2 research outputs found

    Growth of Sobolev norms and strong convergence for the discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation

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    We show the strong convergence in arbitrary Sobolev norms of solutions of the discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger on an infinite lattice towards those of the nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation on the whole space. We restrict our attention to the one and two-dimensional case, with a set of parameters which implies global well-posedness for the continuous equation. Our proof relies on the use of bilinear estimates for the Shannon interpolation as well as the control of the growth of discrete Sobolev norms that we both prove

    Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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    We consider semidiscrete approximation schemes for the linear Schrödinger equation and analyze whether the classical dispersive properties of the continuous model hold for these approximations. For the conservative finite difference semidiscretization scheme we show that, as the mesh size tends to zero, the semidiscrete approximate solutions lose the dispersion property. This fact is proved by constructing solutions concentrated at the points of the spectrum where the second order derivatives of the symbol of the discrete Laplacian vanish. Therefore this phenomenon is due to the presence of numerical spurious high frequencies. To recover the dispersive properties of the solutions at the discrete level, we introduce two numerical remedies: Fourier filtering and a two-grid preconditioner. For each of them we prove Strichartz-like estimates and a local space smoothing effect, uniform in the mesh size. The methods we employ are based on classical estimates for oscillatory integrals. These estimates allow us to treat nonlinear problems with L2-initial data, without additional regularity hypotheses. We prove the convergence of the two-grid method for nonlinearities that cannot be handled by energy arguments and which, even in the continuous case, require Strichartz estimates. © 2009 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics