60 research outputs found

    Guaranteed clustering and biclustering via semidefinite programming

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    Identifying clusters of similar objects in data plays a significant role in a wide range of applications. As a model problem for clustering, we consider the densest k-disjoint-clique problem, whose goal is to identify the collection of k disjoint cliques of a given weighted complete graph maximizing the sum of the densities of the complete subgraphs induced by these cliques. In this paper, we establish conditions ensuring exact recovery of the densest k cliques of a given graph from the optimal solution of a particular semidefinite program. In particular, the semidefinite relaxation is exact for input graphs corresponding to data consisting of k large, distinct clusters and a smaller number of outliers. This approach also yields a semidefinite relaxation for the biclustering problem with similar recovery guarantees. Given a set of objects and a set of features exhibited by these objects, biclustering seeks to simultaneously group the objects and features according to their expression levels. This problem may be posed as partitioning the nodes of a weighted bipartite complete graph such that the sum of the densities of the resulting bipartite complete subgraphs is maximized. As in our analysis of the densest k-disjoint-clique problem, we show that the correct partition of the objects and features can be recovered from the optimal solution of a semidefinite program in the case that the given data consists of several disjoint sets of objects exhibiting similar features. Empirical evidence from numerical experiments supporting these theoretical guarantees is also provided

    Convex relaxation for the planted clique, biclique, and clustering problems

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    A clique of a graph G is a set of pairwise adjacent nodes of G. Similarly, a biclique (U, V ) of a bipartite graph G is a pair of disjoint, independent vertex sets such that each node in U is adjacent to every node in V in G. We consider the problems of identifying the maximum clique of a graph, known as the maximum clique problem, and identifying the biclique (U, V ) of a bipartite graph that maximizes the product |U | · |V |, known as the maximum edge biclique problem. We show that finding a clique or biclique of a given size in a graph is equivalent to finding a rank one matrix satisfying a particular set of linear constraints. These problems can be formulated as rank minimization problems and relaxed to convex programming by replacing rank with its convex envelope, the nuclear norm. Both problems are NP-hard yet we show that our relaxation is exact in the case that the input graph contains a large clique or biclique plus additional nodes and edges. For each problem, we provide two analyses of when our relaxation is exact. In the first, the diversionary edges are added deterministically by an adversary. In the second, each potential edge is added to the graph independently at random with fixed probability p. In the random case, our bounds match the earlier bounds of Alon, Krivelevich, and Sudakov, as well as Feige and Krauthgamer for the maximum clique problem. We extend these results and techniques to the k-disjoint-clique problem. The maximum node k-disjoint-clique problem is to find a set of k disjoint cliques of a given input graph containing the maximum number of nodes. Given input graph G and nonnegative edge weights w, the maximum mean weight k-disjoint-clique problem seeks to identify the set of k disjoint cliques of G that maximizes the sum of the average weights of the edges, with respect to w, of the complete subgraphs of G induced by the cliques. These problems may be considered as a way to pose the clustering problem. In clustering, one wants to partition a given data set so that the data items in each partition or cluster are similar and the items in different clusters are dissimilar. For the graph G such that the set of nodes represents a given data set and any two nodes are adjacent if and only if the corresponding items are similar, clustering the data into k disjoint clusters is equivalent to partitioning G into k-disjoint cliques. Similarly, given a complete graph with nodes corresponding to a given data set and edge weights indicating similarity between each pair of items, the data may be clustered by solving the maximum mean weight k-disjoint-clique problem. We show that both instances of the k-disjoint-clique problem can be formulated as rank constrained optimization problems and relaxed to semidefinite programs using the nuclear norm relaxation of rank. We also show that when the input instance corresponds to a collection of k disjoint planted cliques plus additional edges and nodes, this semidefinite relaxation is exact for both problems. We provide theoretical bounds that guarantee exactness of our relaxation and provide empirical examples of successful applications of our algorithm to synthetic data sets, as well as data sets from clustering applications

    Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization

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    This paper considers the problem of clustering a partially observed unweighted graph---i.e., one where for some node pairs we know there is an edge between them, for some others we know there is no edge, and for the remaining we do not know whether or not there is an edge. We want to organize the nodes into disjoint clusters so that there is relatively dense (observed) connectivity within clusters, and sparse across clusters. We take a novel yet natural approach to this problem, by focusing on finding the clustering that minimizes the number of "disagreements"---i.e., the sum of the number of (observed) missing edges within clusters, and (observed) present edges across clusters. Our algorithm uses convex optimization; its basis is a reduction of disagreement minimization to the problem of recovering an (unknown) low-rank matrix and an (unknown) sparse matrix from their partially observed sum. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm on the classical Planted Partition/Stochastic Block Model. Our main theorem provides sufficient conditions for the success of our algorithm as a function of the minimum cluster size, edge density and observation probability; in particular, the results characterize the tradeoff between the observation probability and the edge density gap. When there are a constant number of clusters of equal size, our results are optimal up to logarithmic factors.Comment: This is the final version published in Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR). Partial results appeared in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201

    Convex optimization for the planted k-disjoint-clique problem

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    We consider the k-disjoint-clique problem. The input is an undirected graph G in which the nodes represent data items, and edges indicate a similarity between the corresponding items. The problem is to find within the graph k disjoint cliques that cover the maximum number of nodes of G. This problem may be understood as a general way to pose the classical `clustering' problem. In clustering, one is given data items and a distance function, and one wishes to partition the data into disjoint clusters of data items, such that the items in each cluster are close to each other. Our formulation additionally allows `noise' nodes to be present in the input data that are not part of any of the cliques. The k-disjoint-clique problem is NP-hard, but we show that a convex relaxation can solve it in polynomial time for input instances constructed in a certain way. The input instances for which our algorithm finds the optimal solution consist of k disjoint large cliques (called `planted cliques') that are then obscured by noise edges and noise nodes inserted either at random or by an adversary