748 research outputs found

    Single-object Imaging and Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Single-object imaging and spectroscopy on telescopes with apertures ranging from ~4 m to 40 m have the potential to greatly enhance the cosmological constraints that can be obtained from LSST. Two major cosmological probes will benefit greatly from LSST follow-up: accurate spectrophotometry for nearby and distant Type Ia supernovae will expand the cosmological distance lever arm by unlocking the constraining power of high-z supernovae; and cosmology with time delays of strongly-lensed supernovae and quasars will require additional high-cadence imaging to supplement LSST, adaptive optics imaging or spectroscopy for accurate lens and source positions, and IFU or slit spectroscopy to measure detailed properties of lens systems. We highlight the scientific impact of these two science drivers, and discuss how additional resources will benefit them. For both science cases, LSST will deliver a large sample of objects over both the wide and deep fields in the LSST survey, but additional data to characterize both individual systems and overall systematics will be key to ensuring robust cosmological inference to high redshifts. Community access to large amounts of natural-seeing imaging on ~2-4 m telescopes, adaptive optics imaging and spectroscopy on 8-40 m telescopes, and high-throughput single-target spectroscopy on 4-40 m telescopes will be necessary for LSST time domain cosmology to reach its full potential. In two companion white papers we present the additional gains for LSST cosmology that will come from deep and from wide-field multi-object spectroscopy.Comment: Submitted to the call for Astro2020 science white paper

    Supergrowth and sub-wavelength object imaging

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    We further develop the concept of supergrowth [Jordan, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. 7\textbf{7}, 285-292 (2020)], a phenomenon complementary to superoscillation, defined as the local amplitude growth rate of a function being higher than its largest wavenumber. We identify the superoscillating and supergrowing regions of a canonical oscillatory function and find the maximum values of local growth rate and wavenumber. Next, we provide a quantitative comparison of lengths and relevant intensities between the superoscillating and the supergrowing regions of a canonical oscillatory function. Our analysis shows that the supergrowing regions contain intensities that are exponentially larger in terms of the highest local wavenumber compared to the superoscillating regions. Finally, we prescribe methods to reconstruct a sub-wavelength object from the imaging data using both superoscillatory and supergrowing point spread functions. Our investigation provides an experimentally preferable alternative to the superoscillation based superresolution schemes and is relevant to cutting-edge research in far-field sub-wavelength imaging.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Enhanced Thermal Object Imaging by Photon Addition or Subtraction

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    Long-baseline interferometry (LBI) is used to reconstruct the image of faint thermal objects. The image quality, for a given exposure time, is in general limited by a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We show theoretically that a significant increase of the SNR, in a LBI, is possible by adding or subtracting photons to the thermal beam. At low photon counts, photon addition-subtraction technology strongly enhances the image quality. We have experimentally realized a nondeterministic physical protocol for photon subtraction. Our theoretical predictions are supported by experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    J- and Ks-band Galaxy Counts and Color Distributions in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole Field

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    We present the J- and Ks-band galaxy counts and galaxy colors covering 750 square arcminutes in the deep AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) field, using the FLoridA Multi-object Imaging Near-ir Grism Observational Spectrometer (FLAMINGOS) on the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 2.1m telescope. The limiting magnitudes with a signal-to-noise ratio of three in the deepest regions are 21.85 and 20.15 in the J- and Ks-bands respectively in the Vega magnitude system. The J- and Ks-band galaxy counts in the AKARI NEP field are broadly in good agreement with those of other results in the literature, however we find some indication of a change in the galaxy number count slope at J~19.5 and over the magnitude range 18.0 < Ks < 19.5. We interpret this feature as a change in the dominant population at these magnitudes because we also find an associated change in the B - Ks color distribution at these magnitudes where the number of blue samples in the magnitude range 18.5 < Ks < 19.5 is significantly larger than that of Ks < 17.5

    Integrated Sensing and Communications for 3D Object Imaging via Bilinear Inference

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    We consider an uplink integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) scenario where the detection of data symbols from multiple user equipment (UEs) occurs simultaneously with a three-dimensional (3D) estimation of the environment, extracted from the scattering features present in the channel state information (CSI) and utilizing the same physical layer communications air interface, as opposed to radar technologies. By exploiting a discrete (voxelated) representation of the environment, two novel ISAC schemes are derived with purpose-built message passing (MP) rules for the joint estimation of data symbols and status (filled/empty) of the discretized environment. The first relies on a modular feedback structure in which the data symbols and the environment are estimated alternately, whereas the second leverages a bilinear inference framework to estimate both variables concurrently. Both contributed methods are shown via simulations to outperform the state-of-the-art (SotA) in accurately recovering the transmitted data as well as the 3D image of the environment. An analysis of the computational complexities of the proposed methods reveals distinct advantages of each scheme, namely, that the bilinear solution exhibits a superior robustness to short pilots and channel blockages, while the alternating solution offers lower complexity with large number of UEs and superior performance in ideal conditions
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