8 research outputs found

    Multimodal Attention Networks for Low-Level Vision-and-Language Navigation

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    Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a challenging task in which an agent needs to follow a language-specified path to reach a target destination. The goal gets even harder as the actions available to the agent get simpler and move towards low-level, atomic interactions with the environment. This setting takes the name of low-level VLN. In this paper, we strive for the creation of an agent able to tackle three key issues: multi-modality, long-term dependencies, and adaptability towards different locomotive settings. To that end, we devise "Perceive, Transform, and Act" (PTA): a fully-attentive VLN architecture that leaves the recurrent approach behind and the first Transformer-like architecture incorporating three different modalities -- natural language, images, and low-level actions for the agent control. In particular, we adopt an early fusion strategy to merge lingual and visual information efficiently in our encoder. We then propose to refine the decoding phase with a late fusion extension between the agent's history of actions and the perceptual modalities. We experimentally validate our model on two datasets: PTA achieves promising results in low-level VLN on R2R and achieves good performance in the recently proposed R4R benchmark. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/aimagelab/perceive-transform-and-act

    Vital information matching in vision-and-language navigation

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    With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, many researchers have begun to focus on visual language navigation, which is one of the most important tasks in multi-modal machine learning. The focus of this multi-modal field is how to fuse multiple inputs, which is crucial for the integrated feedback of intrinsic information. However, the existing models are only implemented through simple data augmentation or expansion, and are obviously far from being able to tap the intrinsic relationship between modalities. In this paper, to overcome these challenges, a novel multi-modal matching feedback self-tuning model is proposed, which is a novel neural network called Vital Information Matching Feedback Self-tuning Network (VIM-Net). Our VIM-Net network is mainly composed of two matching feedback modules, a visual matching feedback module (V-mat) and a trajectory matching feedback module (T-mat). Specifically, V-mat matches the target information of visual recognition with the entity information extracted by the command; T-mat matches the serialized trajectory feature with the direction of movement of the command. Ablation experiments and comparative experiments are conducted on the proposed model using the Matterport3D simulator and the Room-to-Room (R2R) benchmark datasets, and the final navigation effect is shown in detail. The results prove that the model proposed in this paper is indeed effective on the task

    Target-Driven Structured Transformer Planner for Vision-Language Navigation

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    Vision-language navigation is the task of directing an embodied agent to navigate in 3D scenes with natural language instructions. For the agent, inferring the long-term navigation target from visual-linguistic clues is crucial for reliable path planning, which, however, has rarely been studied before in literature. In this article, we propose a Target-Driven Structured Transformer Planner (TD-STP) for long-horizon goal-guided and room layout-aware navigation. Specifically, we devise an Imaginary Scene Tokenization mechanism for explicit estimation of the long-term target (even located in unexplored environments). In addition, we design a Structured Transformer Planner which elegantly incorporates the explored room layout into a neural attention architecture for structured and global planning. Experimental results demonstrate that our TD-STP substantially improves previous best methods' success rate by 2% and 5% on the test set of R2R and REVERIE benchmarks, respectively. Our code is available at https://github.com/YushengZhao/TD-STP

    Learning Point-Language Hierarchical Alignment for 3D Visual Grounding

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    This paper presents a novel hierarchical alignment model (HAM) that learns multi-granularity visual and linguistic representations in an end-to-end manner. We extract key points and proposal points to model 3D contexts and instances, and propose point-language alignment with context modulation (PLACM) mechanism, which learns to gradually align word-level and sentence-level linguistic embeddings with visual representations, while the modulation with the visual context captures latent informative relationships. To further capture both global and local relationships, we propose a spatially multi-granular modeling scheme that applies PLACM to both global and local fields. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of HAM, with visualized results showing that it can dynamically model fine-grained visual and linguistic representations. HAM outperforms existing methods by a significant margin and achieves state-of-the-art performance on two publicly available datasets, and won the championship in ECCV 2022 ScanRefer challenge. Code is available at~\url{https://github.com/PPjmchen/HAM}.Comment: Champion on ECCV 2022 ScanRefer Challeng

    ETPNav: Evolving Topological Planning for Vision-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments

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    Vision-language navigation is a task that requires an agent to follow instructions to navigate in environments. It becomes increasingly crucial in the field of embodied AI, with potential applications in autonomous navigation, search and rescue, and human-robot interaction. In this paper, we propose to address a more practical yet challenging counterpart setting - vision-language navigation in continuous environments (VLN-CE). To develop a robust VLN-CE agent, we propose a new navigation framework, ETPNav, which focuses on two critical skills: 1) the capability to abstract environments and generate long-range navigation plans, and 2) the ability of obstacle-avoiding control in continuous environments. ETPNav performs online topological mapping of environments by self-organizing predicted waypoints along a traversed path, without prior environmental experience. It privileges the agent to break down the navigation procedure into high-level planning and low-level control. Concurrently, ETPNav utilizes a transformer-based cross-modal planner to generate navigation plans based on topological maps and instructions. The plan is then performed through an obstacle-avoiding controller that leverages a trial-and-error heuristic to prevent navigation from getting stuck in obstacles. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. ETPNav yields more than 10% and 20% improvements over prior state-of-the-art on R2R-CE and RxR-CE datasets, respectively. Our code is available at https://github.com/MarSaKi/ETPNav.Comment: Project page: https://github.com/MarSaKi/ETPNa

    From Vision-Language Multimodal Learning Towards Embodied Agents

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    To build machine agents with intelligent capabilities mimicking human perception and cognition, vision and language stand out as two essential modalities and foster computer vision and natural language processing. Advances in such realms stimulate research in vision-language multimodal learning that allows optical and linguistic inputs and outputs. Due to the innate difference between the two modalities and the lack of large-scale fine-grained annotations, multimodal agents tend to inherit unimodal shortcuts. In this thesis, we develop various solutions to intervene unimodal shortcuts for multimodal generation and reasoning. For visual shortcuts, we introduce a linguistic prior and devise a syntax-aware action targeting module for dynamic description to rectify the correlation between subject and object in a sentence. We apply concept hierarchy and propose a visual superordinate abstraction framework for unbiased concept learning to reduce the correlation among different attributes of an object. For linguistic shortcuts, we disentangle the topic and syntax to reduce the repetition in generated paragraph descriptions for a given image. With the ubiquity of large-scale pre-trained models, we leverage self-supervised learning in finetuning process to increase the robustness of multimodal reasoning. The rapid development in multimodal learning promises embodied agents capable of interacting with physical environments. This thesis studies the typical embodied task vision-and-language navigation in discrete scenarios and proposes an episodic scene memory (ESceme) mechanism to balance generalization and efficiency. We figure out one desirable instantiation of the mechanism, namely candidate enhancing, and validate its superiority in various settings. Without extra time and computational cost before inference, ESceme improves performance in unseen environments by a large margin. We hope our findings can inspire more practical explorations on episodic memory in embodied AI

    Grounded Semantic Reasoning for Robotic Interaction with Real-World Objects

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    Robots are increasingly transitioning from specialized, single-task machines to general-purpose systems that operate in unstructured environments, such as homes, offices, and warehouses. In these real-world domains, robots need to manipulate novel objects while adapting to changes in environments and goals. Semantic knowledge, which concisely describes target domains with symbols, can potentially reveal the meaningful patterns shared between problems and environments. However, existing robots are yet to effectively reason about semantic data encoding complex relational knowledge or jointly reason about symbolic semantic data and multimodal data pertinent to robotic manipulation (e.g., object point clouds, 6-DoF poses, and attributes detected with multimodal sensing). This dissertation develops semantic reasoning frameworks capable of modeling complex semantic knowledge grounded in robot perception and action. We show that grounded semantic reasoning enables robots to more effectively perceive, model, and interact with objects in real-world environments. Specifically, this dissertation makes the following contributions: (1) a survey providing a unified view for the diversity of works in the field by formulating semantic reasoning as the integration of knowledge sources, computational frameworks, and world representations; (2) a method for predicting missing relations in large-scale knowledge graphs by leveraging type hierarchies of entities, effectively avoiding ambiguity while maintaining generalization of multi-hop reasoning patterns; (3) a method for predicting unknown properties of objects in various environmental contexts, outperforming prior knowledge graph and statistical relational learning methods due to the use of n-ary relations for modeling object properties; (4) a method for purposeful robotic grasping that accounts for a broad range of contexts (including object visual affordance, material, state, and task constraint), outperforming existing approaches in novel contexts and for unknown objects; (5) a systematic investigation into the generalization of task-oriented grasping that includes a benchmark dataset of 250k grasps, and a novel graph neural network that incorporates semantic relations into end-to-end learning of 6-DoF grasps; (6) a method for rearranging novel objects into semantically meaningful spatial structures based on high-level language instructions, more effectively capturing multi-object spatial constraints than existing pairwise spatial representations; (7) a novel planning-inspired approach that iteratively optimizes placements of partially observed objects subject to both physical constraints and semantic constraints inferred from language instructions.Ph.D