a two server private information retrieval (PIR) protocol based on inexpensive XOR operations at the servers. We also show a Ω(logcDN)\Omega(\log_{cD} N) lower bound on bandwidth blowup in the modified model involving PIR operations. Here, cc is the number of blocks stored by the client and DD is the number blocks on which PIR operations are performed. Our construction matches this lower bound implying that the lower bound is tight for certain parameter ranges. Finally, we show that C-ORAM (CCS\u2715) and CHf-ORAM violate the lower bound. Combined with concrete attacks on C-ORAM/CHf-ORAM, we claim that there exist security flaws in these constructions

    Secure Computation with Sublinear Amortized Work

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    Traditional approaches to secure computation begin by representing the function ff being computed as a circuit. For any function~ff that depends on each of its inputs, this implies a protocol with complexity at least linear in the input size. In fact, linear running time is inherent for secure computation of non-trivial functions, since each party must ``touch\u27\u27 every bit of their input lest information about other party\u27s input be leaked. This seems to rule out many interesting applications of secure computation in scenarios where at least one of the inputs is huge and sublinear-time algorithms can be utilized in the insecure setting; private database search is a prime example. We present an approach to secure two-party computation that yields sublinear-time protocols, in an amortized sense, for functions that can be computed in sublinear time on a random access machine~(RAM). Furthermore, a party whose input is ``small\u27\u27 is required to maintain only small state. We provide a generic protocol that achieves the claimed complexity, based on any oblivious RAM and any protocol for secure two-party computation. We then present an optimized version of this protocol, where generic secure two-party computation is used only for evaluating a small number of simple operations

    Black-Box Garbled RAM

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    Garbled RAM, introduced by Lu and Ostrovsky, enables the task of garbling a RAM (Random Access Machine) program directly, there by avoiding the inefficient process of first converting it into a circuit. Garbled RAM can be seen as a RAM analogue of Yao\u27s garbled circuit construction, except that known realizations of Garbled RAM make non-black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives. In this paper we remove this limitation and provide the first black-box construction of Garbled RAM with polylogarithmic overhead. Our scheme allows for garbling multiple RAM programs being executed on a persistent database and its security is based only on the existence of one-way functions. We also obtain the first secure RAM computation protocol that is both constant round and makes only black-box use of one-way functions in the OT-hybrid model

    Perfectly Secure Oblivious Parallel RAM

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    We show that PRAMs can be obliviously simulated with perfect security, incurring only O(logNloglogN)O(\log N \log \log N) blowup in parallel runtime, O(log3N)O(\log^3 N) blowup in total work, and O(1)O(1) blowup in space relative to the original PRAM. Our results advance the theoretical understanding of Oblivious (Parallel) RAM in several respects. First, prior to our work, no perfectly secure Oblivious Parallel RAM (OPRAM) construction was known; and we are the first in this respect. Second, even for the sequential special case of our algorithm (i.e., perfectly secure ORAM), we not only achieve logarithmic improvement in terms of space consumption relative to the state-of-the-art but also significantly simplify perfectly secure ORAM constructions. Third, our perfectly secure OPRAM scheme matches the parallel runtime of earlier statistically secure schemes with negligible failure probability. Since we remove the dependence (in performance) on the security parameter, our perfectly secure OPRAM scheme in fact asymptotically outperforms known statistically secure ones if (sub-)exponentially small failure probability is desired. Our techniques for achieving small parallel runtime are novel and we employ expander graphs to de-randomize earlier statistically secure schemes --- this is the first time such techniques are used in the constructions of ORAMs/OPRAMs

    Theory and Applications of Outsider Anonymity in Broadcast Encryption

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    Broadcast Encryption (BE) allows efficient one-to-many secret communication of data over a broadcast channel. In the standard setting of BE, information about receivers is transmitted in the clear together with ciphertexts. This could be a serious violation of recipient privacy since the identities of the users authorized to access the secret content in certain broadcast scenarios are as sensitive as the content itself. Anonymous Broadcast Encryption (AnoBe) prevents this leakage of recipient identities from ciphertexts but at a cost of a linear lower bound (in the number of receivers) on the length of ciphertexts. A linear ciphertext length is a highly undesirable bottleneck in any large-scale broadcast application. In this thesis, we propose a less stringent yet very meaningful notion of anonymity for anonymous broadcast encryption called Outsider-Anonymous Broadcast Encryption (oABE) that allows the creation of ciphertexts that are sublinear in the number of receivers. We construct several oABE schemes with varying security guarantees and levels of efficiency. We also present two very interesting cryptographic applications afforded by the efficiency of our oABE schemes. The first is Broadcast Steganography (BS), the extension of the state of the art setting of point-to-point steganography to the multi-recipient setting. The second is Oblivious Group Storage (OGS), the introduction of fine-grained data access control policies to the setting of multi-client oblivious cloud storage protocols