943 research outputs found

    Numerical calculation of the runaway electron distribution function and associated synchrotron emission

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    Synchrotron emission from runaway electrons may be used to diagnose plasma conditions during a tokamak disruption, but solving this inverse problem requires rapid simulation of the electron distribution function and associated synchrotron emission as a function of plasma parameters. Here we detail a framework for this forward calculation, beginning with an efficient numerical method for solving the Fokker-Planck equation in the presence of an electric field of arbitrary strength. The approach is continuum (Eulerian), and we employ a relativistic collision operator, valid for arbitrary energies. Both primary and secondary runaway electron generation are included. For cases in which primary generation dominates, a time-independent formulation of the problem is described, requiring only the solution of a single sparse linear system. In the limit of dominant secondary generation, we present the first numerical verification of an analytic model for the distribution function. The numerical electron distribution function in the presence of both primary and secondary generation is then used for calculating the synchrotron emission spectrum of the runaways. It is found that the average synchrotron spectra emitted from realistic distribution functions are not well approximated by the emission of a single electron at the maximum energy

    Spatiotemporal evolution of runaway electrons from synchrotron images in Alcator C-Mod

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    In the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, relativistic runaway electron (RE) generation can occur during the flattop current phase of low density, diverted plasma discharges. Due to the high toroidal magnetic field (B = 5.4 T), RE synchrotron radiation is measured by a wide-view camera in the visible wavelength range (~400-900 nm). In this paper, a statistical analysis of over one thousand camera images is performed to investigate the plasma conditions under which synchrotron emission is observed in C-Mod. In addition, the spatiotemporal evolution of REs during one particular discharge is explored in detail via a thorough analysis of the distortion-corrected synchrotron images. To accurately predict RE energies, the kinetic solver CODE [Landreman et al 2014 Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 847-855] is used to evolve the electron momentum-space distribution at six locations throughout the plasma: the magnetic axis and flux surfaces q = 1, 4/3, 3/2, 2, and 3. These results, along with the experimentally-measured magnetic topology and camera geometry, are input into the synthetic diagnostic SOFT [Hoppe et al 2018 Nucl. Fusion 58 026032] to simulate synchrotron emission and detection. Interesting spatial structure near the surface q = 2 is found to coincide with the onset of a locked mode and increased MHD activity. Furthermore, the RE density profile evolution is fit by comparing experimental to synthetic images, providing important insight into RE spatiotemporal dynamics

    Interpretation of runaway electron synchrotron and bremsstrahlung images

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    The crescent spot shape observed in DIII-D runaway electron synchrotron radiation images is shown to result from the high degree of anisotropy in the emitted radiation, the finite spectral range of the camera and the distribution of runaways. The finite spectral camera range is found to be particularly important, as the radiation from the high-field side can be stronger by a factor 10610^6 than the radiation from the low-field side in DIII-D. By combining a kinetic model of the runaway dynamics with a synthetic synchrotron diagnostic we see that physical processes not described by the kinetic model (such as radial transport) are likely to be limiting the energy of the runaways. We show that a population of runaways with lower dominant energies and larger pitch-angles than those predicted by the kinetic model provide a better match to the synchrotron measurements. Using a new synthetic bremsstrahlung diagnostic we also simulate the view of the Gamma Ray Imager (GRI) diagnostic used at DIII-D to resolve the spatial distribution of runaway-generated bremsstrahlung.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Dynamics of positrons during relativistic electron runaway

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    Sufficiently strong electric fields in plasmas can accelerate charged particles to relativistic energies. In this paper we describe the dynamics of positrons accelerated in such electric fields, and calculate the fraction of created positrons that become runaway accelerated, along with the amount of radiation that they emit. We derive an analytical formula that shows the relative importance of the different positron production processes, and show that above a certain threshold electric field the pair production by photons is lower than that by collisions. We furthermore present analytical and numerical solutions to the positron kinetic equation; these are applied to calculate the fraction of positrons that become accelerated or thermalized, which enters into rate equations that describe the evolution of the density of the slow and fast positron populations. Finally, to indicate operational parameters required for positron detection during runaway in tokamak discharges, we give expressions for the parameter dependencies of detected annihilation radiation compared to bremsstrahlung detected at an angle perpendicular to the direction of runaway acceleration. Using the full leading order pair production cross section, we demonstrate that previous related work has overestimated the collisional pair production by at least a factor of four

    Spatiotemporal analysis of the runaway distribution function from synchrotron images in an ASDEX Upgrade disruption

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    Synchrotron radiation images from runaway electrons (REs) in an ASDEX Upgrade discharge disrupted by argon injection are analysed using the synchrotron diagnostic tool Soft and coupled fluid-kinetic simulations. We show that the evolution of the runaway distribution is well described by an initial hot-tail seed population, which is accelerated to energies between 25-50 MeV during the current quench, together with an avalanche runaway tail which has an exponentially decreasing energy spectrum. We find that, although the avalanche component carries the vast majority of the current, it is the high-energy seed remnant that dominates synchrotron emission. With insights from the fluid-kinetic simulations, an analytic model for the evolution of the runaway seed component is developed and used to reconstruct the radial density profile of the RE beam. The analysis shows that the observed change of the synchrotron pattern from circular to crescent shape is caused by a rapid redistribution of the radial profile of the runaway density
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