47,282 research outputs found

    The RGB-D Triathlon: Towards Agile Visual Toolboxes for Robots

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    Deep networks have brought significant advances in robot perception, enabling to improve the capabilities of robots in several visual tasks, ranging from object detection and recognition to pose estimation, semantic scene segmentation and many others. Still, most approaches typically address visual tasks in isolation, resulting in overspecialized models which achieve strong performances in specific applications but work poorly in other (often related) tasks. This is clearly sub-optimal for a robot which is often required to perform simultaneously multiple visual recognition tasks in order to properly act and interact with the environment. This problem is exacerbated by the limited computational and memory resources typically available onboard to a robotic platform. The problem of learning flexible models which can handle multiple tasks in a lightweight manner has recently gained attention in the computer vision community and benchmarks supporting this research have been proposed. In this work we study this problem in the robot vision context, proposing a new benchmark, the RGB-D Triathlon, and evaluating state of the art algorithms in this novel challenging scenario. We also define a new evaluation protocol, better suited to the robot vision setting. Results shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches and on open issues, suggesting directions for future research.Comment: This work has been submitted to IROS/RAL 201

    Improving Semantic Embedding Consistency by Metric Learning for Zero-Shot Classification

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    This paper addresses the task of zero-shot image classification. The key contribution of the proposed approach is to control the semantic embedding of images -- one of the main ingredients of zero-shot learning -- by formulating it as a metric learning problem. The optimized empirical criterion associates two types of sub-task constraints: metric discriminating capacity and accurate attribute prediction. This results in a novel expression of zero-shot learning not requiring the notion of class in the training phase: only pairs of image/attributes, augmented with a consistency indicator, are given as ground truth. At test time, the learned model can predict the consistency of a test image with a given set of attributes , allowing flexible ways to produce recognition inferences. Despite its simplicity, the proposed approach gives state-of-the-art results on four challenging datasets used for zero-shot recognition evaluation.Comment: in ECCV 2016, Oct 2016, amsterdam, Netherlands. 201

    Worst-Case Linear Discriminant Analysis as Scalable Semidefinite Feasibility Problems

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    In this paper, we propose an efficient semidefinite programming (SDP) approach to worst-case linear discriminant analysis (WLDA). Compared with the traditional LDA, WLDA considers the dimensionality reduction problem from the worst-case viewpoint, which is in general more robust for classification. However, the original problem of WLDA is non-convex and difficult to optimize. In this paper, we reformulate the optimization problem of WLDA into a sequence of semidefinite feasibility problems. To efficiently solve the semidefinite feasibility problems, we design a new scalable optimization method with quasi-Newton methods and eigen-decomposition being the core components. The proposed method is orders of magnitude faster than standard interior-point based SDP solvers. Experiments on a variety of classification problems demonstrate that our approach achieves better performance than standard LDA. Our method is also much faster and more scalable than standard interior-point SDP solvers based WLDA. The computational complexity for an SDP with mm constraints and matrices of size dd by dd is roughly reduced from O(m3+md3+m2d2)\mathcal{O}(m^3+md^3+m^2d^2) to O(d3)\mathcal{O}(d^3) (m>dm>d in our case).Comment: 14 page

    Deep metric learning to rank

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    We propose a novel deep metric learning method by revisiting the learning to rank approach. Our method, named FastAP, optimizes the rank-based Average Precision measure, using an approximation derived from distance quantization. FastAP has a low complexity compared to existing methods, and is tailored for stochastic gradient descent. To fully exploit the benefits of the ranking formulation, we also propose a new minibatch sampling scheme, as well as a simple heuristic to enable large-batch training. On three few-shot image retrieval datasets, FastAP consistently outperforms competing methods, which often involve complex optimization heuristics or costly model ensembles.Accepted manuscrip
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