2 research outputs found

    Object-Oriented Programming for Massively Parallel Machines

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    Large, robust massively parallel programs that are understandable (and therefore maintainable) are not yet a reality. Such programs require a programming methodology that minimizes the conceptual differences between the program and the domain addressed by the program, encourages reusability, and still produces robust programs that are readily maintained and reasoned about. This paper proposes the parallel object-oriented model. The model is constructed from an object-oriented methodology augmented by constructs and semantics for parallel processing, and satisfies the requirements for building large parallel applications. It presents a unique way of representing object references and of managing concurrent access to objects. The methodology may be extended for a wide range of computing platforms and application areas. Keywords: Object-oriented, parallel methodologies A version of this paper is to appear in the ICPP '91 proceedings. 1 Introduction Massively parallel processors (MPPs) ..