42 research outputs found

    Vulcanization degree influence on the mechanical properties of Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators made with reactivated EPDM

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    Rubber is well known as the basic material for some structural devices, such as seaport fenders and seismic isolators. In practice, to seismically isolate a structure it is necessary to interpose between the foundation and the superstructure a rubber device that increases the period of the superstructure, a feature that allows the structure to be “transparent” to the seismic excitation. A seismic isolator is constituted typically by a package of several rubber pads 1–2 cm thick vertically interspersed with either steel laminas or FRP dry textiles suitably treated. In this latter case the isolator is called FREI (Fiber Reinforced Elastomeric Isolator). FREIs exhibit light weight, easy installation and low cost. In this study, recycled rubber in the form of reactivated EPDM has been used to produce very low cost FREIs, combined with glass fiber reinforcement. To be ready for structural application, the rubber used must be vulcanized correctly to properly create the polymer crosslinking. However, all rubber mechanical properties are strongly affected by curing temperature and curing time. Here, the mechanical properties of a typology of FREI conceived and produced by the authors in prototypes are evaluated through a series of experimental tests and numerical computations, taking into account the different levels of vulcanization degree. Shore A hardness test, uniaxial tensile test, and relaxation test have been conducted and verified through Finite Element (FE) modeling. All collected data allow to precisely determine the curing time and temperature to use in the industrial production to obtain optimal output mechanical properties for FREIs

    Dynamic stiffness and damping prediction on rubber material parts, FEA and experimental correlation

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    The final objective of the present work is the accurate prediction of the dynamic stiffness behaviour of complex rubber parts using finite element simulation tools. For this purpose, it becomes necessary to perform a complex rubber compound material characterisation and modelling work; this needs two important previous steps. These steps are detailed in the present document together with a theoretical review of viscoelastic visco-elasto-plastic models for elastomers. Firstly, a new characterisation method is proposed to determine the degree of cure of rubber parts. It is known that the degree of cure of rubbers bears heavily on their mechanical properties. This method consists of the correlation of swelling results to rheometer data achieving a good agreement. Secondly, the influence of the strain rate used in static characterisation tests is studied. In this step, a new characterisation method is proposed. The latter characterisation method will be used to fit extended hyperelastic models in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software like ANSYS. The proposed method improves the correlation of experimental data to simulation results obtained by the use of standard methods. Finally, the overlay method proposed by Austrell concerning frequency dependence of the dynamic modulus and loss angle that is known to increase more with frequency for small amplitudes than for large amplitudes is developed. The original version of the overlay method yields no difference in frequency dependence with respect to different load amplitudes. However, if the element in the viscoelastic layer of the finite element model are given different stiffness and loss properties depending on the loading amplitude level, frequency dependence is shown to be more accurate compared to experiments. The commercial finite element program Ansys is used to model an industrial metal rubber part using two layers of elements. One layer is a hyper viscoelastic layer and the other layer uses an elasto-plastic model with a multi-linear kinematic hardening rule. The model, being intended for stationary cyclic loading, shows good agreement with measurements on the harmonically loaded industrial rubber part

    Development of rubber–thermoplastic blends from ground tyre rubber and waste polypropylene

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    The aim of this thesis was to develop and process viable rubber–thermoplastics blends from ground tyre rubber (GTR) and waste polypropylene (WPP). The use of WPP with waste rubber in blends is novel, although limited studies have been carried out on virgin polypropylene (PP)–waste rubber blends. The Delink pretreatment for the GTR is also a novel technique used for property enhancement. To achieve the aim, a number of GTR/WPP blends were prepared, in different blend compositions (from 0 to 100 wt% of each polymer), at different processing parameters, and with two compatibilizing systems. One system called dimaleimide contained N-N' meta-phenylene dimaleimide (HVA-2) as the compatibilizer and either di(tert-butylperoxyisopropyl) benzene (DTBPIB) or 2-2'-dithiobenzothiazole (MBTS) as an activator. The other system contained phenolic resin compatibilizer (SP 1045H resin) and stannous chloride (SnCl2) activator in two forms: anhydrous and dihydrated. The compatibilizer level varied from 0 to 5 pphp, while the activator level varied from 0 to 1 pphp. [Continues.

    Thermoplastic Vulcanizate Nanocomposites Based on Polypropylene/Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymer (PP/EPDM) Prepared by Reactive Extrusion

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    Les Ă©lastomĂšres thermoplastiques (TPEs) reprĂ©sentent un groupe important de matĂ©riaux polymĂšres, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment des mĂ©langes de polymĂšres, qui possĂšdent un comportement Ă©lastique similaire aux matĂ©riaux caoutchouteux mais contiennent des liens thermorĂ©versibles les rendant faciles Ă  manipuler via des procĂ©dĂ©s de traitement des thermoplastiques. Une catĂ©gorie importante de TPEs consiste en des matĂ©riaux Ă  base de polyolĂ©fine, dont de polypropylĂšne (PP) et de terpolymĂšre Ă©thylĂšne-propylĂšne-diĂšne (EPDM) qui sont connus dans le marchĂ© pour leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s physique et mĂ©canique intĂ©ressantes obtenues grĂące Ă  leur faible tension interfaciale (~0.3 mN/m) et Ă  leur compatibilitĂ© de phase. Durant les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies les mĂ©langes d’EPDM/PP ont, en raison de l’importance commerciale, attirĂ© l’attention des milieux industriels et acadĂ©miques afin d’amĂ©liorer leur comportement Ă©lastique et /ou leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s techniques, et Ă©tendre leurs champs d’application. Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse principalement Ă  l’usage des nanotechnologies par l’incorporation de la nano-argile dans la phase thermoplastique de ces matĂ©riaux. Elle Ă©tudie l’effet de diffĂ©rents niveaux de dispersion de la nano-argile sur la co-continuitĂ© des mĂ©langes rĂ©actifs et la liaison interfaciale des mĂ©langes prĂ©parĂ©s par l’extrusion rĂ©active. De plus, la recherche portĂ©e dans ce travail a aussi pour but de dĂ©terminer le comportement Ă©lastique de ces mĂ©langes en prĂ©sence de la nano-argile et cela en relation avec le niveau de dispersion de ces particules dans les mĂ©langes. Par consĂ©quent, le dĂ©veloppement morphologique et les propriĂ©tĂ©s fonctionnelles et techniques des nanocomposites thermoplastiques vulcanisĂ©es (TPV) ont Ă©tĂ© investiguĂ©s. Pour ce travail, diffĂ©rentes sortes de polymĂšres polypropylĂšne-g-malĂ©ique anhydride ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es afin d’élucider l’effet de l’agent de comptabilisation sur le niveau de dispersion de la nano-argile dans la phase thermoplastique. Les analyses par diffractomĂ©trie de rayons X (XRD), la microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  transmission (TEM), et la microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage (SEM) des mĂ©langes prĂ©parĂ©s confirment que les nanocomposites PP se modifient d’une structure intercalĂ©e vers une coexistence des tactoĂŻdes intercalĂ©s et des couches exfoliĂ©es nommĂ©es des nanocomposites ‘partiellement exfoliĂ©es’. Parmi les diffĂ©rents paramĂštres de performance de l’agent de comptabilisation, sa relaxation se corrĂšle directement avec les rĂ©sultats de la caractĂ©risation des nanocomposites; un temps de relaxation plus long de l’agent de comptabilisation est associĂ© avec une meilleure dispersion de la nano-argile dans les mĂ©langes. Pour Ă©tudier la co-continuitĂ© du dĂ©veloppement des mĂ©langes non-rĂ©actifs, l’EPDM et les nanocomposites PP ont Ă©tĂ© mĂ©langĂ©s Ă  l’état fondu avec diffĂ©rentes compositions en utilisant un mĂ©langeur interne. BasĂ© sur le mesure de continuitĂ© des TPEs et de leurs nanocomposites associĂ©es pour la phase thermoplastique et Ă©lastique, il est dĂ©duit que la prĂ©sence de nano-argile rĂ©duit la plage de composition de la co-continuitĂ© et altĂšre ses caractĂ©ristiques symĂ©triques. Toutefois, cet effet est plus prononcĂ© plus chez les nanocomposites intercalĂ©es que chez les nanocomposites partiellement exfoliĂ©es. Une meilleure dispersion de la nano-argile limite la rĂ©duction de la continuitĂ© de la phase thermoplastique de sorte que l’indice de continuitĂ© de la phase thermoplastique des nanocomposites TPE partiellement exfoliĂ©es prĂ©parĂ©es avec un contenu plus Ă©levĂ© d’EPDM (i.e. Ă  70 wt%) devient plus importante que celle des TPEs sans nano-argile. Ces rĂ©sultats montrent qu’il est possible d’utiliser plus d’EPDM dans les mĂ©langes en utilisant des nanocomposites partiellement exfoliĂ©es avant la formation de la matrice de dispersion de structure qui limite la production du TPV. NĂ©anmoins, il s’avĂšre important de mentionner que les radiations gamma ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour stabiliser la morphologie d’EPDM et estimer la continuitĂ© du PP en utilisant des extractions solubles et des techniques de gravimĂ©trie. De plus, l’effet de la continuitĂ© sur le comportement rhĂ©ologique des nanocomposites TPE a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©. La viscositĂ© transitoire s’est montrĂ©e plus sensible Ă  l’indice de continuitĂ© que les autres fonctions matĂ©rielles obtenues en utilisant un balayage en frĂ©quence, des essais de relaxation de contrainte, et les essais de fluage. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© qu’un indice de continuitĂ© d’EPDM plus Ă©levĂ© amĂšne Ă  une baisse de viscositĂ© transitoire normalisĂ©e quand la phase thermoplastique est continue; car la dĂ©formation des domaines d’EPDM est plus facile que l’altĂ©ration dans une matrice continue. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, basĂ© sur les expĂ©rimence d’extraction et des micrographes SEM, il existe des preuves qui dĂ©montrent que l’argile reste principalement dans la phase PP. Les rĂ©sultats de balayage par la calorimĂ©trie diffĂ©rentielle (DSC) montrent que la prĂ©sence de nano-argile dans la phase thermoplastique augmente la tempĂ©rature de la cristallisation (jusqu’à ~20 °C), ce qui peut s’avĂ©rer bĂ©nĂ©fique pour les applications de moulage par injection grĂące Ă  une solidification plus rapide et un temps de cycle plus court. L’objectif ultime de ce travail est de maximiser le comportement Ă©lastique en contrĂŽlant la morphologie du mĂ©lange et son niveau de rĂ©ticulation. Par consĂ©quent, cette Ă©tude couvre aussi les effets de la prĂ©sence de nano-argile et son niveau de dispersion sur la rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation des nanocomposites TPV prĂ©parĂ©es par une extrusion rĂ©active. Ici, la phase Ă©lastique a Ă©tĂ© vulcanisĂ©e d’une maniĂšre dynamique en utilisant une rĂ©sine phĂ©nolique de dimĂ©thylol ou une rĂ©sine d’octylphĂ©nol-formaldĂ©hyde avec du chlorure d'Ă©tain dĂ©shydratĂ© comme catalyseur. Dans cette Ă©tude, la vulcanisation dynamique des TPVs prĂ©parĂ©s et ses nanocomposites correspondant a Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©e en utilisant diffĂ©rents critĂšres tels que : le contenu en fraction soluble, la viscositĂ© et le module Ă©lastique G' en dĂ©formation dynamique, , la largeur du signal de rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique nuclĂ©aire (RMN), le contenu d’agent de rĂ©ticulation et la concentration en diĂšne rĂ©siduelle. La combinaison de ces paramĂštres a Ă©tĂ© jugĂ©e suffisante pour dĂ©crire le systĂšme. Contrairement aux mĂ©langes prĂ©parĂ©s dans un mĂ©langeur interne dans lequel le niveau de rĂ©ticulation des nanocomposites TPV est toujours plus bas que celui des TPVs, l’effet de la prĂ©sence de nano-argile dans les Ă©chantillons prĂ©parĂ©s par extrusion rĂ©active s’avĂšre plus compliquĂ©. Il appert que la diffĂ©rence entre la taille de la rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation entre les TPVs et les nanocomposites TPV est plus prononcĂ©e pour les Ă©chantillons prĂ©parĂ©s avec une vitesse de vis plus Ă©levĂ©e (400 tour par minute (rpm), temps de rĂ©sidence ~ 65 s). NĂ©anmoins, il n’existe pas de diffĂ©rence significative pour les Ă©chantillons prĂ©parĂ©s avec une vitesse de vis plus basse (200 rpm, temps de rĂ©sidence ~ 45 s). Pour ces mĂ©langes rĂ©actifs, l’analyse de la courbe du couple de mĂ©lange en fonction du temps, ainsi que l’analyse des mesures sur la fraction soluble et des micrographes SEM Ă  diffĂ©rentes positions dans l'extrudeuse confirment que la structure co-continue existe au moins avant la deuxiĂšme zone de mĂ©lange dans une extrudeuse bi-vis en fonctionnement co-rotatif. Autrement dit, la co-continuitĂ© des mĂ©langes avant la deuxiĂšme zone de mĂ©lange n’est pas seulement contrĂŽlĂ©e par la vulcanisation dynamique, mais aussi par la prĂ©sence de nano-argile. ConsidĂ©rant ce fait et basĂ© aussi sur le calcul de la conversion chimique par la mesure des valeurs de concentration de la diĂšne rĂ©siduelle obtenu par RMN, il est suggĂ©rĂ© que la prĂ©sence de nano-argile affecte la rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation principalement par son influence sur la continuitĂ© de la phase d’EPDM dans la structure co-continue qui se forme lors de l’étape initiale du processus de mĂ©lange. Il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ© qu’une plage de rĂ©ticulation plus Ă©levĂ©e est associĂ©e avec un indice de continuitĂ© d’EPDM plus haut. À son tour, le niveau de la co-continuitĂ© dĂ©pend aussi du degrĂ© de dispersion de nano-argiles. Aussi, quand la continuitĂ© de la phase d’EDPM des deux mĂ©langes est similaire, l’effet de barriĂšre des nano-argiles intensifie la rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation par l’augmentation de la concentration de l’agent curatif local. Nos travaux montrent que si l’EPDM dans le systĂšme correspondant non-rĂ©actif est une phase continue, le niveau de la rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation devient plus dĂ©pendant de la vitesse de rotation des vis. En autres mots, plus le temps de rĂ©sidence est long, plus Ă©levĂ© est l’étendue de rĂ©ticulation. De plus, il est important de mentionner que la valeur de la largeur de base du pic principal en spectroscopie RMN peut seulement ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour comparer l’étendue de rĂ©ticulation dans des TPVs dĂ» Ă  l’influence du nano-argile sur la mobilitĂ© de la chaĂźne principale de l’EPDM dans les nanocomposites TPV. L’analyse des mĂ©langes du point de vue de structure des nanocomposites rĂ©vĂšle que l’interaction des chaĂźnes de polymĂšres dans les galeries inter-couches des nano-argiles est plus prononcĂ©e pour les nanocomposites TPV comparĂ© aux nanocomposites TPE dĂ» Ă  une contrainte de cisaillement plus Ă©levĂ©e exercĂ©e sur les couches nano-argiles durant la vulcanisation dynamique. Aussi, en augmentant le contenu d’EPDM, l’intercalation du polymĂšre n’a pas Ă©tĂ© significativement amĂ©liorĂ©e. Pour les nanocomposites TPV prĂ©parĂ©s Ă  une vitesse de vis plus Ă©levĂ©e (400 rpm), le premier pic de la caractĂ©ristique du nano-argile en diffraction rayon X (2 =2.85 , l'espace-d correspondant est 3.1 nm) s’est dĂ©placĂ© Ă  un angle plus bas (2 =0.94 , l’espace-d correspondant est 9.3 nm), tandis que celui des nanocomposites TPV basĂ©s sur une compositition partiellement exfoliĂ©e a complĂštement disparu. La derniĂšre partie de cette thĂšse se penche sur la question de l’influence du niveau de dispersion des nano-argiles, et consĂ©quemment l’étendue de rĂ©ticulation, sur le comportement Ă©lastique et la morphologie des TPVs. Une mĂ©thode rĂ©cemment dĂ©veloppĂ©e, s’appelant le balayage de la tempĂ©rature de relaxation de contrainte (TSSR), a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour estimer l’indice d’élasticitĂ© des TPVs et des nanocomposites TPV. Cette mĂ©thode donne de l’information satisfaisante sur l’étendue de rĂ©action de rĂ©ticulation. Le comportement Ă©lastique des mĂ©langes contenant 50 p/p % et 60 p/p% d’EPDM- dans lesquelles les Ă©tudes morphologiques suggĂšrent la prĂ©sence des gouttes Ă©lastiques dans le voisinage des particules Ă©lastiques de formes irrĂ©guliĂšres avec un niveau d’inter-connectivitĂ© bas- corrĂšle avec la taille de la gouttelette Ă©lastique. Par consĂ©quent, la prĂ©sence de nano-argile influence la valeur de l’indice d’élasticitĂ© par son effet sur la taille des gouttelettes Ă©lastiques qui contrĂŽle le nombre des points de rĂ©traction dans le mĂ©canisme de fluage proposĂ© durant l’essai TSSR. Il faut prendre note que l’augmentation du contenu d’EPDM abaisse le nombre des gouttes et augmente aussi la formation des particules Ă©lastiques avec des formes irrĂ©guliĂšres. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, la relation directe entre les valeurs de l’indice Ă©lastique et la densitĂ© de rĂ©ticulation est seulement observĂ©e pour des sĂ©ries de TPVs qui montrent un rĂ©seau extensif bien dĂ©veloppĂ© entre les gouttes de forme irrĂ©guliĂšre (mĂ©langes contenant 70wt% d’EPDM). Finalement, l’effet de la prĂ©sence de nano-argile et son niveau de dispersion sur le comportement Ă©lastique se dĂ©montre par son influence sur la densitĂ© de rĂ©ticulation. ---------- Thermoplastic elastomeric materials (TPEs) are an important class of copolymers or polymer blends that exhibit the typical advantages of conventional rubbers but can be processed with the thermoplastic processing methods. Among different kind of thermoplastic elastomer , those based on polypropylene (PP) and ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EPDM) are known to have more interesting properties due to the relatively low interfacial tension between PP and EPDM (~0.3 mN/m). Considering the commercial significance of the mentioned blends, different approaches have been used during the last few decades to improve their rubber like behaviour and/or their engineering properties to expand their fields of applications. In this regard, in the present dissertation, the use of nanotechnology by incorporating the nanoclay in the thermoplastic phase is the major interest subject. The effects of different nanoclay dispersion levels on the co-continuity of non reactive blends and the extent of crosslinking in the blends prepared by reactive extrusion are studied. This research intends to tailor the rubber like behaviour by the nanoclay presence and its dispersion level. Therefore the morphology development along the screw axis and the functional and engineering properties of the prepared thermoplastic vulcanizates nanocomposites are also investigated. For this work, different grades of polypropylene-g-maleic anhydride polymers were chosen to elucidate the effect of compatibilizer on the nanoclay dispersion level in thermoplastic phase. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns along with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs confirmed that prepared PP nanocomposites ranged from intercalated structure to a coexistence of intercalated tactoids and exfoliated layers namely "partially exfoliated" nanocomposite. Among various factors affecting the compatibilizer performance, it is shown that only the relaxation behaviour of compatibilizer correlates directly with the nanocomposites characterization results; higher relaxation times of the compatibilizer are associated with better dispersion of nanoclay. To study the co-continuity development of the nonreactive blends, EPDM and the mentioned PP nanocomposites at various compositions were melt blended using an internal mixer. Based on continuity measurements of TPEs and TPE nanocomposites for both thermoplastic and rubber phase, it is shown that the presence of nanoclay decreases the co-continuity composition range and alters its symmetrical feature. However, this effect is more pronounced in the intercalated nanocomposites than in partially exfoliated nanocomposites. It seems that better nanoclay dispersion limits the reduction of the thermoplastic phase continuity in a manner that the continuity index of the thermoplastic phase for partially exfoliated TPE nanocomposite prepared at high EPDM content (i.e. at 70 wt%) is greater than that of corresponding TPE without nanoclay. According to these results, it is possible to shift to higher EPDM content using partially exfoliated system before formation of matrix-dispersed particle structure which limits thermoplastic vulcanizate production. This should be mentioned that gamma irradiation was carried out in order to fix the EPDM morphology to estimate the continuity of PP using the solvent extraction and gravimetry technique. Additionally, the effect of continuity on rheological behaviour of TPE nanocomposites was investigated. The stress growth viscosity was found to be more sensitive to the continuity index than other material functions obtained using frequency sweep, stress relaxation and creep experiments. It seems that a higher EPDM continuity index leads a lower overshoot of normalized stress growth viscosity when thermoplastic phase is continuous because deformation of the separated domains of EPDM is easier than alteration in a continuous network structure. On the other hand, based on extraction tests and SEM micrographs, there are some evidences that clay remain mainly in the PP phase. According to differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results, the presence of nanoclay in the thermoplastic phase increases the crystallization temperature (up to ~20 °C) that could be beneficial for molding applications, because of the faster solidification and shorter cycle time. The ultimate goal in this field is to maximize the rubber like behaviour by controlling the blend morphology and the level of crosslinking. Therefore, this study also covers the effects of nanoclay presence and its dispersion level on the crosslinking reaction of thermoplastic vulcanizate nanocomposites prepared by reactive extrusion. Here, the rubber phase was dynamically vulcanized using dimethylol phenolic resin or octylphenol-formaldehyde resin along with stannous chloride dihydrate as the catalyst. In the present study, the dynamic vulcanization of the prepared TPVs and corresponding nanocomposites are characterized using different criteria, such as gel content, viscosity and normalized storage modulus in the time sweep tests, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal line width, bound curative content and residual diene concentration. The combination of the above parameters appears to be sufficient to provide a clear description of the systems. Contrary to the blends prepared in internal batch mixer in which the extent of crosslinking in TPV nanocomposites is always lower than that of TPVs, however, the effect of nanoclay presence in the samples prepared by reactive extrusion is more complicated. It seems that the difference in the extent of crosslinking reaction between TPVs and TPV nanocomposites is more pronounced for the samples prepared at higher screw speed (400 rpm, residence time of ~ 45 s). Whereas, there is no significant difference was found for the samples prepared at lower screw speed (200 rpm, residence time of ~ 65 s). The torque-time curve analysing obtained from internal batch mixer, gel content experiments and SEM micrographs along the extruder axis for the reactive blends confirm that the co-continuous structure exists at least before the second mixing zone of the twin screw extruder. In other words, the co-continuity of the blends before the second mixing zone is not only controlled by dynamic vulcanization but also by the presence of nanoclay. Considering this fact and based on the bound curative content and residual diene concentration values obtained by solid state NMR, it is suggested that nanoclay presence affects the extent of crosslinking reaction mainly through its effect on the continuity of the EPDM phase in the co-continuous structure forming in the initial stage of the mixing process. It is shown that the higher extent of crosslinking is associated with higher continuity index of EPDM. In turn, the level of co-continuity, as mentioned earlier, depends on the degree of dispersion of nanoclay. On the other hand, when the continuity of EPDM phase of two blends is similar, the barrier effect of nanoclays intensifies the crosslinking reaction by increasing the local concentration of curing agent. In our experimental window, if EPDM in the corresponding non-reactive system is a continuous phase, the extent of crosslinking reaction appears to be more dependent on the screw speed. Otherwise, higher residence time would increase the extent of crosslinking. Moreover, it should be mentioned that the backbone peak base width values may be used only to compare the extent of crosslinking in the TPVs due to the influence of nanoclay on the mobility of the backbone of EPDM in TPV nanocomposites. The investigation of the blends, from nanocomposite structure point of view, reveals that intercalation of polymer chains into the interlayer galleries of the nanoclays is more pronounced for the TPV nanocomposites compared to TPE nanocomposites due to the higher shear stress which is exerted on the nanoclay layers during dynamic vulcanization. It should be mentioned that by increasing EPDM content, polymer intercalation was not enhanced significantly. For the TPV nanocomposites based on intercalated system prepared at higher screw speed (400 rpm), the first characteristic peak of nanoclay (2 =2.85 , corresponding d-spacing is 3.1 nm) shifted to the lower angle (2 =0.94 , corresponding d-spacing is about 9.3 nm) while that of TPV nanocomposites based on partially exfoliated system disappeared. The last part of the present study is devoted to find how the dispersion level of nanoclay and consequently the extent of crosslinking change the rubber like behaviour and the morphology of the prepared TPVs. Therefore, recently developed method named temperature scanning stress relaxation (TSSR) was used to estimate the rubber indices of TPVs and TPV nanocomposites. The mentioned method also successfully provided information about the extent of crosslinking reaction. It is shown that the rubber like behaviour of the blends containing 50wt% and 60wt% of EPDM in which morphological studies suggest the presence of the rubber droplets in vicinity of irregular shape rubber particles with a low level of interconnectivity, correlates with the rubber droplet size. Therefore, the nanoclay presence affects the rubber index values mainly through its effect on the size of the rubber droplets that controls the number of retraction points in the proposed buckling mechanism during the TSSR test. It should be mentioned that by increasing the EPDM content, the number of the droplet like domains decreases and more irregular shape rubber particles is formed. On the other hand, the direct relation between rubber index values and the crosslink density is observed only for those series of TPVs showing the fully developed extensive network between irregular shape rubber domains (blends containing 70wt% of EPDM). Hence, the nanoclay dispersion level influences the rubber like behaviour through its effect on the crosslink density

    Thermal insulation by heat resistant polymers

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    Internal insulation in a solid rocket motor is a layer of heat-barrier material placed between the internal surface of the case and the propellant. The primary function of internal insulation is to prevent the rocket motor case from reaching temperatures that may endanger its structural integrity. An extensive experimental and theoretical work in the development and characterization of asbestos-free rubbers for use as rocket motor insulators has been performed. The insulation is based on chopped carbon fiber and/or aramid fiber in the pulp form as fillers for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM). The first aim of the research is to provide an understanding of the mechanism, the principle, and the process for making polymeric thermal insulants. The second aim is to produce thermal insulants based on polymers with different fillers having different compositions which are capable of working under extreme thermal conditions of 2760 °C (5000 °F). This is through an investigation on the processing, installation, physical, mechanical, thermal and ablative properties of these materials. A hybrid of chopped carbon fiber and Kevlar pulp filled EPDM has been shown to exhibit better thermal, mechanical, physical and ablative properties than its asbestos containing counterpart. Also the prediction of thermal conduction of multiphase thermal insulation composite materials was done using series, parallel, Maxwell Euken and effective medium theory models. Comparison with the measured values allows determining which model estimates best the thermal conductivity of composite insulation material. Development of a suitable optimization technique to reach the best parameters of the selected material was done by doing transient dynamic analysis to determine the response of these materials under a time-varying thermal load. A new type of insulation material using prepregs was developed for the first time. This consists of the development of the prepregs and their assembly to make insulant laminates. This laminate has been shown to exhibit better physical, mechanical, thermal and ablative properties than a hybrid of chopped carbon fiber and Kevlar pulp filled EPDM

    Mécanisme de salissage et de nettoyage en surface de matériaux polymÚres

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    RĂ©sumĂ©: Le dĂ©veloppement de l’industrie des polymĂšres fourni de plus en plus de choix pour la formulation de matĂ©riaux pour les couvre-planchers. Les caoutchoucs, le PVC et le linoleum sont les polymĂšres habituellement utilisĂ©s dans l’industrie des couvre-planchers. Ce projet rĂ©pond Ă  un problĂšme de facilitĂ© de nettoyage des couvre-planchers de caoutchouc qui sont reconnus pour ĂȘtre mous, collants et ayant une surface rugueuse. L’INTRODUCTION couvrira l’état actuel de la recherche sur les couvre-planchers, surtout en regard au problĂšme de la «nettoyabilité». La thĂ©orie pertinente et les informations gĂ©nĂ©rales sur les polymĂšres, les composites polymĂ©riques et la science des surfaces seront introduites au CHAPITRE 1. Ensuite, le CHAPITRE 2 couvrira la mĂ©thode utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©terminer la nettoyabilitĂ©, l’évaluation des rĂ©sultats ainsi que l’équipement utilise. Le CHAPITRE 3, discutera des premiĂšres expĂ©riences sur l’effet de la mouillabilitĂ©, la rugositĂ© et la duretĂ© sur la facilitĂ© de nettoyage des polymĂšres purs. Plusieurs polymĂšres ayant des surfaces plus ou moins hydrophobes seront investiguĂ©s afin d’observer leur effet sur la nettoyabilitĂ©. L’effet de la rugositĂ© sur la nettoyabilitĂ© sera investiguĂ© en imprimant une rugositĂ© dĂ©finie lors du moulage des Ă©chantillons; l’influence de la duretĂ© sera Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ©e. Ensuite, un modĂšle de salissage/nettoyage sera Ă©tabli Ă  partir de nos rĂ©sultats et observations afin de rationaliser les facteurs, ou « rĂšgles », qui dĂ©trminent la facilitĂ© de nettoyage des surfaces. Finalement, la rĂ©ticulation au peroxyde sera Ă©tudiĂ©e comme une mĂ©thode de modification des polymĂšres dans le but d’amĂ©liorer leur nettoyabilitĂ©; un mĂ©canisme dĂ©coulant des rĂ©sultats de ces Ă©tudes sera prĂ©sentĂ©. Le CHAPITRE 4 Ă©tendra cette recherche aux mĂ©langes de polymĂšres; ces derniers servent habituellement Ă  optimiser la performance des polymĂšres purs. Dans ce chapitre, les mĂȘmes tests discutĂ©s dans le CHAPITRE 3 seront utilisĂ©s pour vĂ©rifier le modĂšle de nettoyabilitĂ© Ă©tabli ci-haut. De plus, l’influence de la non-miscibilitĂ© des mĂ©langes de polymĂšres sera discutĂ©e du point de vue de la thermodynamique (DSC) et de la morphologie (MEB). L’utilisation de la rĂ©ticulation par peroxyde sera Ă©tudiĂ© dans les mĂ©langes EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA) afin d’amĂ©liorer la compatibilitĂ© de ces polymĂšres. Les effets du dosage en agent de rĂ©ticulation et du temps de cuisson seront Ă©galement examinĂ©s. Finalement, un compatibilisant prĂ©-rĂ©ticulĂ© a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour les mĂ©langes ternaires EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA)/ HSR; son effet sur la nettoyabilitĂ© et sur la morphologie du mĂ©lange sera exposĂ©.Abstract: The development of industrial polymers provides more choices to the design of flooring materials. Rubbers, PVC and linoeleum are the most used polymers in the flooring industry. This project stems from the problem of cleanability (ease of cleaning) of the surface of rubber tile flooring which is known as a soft, sticky and rough surface. In the introduction, the current situation of research on the polymer flooring industry, especially the study on the cleaning problem will be introduced. The relevant theory and general information on polymers, polymer composites and surface science will be introduced in CHAPTER 1. In CHAPTER 2 different approaches, protocols and equipment to evaluate cleanability will be presented. The initial experiments and results (CHAPTER 3) will involve various fundamental concepts on surface wettability, roughness and hardness, as these properties can all influence the surface soiling and cleanability. In single-polymer systems, dozens of polymer materials with a hydrophobic or hydrophilic surface were investigated to observe their soiling and cleaning properties. The effect of roughness was also studied by surface printing method which is used to control the surface topography. Likewise, the influence of surface hardness on cleanability was also investigated with different polymer materials. From the above results and observations, a surface soiling/cleaning model is proposed in attempt to simplify the ― rules ‖ which determine the surface cleanability. Finally, peroxide crosslinking was investigated as a matrix modification method to improve the surface cleanability. The second part of the experiments and results (CHAPTER 4) extends to investigations of polymer blends, in attempt to optimize the performance of single-polymer materials. In this chapter, the surface cleaning model and its relevant rules are examined by the wettability, roughness and hardness tests discussed in CHAPTER 3. The influence of immiscibility on cleaning performance will be discussed in polymer blends from the point of view of thermodynamics (DSC) and morphology (SEM). In order to improve the compatibility in polymer blends, peroxide crosslinking was performed in EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA) blends. The dosage of curing (cross-linking) agent and curing time were investigated to observe the influence of these experimental conditions on cleanability. Finally, a blend compatibilizer was designed to improve the compatibility of the EPDM/ (E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA)/HSR blends.The compatibilizer prepared by partial pre-crosslinking of EPDM (Nordel) and E-ran-MAA(Zn)-ran-BuMA (Surlyn) was incorpo rated in polymer composites and its influence on cleanability was studied and explained on the basis of changes in morphology of the blend polymer matrix

    Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell seals durability

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    Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stacks require sealing around the perimeter of the cells to prevent the gases inside the cell from leaking. Elastomeric materials are commonly used for this purpose. The overall performance and durability of the fuel cell is heavily dependent on the long-term stability of the gasket. In this study, the degradation of three elastomeric gasket materials (silicone rubber, commercial EPDM and a developed EPDM 2 compound) in an accelerated ageing environment was investigated. The change in properties and structure of a silicone rubber gasket caused by use in a real fuel cell was studied and compared to the changes in the same silicone rubber gasket material brought about by accelerated aging. The accelerated aging conditions were chosen to relate to the PEM fuel cell environment, but with more extreme conditions of elevated temperature (140°C) and greater acidity. Three accelerated ageing media were used. The first one was dilute sulphuric acid solution with the pH values of 1, 2 and 4. Secondly, Nafion Ÿ membrane suspended in water was used for accelerated ageing at a pH 3 to 4. Finally, diluted trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) solution of pH 3.3 was chosen. Weight change and the tensile properties of the aged gasket samples were measured. In addition, compression set behaviour of the elastomeric seal materials was investigated in order to evaluate their potential sealing performance in PEM fuel cells. The results showed that acid hydrolysis was the most likely mechanism of silicone rubber degradation and that similar degradation occurred under both real fuel cell and accelerated aging conditions. The effect of TFA solution on silicone rubber was more aggressive than sulphuric acid and NafionŸ solutions with the same acidity (pH value) suggesting that TFA accelerated the acid hydrolysis of silicone rubber. In addition, acid ageing in all three acidic solutions caused visible surface damage and a significant decrease in tensile strength of the silicone rubber material, but did not significantly affect the EPDM materials. EPDM 2 compound had a desirable (low) compression set value which was similar to silicone rubber and much better than the commercial EPDM. It also showed a very good performance in the fuel cell test rig conforming that it a potential replacement for silicone rubber in PEMFCs

    Ground tyre rubber and post-consumer polyethylene reactive injection moulded composite

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    Post consumer tyres continue to present the community with challenges for their safe and sustainable disposal. They also present an opportunity to divert a significant waste stream in to a valuable resource. This thesis looks into one possible method to recycle post consumer tyres and high density polyethylene won from curb side collection of milk packaging. The study investigates the use of a bromomethyl phenol resin as the basis of a compatibilization chemistry enabling a bond to be formed between the ground tyre rubber particle and the polyethylene matrix. It builds upon the seminal work of Coran & Patel in developing thermoplastic vulcanites and the more recent work of Liu and colleagues. Unlike previous investigators, this work employed a single process to both compound the composite component materials and to form the end product. This single process was carried out using an injection moulding machine that was modified by the addition of a number of automated hoppers that delivered the composite component materials and compatibilization chemistry to the moulder’s screw. Through this system of reactive injection moulding it was demonstrated that both the composite material and product could be formed in a single process. Investigation of the mechanical properties of ground tyre rubber and polyethylene composites using tensile testing techniques was undertaken. The results of tensile testing indicated that the particle matrix bond was formed only when dicumyl peroxide was included in the compatibilization chemistry. This was established from the observation of dense arrays of fibrils joining the rubber particles to the HDPE matrix in samples that had been tested to ultimate failure. The particle matrix bond was not formed when dicumyl peroxide was not present. An investigation was undertaken using X-ray photo spectrometry to examine the bonding chemistry. This revealed the presence of the carbon oxygen carbon sequence at the particle surface when dicumyl peroxide was a component of the compatibilization chemistry. The presence of this sequence of atoms is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the Chroman Ring structure to be present in the bond. The presence of this structure would give rise to a more tenacious bonding between particle and matrix than would normally be achieved through either carbon carbon or carbon sulphur cross linking mechanisms. The identification of the Chroman Ring structure in ground tyre rubber and polyolefin composites has not previously been reported in the literature. The contribution made by the particle matrix bond to the overall performance of the composite was investigated using non linear explicit finite element analysis. Two models for the composite were developed, a simplified single particle model which was used to verify the interaction between particle and matrix and also to provide a development environment for a model of the particle matrix bond. Subsequently, a more complex multi particle model was developed which was of higher fidelity to the formed composites. Through the use of these models it has been deduced that the bond achieved between particle and matrix had a strength of approximately 1MPa and that, for the properties of the particle and the matrix materials, the bond was likely to fail significantly before the composite attained peak loading conditions. The use of these models also revealed the probability that the matrix material may have been significantly modified through cross linking during the forming process and that this may have accounted for some of the perceived improvement in the materials’ performance

    Thermomechanical properties of elastomeric-filled composites

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    The aim of this research project was to modify the matrix polymer’s relaxation processes by the inclusion of filler and to characterise the interfacial interaction in between matrix polymer and filler. Three types of elastomers were selected for this research: a purely amorphous elastomer (poly(ethylene-co-propylene) diene monomer) (EPDM), a semi-crystalline elastomer (poly(ethylene-co-methyl acrylate)) (EMA) and a thermoplastic elastomer (thermoplastic polyurethane) (TPU). These elastomers possessed reinforcement via chemical crosslinking, crystalline molecular segments and hydrogen bonding. Fillers in the form of aluminas (with EPDM) and fumed silicas (with EMAs and TPUs) were added to the elastomers to form composites. Materials were prepared via a solvent casting method. Elastomers were dissolved in an appropriate solvent and fillers were added. A crosslinking agent was also added to the dissolved EPDM. Fillers were dispersed with ultrasonication after which dissolved elastomerfiller compositions were dried then pressed into films. EPDM composites underwent thermally-induced crosslinking. Characterizing techniques including environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM), thermogravimetry and analytical techniques including dynamic force thermomechanometry (df-TM), static force thermomechanometry (sf-TM) and modulated force thermomechanometry (mf-TM) were used to examine the interaction between filler and elastomer. Analysis was performed on data from sf-TM (4-element model for creep analysis data, Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts model for recovery analysis data) and mf-TM (Debye, Cole-Cole, Cole-Davidson and Havriliak-Negami relaxation equations). Mastercurves were created from multi-frequency mf-TM data. Sinusoidal frequency mode was determined to be the best method for obtaining multi-frequency data and the HN-based mastercurve method was the best method for constructing mastercurves. The accuracy of three different shift factor models (Williams-Landel-Ferry, Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann-Hesse and arctan based V’ant model) was compared. Super-mastercurves were constructed from mastercurves. ESEM micrographs of EPDM materials revealed that greater compatibility between elastomer and filler resulted in better dispersion of filler. All elastomers were observed to have thermal reinforcement provided by the presence of fillers. Greater compatibility between elastomer and filler resulted in increased thermal stability, as seen in EPDM composites. Thermal reinforcement was observed to increase with increasing silica volume fraction with the Abstract xxiii temperature of 50 %.w/w loss increasing by approximately 20 °C for the EMA-based materials and by 70 °C for the TPU-based materials at the highest filler volume fraction. Stress-strain analysis data indicated that composites were tougher with greater compatibility between filler and elastomer matrix. The Young’s moduli and strength of all elastomer based systems were observed to increase, but toughness decreased with increasing filler volume fraction. Creep and recovery analysis showed that greater compatibility between filler and elastomer, and increased filler volume fraction resulted in more resistance to elastic and viscoelastic deformation, and viscous flow. Modelling of creep analysis data revealed that the presence of any filler resulted in increased resistance to instantaneous and time dependant uncoiling and extension of molecules. Increasing filler volume fraction resulted in greater resistance to instantaneous and time dependant uncoiling of molecules, and irreversible flow. Materials analysed with a reduced force had greater resistance to all modes of deformation as indicated by their parameter values being greater than those obtained at a higher force. Modelling of recovery analysis data revealed greater compatibility between filler and elastomer resulted in less resistance to recovery and less constraints to the operation of relaxation modes. Resistance to recovery decreased with increasing filler volume fraction. Relaxation times decreased with increasing filler volume fraction. Parameter values obtained from analyses conducted with reduced analysis force indicated that a lower analysis force resulted in less resistance to viscoelastic recovery, longer relaxation times and fewer constraints to the operation of relaxation modes. Modulated force thermomechanometry characterised the elasticity and damping properties of materials. The storage modulus was observed to increase with increasing filler volume fraction; however increased compatibility between filler and elastomer resulted in reduced Eâ€Č values. The temperature of failure increased with compatibility and increasing filler volume fraction. The loss modulus was observed to increase with increasing filler volume fraction; however increased compatibility between filler and elastomer resulted in lower loss of energy. The tan d values decreased with the addition of any filler and increasing filler volume fraction; however increased compatibility between filler and elastomer reduced the tan d by a lesser amount. Mastercurves were constructed from the isothermal multi-frequency mf-TM data for the EMA and TPU series of materials. They possessed frequency ranges of approximately 10-9 – 1017 Hz. The storage modulus mastercurve data values were observed to increase with increasing filler volume fraction for all materials. The storage modulus values plateaued at Abstract xxiv 10 %.v/v filler. The loss modulus mastercurves of both EMA and TPU-based materials possessed a peak in the loss modulus data corresponding to Tg. The materials plateaued at approximately the same modulus values at the highest transposed frequencies. The modulus data obtained at the highest analysis frequencies exhibited constructive interference with the effects most pronounced in the highest filled composites. The WLF model most accurately modelled shift factor values with respect to temperature. The Wicket error function was used to determine the accuracy of modelling with the relaxation equations. The HN equation modelled the mastercurve data most accurately. The zero and infinite modulus HN parameter values increased with increasing silica volume fraction. The infinite modulus values plateaued at 10 %.v/v filler at the highest transposed frequencies. The relaxation time parameter values increased with increasing filler volume fraction while the a and b shape parameters were observed to overall decrease. Mastercurves could not be constructed for EPDM-based materials as they could not be analysed at sufficiently high frequencies, so single frequency mf-TM data was used with the HN relaxation equation. The addition of compatibilized filler resulted in an increase in E∞ modulus values while the uncompatabilzed filler caused a reduction. The a shape parameter was observed to decrease with the addition of all fillers with the untreated filler resulting in the greatest reduction. The b shape parameter was observed to slightly decrease with the addition of the compatibilized fillers but increase with the addition of the uncompatabilzed filler. The calculated relaxation times were observed to decrease with decreasing compatibility between filler and elastomer.