16,312 research outputs found

    Oblivious channels

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    Let C = {x_1,...,x_N} \subset {0,1}^n be an [n,N] binary error correcting code (not necessarily linear). Let e \in {0,1}^n be an error vector. A codeword x in C is said to be "disturbed" by the error e if the closest codeword to x + e is no longer x. Let A_e be the subset of codewords in C that are disturbed by e. In this work we study the size of A_e in random codes C (i.e. codes in which each codeword x_i is chosen uniformly and independently at random from {0,1}^n). Using recent results of Vu [Random Structures and Algorithms 20(3)] on the concentration of non-Lipschitz functions, we show that |A_e| is strongly concentrated for a wide range of values of N and ||e||. We apply this result in the study of communication channels we refer to as "oblivious". Roughly speaking, a channel W(y|x) is said to be oblivious if the error distribution imposed by the channel is independent of the transmitted codeword x. For example, the well studied Binary Symmetric Channel is an oblivious channel. In this work, we define oblivious and partially oblivious channels and present lower bounds on their capacity. The oblivious channels we define have connections to Arbitrarily Varying Channels with state constraints.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 200

    Interactive Channel Capacity Revisited

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    We provide the first capacity approaching coding schemes that robustly simulate any interactive protocol over an adversarial channel that corrupts any ϵ\epsilon fraction of the transmitted symbols. Our coding schemes achieve a communication rate of 1O(ϵloglog1/ϵ)1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon}) over any adversarial channel. This can be improved to 1O(ϵ)1 - O(\sqrt{\epsilon}) for random, oblivious, and computationally bounded channels, or if parties have shared randomness unknown to the channel. Surprisingly, these rates exceed the 1Ω(H(ϵ))=1Ω(ϵlog1/ϵ)1 - \Omega(\sqrt{H(\epsilon)}) = 1 - \Omega(\sqrt{\epsilon \log 1/\epsilon}) interactive channel capacity bound which [Kol and Raz; STOC'13] recently proved for random errors. We conjecture 1Θ(ϵloglog1/ϵ)1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon \log \log 1/\epsilon}) and 1Θ(ϵ)1 - \Theta(\sqrt{\epsilon}) to be the optimal rates for their respective settings and therefore to capture the interactive channel capacity for random and adversarial errors. In addition to being very communication efficient, our randomized coding schemes have multiple other advantages. They are computationally efficient, extremely natural, and significantly simpler than prior (non-capacity approaching) schemes. In particular, our protocols do not employ any coding but allow the original protocol to be performed as-is, interspersed only by short exchanges of hash values. When hash values do not match, the parties backtrack. Our approach is, as we feel, by far the simplest and most natural explanation for why and how robust interactive communication in a noisy environment is possible

    On the Commitment Capacity of Unfair Noisy Channels

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    Noisy channels are a valuable resource from a cryptographic point of view. They can be used for exchanging secret-keys as well as realizing other cryptographic primitives such as commitment and oblivious transfer. To be really useful, noisy channels have to be consider in the scenario where a cheating party has some degree of control over the channel characteristics. Damg\r{a}rd et al. (EUROCRYPT 1999) proposed a more realistic model where such level of control is permitted to an adversary, the so called unfair noisy channels, and proved that they can be used to obtain commitment and oblivious transfer protocols. Given that noisy channels are a precious resource for cryptographic purposes, one important question is determining the optimal rate in which they can be used. The commitment capacity has already been determined for the cases of discrete memoryless channels and Gaussian channels. In this work we address the problem of determining the commitment capacity of unfair noisy channels. We compute a single-letter characterization of the commitment capacity of unfair noisy channels. In the case where an adversary has no control over the channel (the fair case) our capacity reduces to the well-known capacity of a discrete memoryless binary symmetric channel

    Cooperative Multi-Cell Networks: Impact of Limited-Capacity Backhaul and Inter-Users Links

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    Cooperative technology is expected to have a great impact on the performance of cellular or, more generally, infrastructure networks. Both multicell processing (cooperation among base stations) and relaying (cooperation at the user level) are currently being investigated. In this presentation, recent results regarding the performance of multicell processing and user cooperation under the assumption of limited-capacity interbase station and inter-user links, respectively, are reviewed. The survey focuses on related results derived for non-fading uplink and downlink channels of simple cellular system models. The analytical treatment, facilitated by these simple setups, enhances the insight into the limitations imposed by limited-capacity constraints on the gains achievable by cooperative techniques

    A New Upperbound for the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of Discrete Memoryless Channels

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    We derive a new upper bound on the string oblivious transfer capacity of discrete memoryless channels. The main tool we use is the tension region of a pair of random variables introduced in Prabhakaran and Prabhakaran (2014) where it was used to derive upper bounds on rates of secure sampling in the source model. In this paper, we consider secure computation of string oblivious transfer in the channel model. Our bound is based on a monotonicity property of the tension region in the channel model. We show that our bound strictly improves upon the upper bound of Ahlswede and Csisz\'ar (2013).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, extended version of submission to IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 201

    Unconditional security from noisy quantum storage

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    We consider the implementation of two-party cryptographic primitives based on the sole assumption that no large-scale reliable quantum storage is available to the cheating party. We construct novel protocols for oblivious transfer and bit commitment, and prove that realistic noise levels provide security even against the most general attack. Such unconditional results were previously only known in the so-called bounded-storage model which is a special case of our setting. Our protocols can be implemented with present-day hardware used for quantum key distribution. In particular, no quantum storage is required for the honest parties.Comment: 25 pages (IEEE two column), 13 figures, v4: published version (to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory), including bit wise min-entropy sampling. however, for experimental purposes block sampling can be much more convenient, please see v3 arxiv version if needed. See arXiv:0911.2302 for a companion paper addressing aspects of a practical implementation using block samplin

    On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of the Degraded Wiretapped Binary Erasure Channel

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    We study oblivious transfer (OT) between Alice and Bob in the presence of an eavesdropper Eve over a degraded wiretapped binary erasure channel from Alice to Bob and Eve. In addition to the privacy goals of oblivious transfer between Alice and Bob, we require privacy of Alice and Bob's private data from Eve. In previous work we derived the OT capacity (in the honest-but-curious model) of the wiretapped binary independent erasure channel where the erasure processes of Bob and Eve are independent. Here we derive a lower bound on the OT capacity in the same secrecy model when the wiretapped binary erasure channel is degraded in favour of Bob.Comment: To be presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT 2015), Hong Kon