137,079 research outputs found

    An HPC-Based Approach to Study Living System Computational Model Parameter Dependency

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    High performance computing (HPC) allows one to run in parallel large amount of independent numerical experiments for computationally intensive simulations of a complex system. Results of such experiments can be used to derive dependencies between functional characteristics of simulated system and parameters of the computational model. In this paper, we implemented this HPC approach with using a computational model of the electrical activity in the left ventricle of human heart. To illustrate possibilities of the approach, we analyzed dependencies of electrophysiological characteristics of the left ventricle on the parameters of its geometry. Particularly, we identified a dependence of the dynamics of activated myocardium part during excitation on the model parameters of the myocardial fiber orientation in the ventricular wall

    Dynamic model of elastoplastic contact interaction of smooth bodies

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    Dynamic model of introducing rigid smooth sphere into homogeneous elastoplastic hardenable solid body has been considered. On the basis of the model numerical-analytical dependencies describing the behaviour of solid body in elastoplastic region of contact interaction were suggested. The numerical-analytical dependencies allow us to take into consideration additional approach of contacting bodies owing to dynamic loading

    The valuation of clean spread options: linking electricity, emissions and fuels

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    The purpose of the paper is to present a new pricing method for clean spread options, and to illustrate its main features on a set of numerical examples produced by a dedicated computer code. The novelty of the approach is embedded in the use of a structural model as opposed to reduced-form models which fail to capture properly the fundamental dependencies between the economic factors entering the production process

    Microwave-induced thermal escape in Josephson junctions

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    We investigate, by experiments and numerical simulations, thermal activation processes of Josephson tunnel junctions in the presence of microwave radiation. When the applied signal resonates with the Josephson plasma frequency oscillations, the switching current may become multi-valued in a temperature range far exceeding the classical to quantum crossover temperature. Plots of the switching currents traced as a function of the applied signal frequency show very good agreement with the functional forms expected from Josephson plasma frequency dependencies on the bias current. Throughout, numerical simulations of the corresponding thermally driven classical Josephson junction model show very good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figure

    New Calculations of Stellar Wind Torques

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    Using numerical simulations of magnetized stellar winds, we carry out a parameter study to find the dependence of the stellar wind torque on observable parameters. We find that the power-law dependencies of the torque on parameters is significantly different than what has been used in all spin evolution models to date.Comment: To appear in the proceedings for the 15th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun. 4 page poster contributio

    Winds from clu\sters with non-uniform stellar distributions

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    We present analytic and numerical models of the `cluster wind' resulting from the multiple interactions of the winds ejected by the stars of a dense cluster of massive stars. We consider the case in which the distribution of stars (i.e., the number of stars per unit volume) within the cluster is spherically symmetric, has a power-law radial dependence, and drops discontinuously to zero at the outer radius of the cluster. We carry out comparisons between an analytic model (in which the stars are considered in terms of a spatially continuous injection of mass and energy) and 3D gasdynamic simulations (in which we include 100 stars with identical winds, located in 3D space by statistically sampling the stellar distribution function). From the analytic model, we find that for stellar distributions with steep enough radial dependencies the cluster wind flow develops a very high central density and a non-zero central velocity, and for steeper dependencies it becomes fully supersonic throughout the volume of the cluster (these properties are partially reproduced by the 3D numerical simulations). Therefore, the wind solutions obtained for stratified clusters can differ dramatically from the case of a homogeneous stellar distribution (which produces a cluster wind with zero central velocity, and a fully subsonic flow within the cluster radius). Finally, from our numerical simulations we compute predictions of X-ray emission maps and luminosities, which can be directly compared with observations of cluster wind flows.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures. MNRAS - Accepted 2007 June 29. Received 2007 June 28; in original form 2007 May 2

    Transport in the 3-dimensional Anderson model: an analysis of the dynamics on scales below the localization length

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    Single-particle transport in disordered potentials is investigated on scales below the localization length. The dynamics on those scales is concretely analyzed for the 3-dimensional Anderson model with Gaussian on-site disorder. This analysis particularly includes the dependence of characteristic transport quantities on the amount of disorder and the energy interval, e.g., the mean free path which separates ballistic and diffusive transport regimes. For these regimes mean velocities, respectively diffusion constants are quantitatively given. By the use of the Boltzmann equation in the limit of weak disorder we reveal the known energy-dependencies of transport quantities. By an application of the time-convolutionless (TCL) projection operator technique in the limit of strong disorder we find evidence for much less pronounced energy dependencies. All our results are partially confirmed by the numerically exact solution of the time-dependent Schroedinger equation or by approximative numerical integrators. A comparison with other findings in the literature is additionally provided.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure