1,328 research outputs found

    Complex exon-intron marking by histone modifications is not determined solely by nucleosome distribution

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    It has recently been shown that nucleosome distribution, histone modifications and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) occupancy show preferential association with exons (“exon-intron marking”), linking chromatin structure and function to co-transcriptional splicing in a variety of eukaryotes. Previous ChIP-sequencing studies suggested that these marking patterns reflect the nucleosomal landscape. By analyzing ChIP-chip datasets across the human genome in three cell types, we have found that this marking system is far more complex than previously observed. We show here that a range of histone modifications and Pol II are preferentially associated with exons. However, there is noticeable cell-type specificity in the degree of exon marking by histone modifications and, surprisingly, this is also reflected in some histone modifications patterns showing biases towards introns. Exon-intron marking is laid down in the absence of transcription on silent genes, with some marking biases changing or becoming reversed for genes expressed at different levels. Furthermore, the relationship of this marking system with splicing is not simple, with only some histone modifications reflecting exon usage/inclusion, while others mirror patterns of exon exclusion. By examining nucleosomal distributions in all three cell types, we demonstrate that these histone modification patterns cannot solely be accounted for by differences in nucleosome levels between exons and introns. In addition, because of inherent differences between ChIP-chip array and ChIP-sequencing approaches, these platforms report different nucleosome distribution patterns across the human genome. Our findings confound existing views and point to active cellular mechanisms which dynamically regulate histone modification levels and account for exon-intron marking. We believe that these histone modification patterns provide links between chromatin accessibility, Pol II movement and co-transcriptional splicing

    Reciprocal intronic and exonic histone modification regions in humans.

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    While much attention has been focused on chromatin at promoters and exons, human genes are mostly composed of intronic sequences. Analyzing published surveys of nucleosomes and 41 chromatin marks in humans, we identified histone modifications specifically associated with 5' intronic sequences, distinguishable from promoter marks and bulk nucleosomes. These intronic marks were spatially reciprocal to trimethylated histone H3 Lys36 (H3K36me3), typically transitioning near internal exons. Several marks transitioned near bona fide exons, but not near nucleosomes at exon-like sequences. Therefore, we examined whether splicing affects histone marking. Even with considerable changes in regulated alternative splicing, histone marks were stable. Notably, these findings are consistent with exon definition influencing histone marks. In summary, we show that the location of many intragenic marks in humans can be distilled into a simple organizing principle: association with 5' intronic or 3' exonic regions

    Discovery and Annotation of Functional Chromatin Signatures in the Human Genome

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    Transcriptional regulation in human cells is a complex process involving a multitude of regulatory elements encoded by the genome. Recent studies have shown that distinct chromatin signatures mark a variety of functional genomic elements and that subtle variations of these signatures mark elements with different functions. To identify novel chromatin signatures in the human genome, we apply a de novo pattern-finding algorithm to genome-wide maps of histone modifications. We recover previously known chromatin signatures associated with promoters and enhancers. We also observe several chromatin signatures with strong enrichment of H3K36me3 marking exons. Closer examination reveals that H3K36me3 is found on well-positioned nucleosomes at exon 5′ ends, and that this modification is a global mark of exon expression that also correlates with alternative splicing. Additionally, we observe strong enrichment of H2BK5me1 and H4K20me1 at highly expressed exons near the 5′ end, in contrast to the opposite distribution of H3K36me3-marked exons. Finally, we also recover frequently occurring chromatin signatures displaying enrichment of repressive histone modifications. These signatures mark distinct repeat sequences and are associated with distinct modes of gene repression. Together, these results highlight the rich information embedded in the human epigenome and underscore its value in studying gene regulation

    Involvement of PARP1 in the Regulation of Alternative Splicing

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    Specialized chromatin structures such as nucleosomes with specific histone modifications decorate exons in eukaryotic genomes, suggesting a functional connection between chromatin organization and the regulation of pre-mRNA splicing. Through profiling the functional location of Poly (ADP) ribose polymerase, we observed that it is associated with the nucleosomes at exon/intron boundaries of specific genes, suggestive of a role for this enzyme in alternative splicing. Poly (ADP) ribose polymerase has previously been implicated in the PARylation of splicing factors as well as regulation of the histone modification H3K4me3, a mark critical for co-transcriptional splicing. In light of these studies, we hypothesized that interaction of the chromatin-modifying factor, Poly (ADP) ribose polymerase with nucleosomal structures at exon–intron boundaries, might regulate pre-mRNA splicing. Using genome-wide approaches validated by gene-specific assays, we show that depletion of PARP1 or inhibition of its PARylation activity results in changes in alternative splicing of a specific subset of genes. Furthermore, we observed that PARP1 bound to RNA, splicing factors and chromatin, suggesting that Poly (ADP) ribose polymerase serves as a gene regulatory hub to facilitate co-transcriptional splicing. These studies add another function to the multi-functional protein, Poly (ADP) ribose polymerase, and provide a platform for further investigation of this protein’s function in organizing chromatin during gene regulatory processes

    Differential patterns of intronic and exonic DNA regions with respect to RNA polymerase II occupancy, nucleosome density and H3K36me3 marking in fission yeast

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    BACKGROUND: The generation of mature mRNAs involves interconnected processes, including transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), modification of histones, and processing of pre-mRNAs through capping, intron splicing, and polyadenylation. These processes are thought to be integrated, both spatially and temporally, but it is unclear how these connections manifest at a global level with respect to chromatin patterns and transcription kinetics. We sought to clarify the relationships between chromatin, transcription and splicing using multiple genome-wide approaches in fission yeast. RESULTS: To investigate these functional interdependencies, we determined Pol II occupancy across all genes using high-density tiling arrays. We also performed ChIP-chip on the same array platform to globally map histone H3 and its H3K36me3 modification, complemented by formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements (FAIRE). Surprisingly, Pol II occupancy was higher in introns than in exons, and this difference was inversely correlated with gene expression levels at a global level. Moreover, introns showed distinct distributions of histone H3, H3K36me3 and FAIRE signals, similar to those at promoters and terminators. These distinct transcription and chromatin patterns of intronic regions were most pronounced in poorly expressed genes. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that Pol II accumulates at the 3 ends of introns, leading to substantial transcriptional delays in weakly transcribed genes. We propose that the global relationship between transcription, chromatin remodeling, and splicing may reflect differences in local nuclear environments, with highly expressed genes being associated with abundant processing factors that promote effective intron splicing and transcriptional elongation

    Nucleosome positioning in Arabidopsis

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    The aim of this project was to test hypotheses relating to nucleosome positioning in Arabidopsis to provide a basis for better understanding of epigenetic transcriptional regulation in plants. Prior to this study, virtually no information existed regarding nucleosome positioning in plants. Eukaryote chromosomes consist of chromatin, composed of nucleosomes separated by linker DNA of variable lengths. Nucleosomes consist of 147 bp of DNA wrapped 1.7 times around a histone octamer. Whilst no consensus nucleosome positioning DNA sequence exists, sequence preferences influence positioning, and contribute to the complex epigenetic processes which act to control transcriptional activity. These details of the underlying mechanisms are known to differ between the plant and animal kingdoms. High-throughput sequencing technologies were utilised to generate large datasets of mono- and di-nucleosome sequences from wild-type Arabidopsis. These enabled genome-wide analysis and inference of plant-specific patterns of nucleosome positioning and sequence properties. Further data were generated from a methyltransferase antisense (MET1) which is depleted in methylated CG epigenetic marks. The internal distributions of dinucleotides within Arabidopsis nucleosomes were similar to those observed in non-plant eukaryotes. A unique periodicity in the distribution of linker lengths was detected in Arabidopsis wild type chromatin. In contrast, the MET1 antisense line displayed the expected periodicity, indicating systematic differences in chromatin organisation. There was a significant increase in nucleosome occupancy within exons compared with introns. However, this difference was less marked in the MET1 antisense. Specific patterns of nucleosome phasing were observed around transcription start sites. Linker lengths within rRNA gene clusters associated with nucleolar organiser regions (NORs) differed depending on chromosome of origin, suggesting differences in higher order chromatin structure between the NORs. Comparison of the nucleosome position and DNA methylation within the rRNA gene cluster revealed interesting differences between the two regions, which may reflect interactions affecting chromatin structure and transcriptional regulation

    Chromatin Remodelling and RNA Processing

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    Nucleosome positioning on the chicken β-globin genes

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