13 research outputs found

    Establishment of computerized numerical databases on thermophysical and other properties of molten as well as solid materials and data evaluation and validation for generating recommended reliable reference data

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    The Center for Information and Numerical Data Analysis and Synthesis, (CINDAS), measures and maintains databases on thermophysical, thermoradiative, mechanical, optical, electronic, ablation, and physical properties of materials. Emphasis is on aerospace structural materials especially composites and on infrared detector/sensor materials. Within CINDAS, the Department of Defense sponsors at Purdue several centers: the High Temperature Material Information Analysis Center (HTMIAC), the Ceramics Information Analysis Center (CIAC) and the Metals Information Analysis Center (MIAC). The responsibilities of CINDAS are extremely broad encompassing basic and applied research, measurement of the properties of thin wires and thin foils as well as bulk materials, acquisition and search of world-wide literature, critical evaluation of data, generation of estimated values to fill data voids, investigation of constitutive, structural, processing, environmental, and rapid heating and loading effects, and dissemination of data. Liquids, gases, molten materials and solids are all considered. The responsibility of maintaining widely used databases includes data evaluation, analysis, correlation, and synthesis. Material property data recorded on the literature are often conflicting, diverging, and subject to large uncertainties. It is admittedly difficult to accurately measure materials properties. Systematic and random errors both enter. Some errors result from lack of characterization of the material itself (impurity effects). In some cases assumed boundary conditions corresponding to a theoretical model are not obtained in the experiments. Stray heat flows and losses must be accounted for. Some experimental methods are inappropriate and in other cases appropriate methods are carried out with poor technique. Conflicts in data may be resolved by curve fitting of the data to theoretical or empirical models or correlation in terms of various affecting parameters. Reasons (e.g. phase transitions) must be found for unusual dependence or any anomaly. Such critical evaluation involves knowledge of theory, experience in measurement, familiarity with metallurgy (microstructural behavior) and not inconsiderable judgment. An examination of typical data compiled and analyzed by CINDAS shows that the thermal conductivity of a material reported in the literature may vary by a factor of two of more; the range of reported values increases as temperature increases reflecting the difficulty of high temperature measurements. Often only estimates of melt behavior are available, despite the importance of melt properties in modeling, welding, or other solidification processes. There may be only a few measurements available for properties such as kinematic viscosity, even for widely used materials such as stainless steel. In the face of such a paucity of existing data and in a national environment where too few new data are being generated it is nonetheless the responsibility of CINDAS to select and disseminate recommended values of a wide variety of thermophysical properties

    Workshop on the Thermophysical Properties of Molten Materials

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    The role of accurate thermophysical property data in the process design and modeling of solidification processes was the subject of a workshop held on 22-23 Oct. 1992 in Cleveland, Ohio. The workshop was divided into three sequential sessions dealing with (1) industrial needs and priorities for thermophysical data, (2) experimental capabilities for measuring the necessary data, and (3) theoretical capabilities for predicting the necessary data. In addition, a 2-hour panel discussion of the salient issues was featured as well as a 2-hour caucus that assessed priorities and identified action plans

    Electrostatic levitation technology for thermophysical properties of molten materials

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    Measurements of thermophysical properties of undercooled liquids often require some kind of levitator which isolates samples from container walls. We introduce in this presentation a high temperature/high vacuum electrostatic levitator (HTHVESL) which promises some unique capabilities for the studies of thermophysical properties of molten materials. Although substantial progress has been made in the past several months, this technology is still in the development stage, therefore, in this presentation we only focus on the present state of the HTHVESL(1) and point out other capabilities which might be realized in the near future

    Cryocycling of energetic materials. Final report

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    Development and test of a method for the simultaneous measurement of heat capacity and thermal diffusivity by laser-flash technique at very high temperatures: application to uranium dioxide

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    The "classical" laser-flash method is today the most used technique to measure the thermal diffusivity of a wide range of materials. This work describes the development of a new technique, based on the laser-flash method, which measures simultaneously on the same sample with an absolute method the thermal diffusivity and the specific heat, and its application to a number of high melting-point refractory materials. In this work, a new data processing procedure, which takes radiative and conductive heat losses into consideration, is introduced, and the thermal diffusivity, a, and specific heat, cp are determined by fitting the entire experimental transient temperature curve. The thermal conductivity is then calculated from the measured a and cp values via the relationship = apcP, where p is the density of the material. For the calculation the measured room temperature values of p corrected to the temperature of interest via literature data on thermal expansion are used. The new technique is applied to measure the specific heat, thermal diffusivity of POCO AXM 5Q graphite, zirconium dioxide and uranium dioxide (materials of scientific and technological interest) at very high temperatures (above 1800K) from which thermal conductivity values can be calculated. The values obtained, having a precision of ~2% in the case of the thermal diffusivity, and ~7% for the specific heat and the thermal conductivity, are discussed and compared with literature data. The results obtained for uranium dioxide are used for a critical analysis of the physical mechanisms underlying the heat transport in this material

    Computer modeling the fatigue crack growth rate behavior of metals in corrosive environments

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    The objective of this task was to develop a method to digitize FCP (fatigue crack propagation) kinetics data, generally presented in terms of extensive da/dN-Delta K pairs, to produce a file for subsequent linear superposition or curve-fitting analysis. The method that was developed is specific to the Numonics 2400 Digitablet and is comparable to commercially available software products as Digimatic(sup TM 4). Experiments demonstrated that the errors introduced by the photocopying of literature data, and digitization, are small compared to those inherent in laboratory methods to characterize FCP in benign and aggressive environments. The digitizing procedure was employed to obtain fifteen crack growth rate data sets for several aerospace alloys in aggressive environments

    Development of Tailorable Electrically Conductive Thermal Control Material Systems

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    The optical characteristics of surfaces on spacecraft are fundamental parameters in controlling its temperature. Passive thermal control coatings with designed solar absorptance and infrared emittance properties have been developed and have been in use for some time. In this total space environment, the coating must be stable and maintain its desired optical properties as well as mechanical properties for the course of the mission lifetime. The mission lifetimes are increasing and in our quest to save weight, newer substrates are being integrated which limit electrical grounding schemes. All of this has added to already existing concerns about spacecraft charging and related spacecraft failures or operational failures. The concern is even greater for thermal control surfaces that are very large. One way of alleviating such concerns is to design new thermal control material systems (TCMS) that can help to mitigate charging via providing charge leakage paths. The objective of this program was to develop two types of passive electrically conductive TCMS. The first was a highly absorbing/emitting black surface and the second was a low (alpha(sub s)/epsilon(sub N)) type white surface. The surface resistance goals for the black absorber was 10(exp 4) to 10(exp 9) Omega/square, and for the white surfaces it was 10(exp 6) to 10(exp 10) Omega/square. Several material system concepts were suggested and evaluated for space environment stability and electrical performance characterization. Our efforts in designing and evaluating these material systems have resulted in several developments. New concepts, pigments and binders have been developed to provide new engineering quality TCMS. Some of these have already found application on space hardware, some are waiting to be recognized by thermal designers, and some require further detailed studies to become state-of-the-art for future space hardware and space structures. Our studies on baseline state-of-the-art materials and conductive concepts have resulted in several important findings that are of interest to all thermal designers and systems integrators

    Numerical databases on materials property data at CINDAS/Purdue University

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