7 research outputs found

    Numerical modular symbols for elliptic curves

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    We present a detailed analysis of how to implement the computation of modular symbols for a given elliptic curve by using numerical approximations. This method turns out to be more effcient than current implementations as the conductor of the curve increases

    Numerical modular symbols for elliptic curves

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    We present a detailed analysis of how to implement the computation of modular symbols for a given elliptic curve by using numerical approximations. This method turns out to be more effcient than current implementations as the conductor of the curve increases

    Integrality of twisted L-values of elliptic curves

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    Under suitable, fairly weak hypotheses on an elliptic curve E/QE/\mathbb{Q} and a primitive non-trivial Dirichlet character Ο‡\chi, we show that the algebraic LL-value L(E,Ο‡)\mathscr{L}(E,\chi) at s=1s=1 is an algebraic integer. For instance, for semistable curves L(E,Ο‡)\mathscr{L}(E,\chi) is integral whenever EE admits no isogenies defined over Q\mathbb{Q}. Moreover we give examples illustrating that our hypotheses are necessary for integrality to hold

    Mordell-Weil group as Galois modules

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    We study the action of the Galois group GG of a finite extension K/kK/k of number fields on the points on an elliptic curve EE. For an odd prime pp, we aim to determine the structure of the pp-adic completion of the Mordell-Weil group E(K)E(K) as a Zp[G]\mathbb{Z}_p[G]-module only using information of EE over kk and the completions of KK

    Complete verification of strong BSD for many modular abelian surfaces over Q\mathbf{Q}

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    We develop the theory and algorithms necessary to be able to verify the strong Birch--Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture for absolutely simple modular abelian varieties over Q\mathbf{Q}. We apply our methods to all 28 Atkin--Lehner quotients of X0(N)X_0(N) of genus 22, all 97 genus 22 curves from the LMFDB whose Jacobian is of this type and six further curves originally found by Wang. We are able to verify the strong BSD Conjecture unconditionally and exactly in all these cases; this is the first time that strong BSD has been confirmed for absolutely simple abelian varieties of dimension at least 22. We also give an example where we verify that the order of the Tate--Shafarevich group is 727^2 and agrees with the order predicted by the BSD Conjecture.Comment: 94 page

    Numerical modular symbols for elliptic curves

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