207 research outputs found

    CFD Simulation of Chemical Looping Combustion System

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    Emerging technologies for greenhouse-gas mitigation have assumed growing importance due to the imminent threat of climate change. The American Clean Energy Security Act and the American Power Act project that about 30% of fossil-fuel-based electricity generation to come from power plants with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) by 2040, rising to approximately 59% by 2050. Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is one of the most promising cost-effective technologies that can be retrofitted onto existing power plants for CCS. The main drawback attributed to CLC is a very low confidence level as a consequence of the lack of maturity of the technology. Use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has the potential to boost the development and implementation of commercial-scale CLC units. This dissertation focuses on designing a novel semi-batch CLC unit using fluidized-bed reactors and modeling the hydrodynamics of fluidized bed reactors with use of CFD. The National Energy Technology Laboratory’s (NETL, USA) open-source code MFIX is used in this study as flow solver for CFD models.In this dissertation, a conceptual design is developed that leads to fabrication of a 100-kWth semi-batch CLC prototype unit by ZERE Energy and Biofuels, Inc. San Jose, California. The hydrodynamics of the prototype unit are extensively studied using mathematical modeling and CFD. A multi-stage numerical model has been developed to investigate the behavior of a fuel reactor used in CLC unit. To predict the behavior of mass transfer in the CLC reactor, a combination of perturbation theory and semi-empirical correlation is suggested. Much of the work presented in this dissertation is focused on improving the ability to use CFD for process development. The grid size used in numerical simulations should be sufficiently small so that the meso-scale structures prevailing in the gas-fluidized beds can be captured explicitly. This restricts CFD in studying industrial-scale fluidized bed reactors. Thus, a generalized grid size that is sufficient to obtain a grid-independent solution of two-fluid CFD model is suggested in this study. In order to fully understand the complex interaction between fluid phases of CFD models, a 3-D face-masking algorithm is developed and applied to assist post-processing CFD results for identification and tracking of gas bubbles in a fluidized bed. Finally, the hydrodynamics of multiphase flow reactor at high-temperature is investigated through the particle-particle restitution coefficient in numerical simulations. In conclusion, findings of this dissertation will be useful for scale-up, design, or process optimization for reliable commercial CLC plants reducing economic risk, and potentially allowing for rapid scale-up

    Scaleup and hydrodynamics study of gas-solid spouted beds

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    A thorough understanding of the complex flow structure of gas-solid spouted bed is crucial for design, scale-up and performance. Advanced gas-solid optical probes were developed and used to evaluate different hydrodynamic parameters of spouted beds. These optical probes measure solids concentration, velocity and their time series fluctuations. Since solids concentration needs to be converted to solids holdup through calibration, for meaningful interpretation of results, a novel calibration method was proposed (which is inexpensive and reliable compared to the current reported methods) and validated in the present study. The reported dimensionless groups approach of spouted bed scale-up was assessed and was found that the two different spouted beds were not hydrodynamically similar. Hence, a new scale-up methodology based on maintaining similar or close radial profiles of gas holdup was proposed, assessed and validated. CFD was used after it was validated as an enabling tool to facilitate the implementation of the newly developed scale-up methodology by identifying the new conditions for maintaining radial profiles of gas holdup while scaling up. It can also be implemented to quantify the effect of various variables on their hydrodynamic parameters. Gamma Ray Densitometry (GRD), a non-invasive radioisotope based technique, was developed and demonstrated to montior [sic]on-line the conditions for the scale-up, flow regime and spouted beds operation. The solids holdup in spout region increases with axial height due to movement of solids from the annulus region. However, solids velocity in the spout region decreases with axial height. In the annulus region the solids move downward as a loose packed bed and the solids velocity and holdup do not change with axial height. Using factorial design of experiments it was found that solids density, static bed height, particle diameter, superficial gas velocity and gas inlet diameter had significant effect on the identification of spout diameter. Flow regimes in spouted bed were determined with the help of optical probes, pressure transducers and GRD. It was found that the range of stable spouting regime is higher in 0.152 m beds and the range of stable spouting decreases in the 0.076 m beds. The newly developed non-invasive radioisotope technique (GRD) was able to successfully identify different flow regimes and their transition velocities besides scale-up conditions and operation --Abstract, page iii

    3D Eulerian modeling of thin rectangular gas-solid fluidized beds: Estimation of the specularity coefficient and its effects on bubbling dynamics and circulation times

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    This study aims at investigating the influence of the wall boundary conditions and specifically the specularity coefficient on the fluidization behavior of a thin rectangular fluidized bed by means of 3D numerical simulation employing an Eulerian description of the gas and the solid phases. Thin rectangular fluidized beds have been extensively used in the research literature since it is assumed that the flow behaves like a simpler two-dimensional flow and hence they offer validation data for 2D simulations. However, the effects of the front and the back walls are significant, influencing the sensitivity of the fluidization hydrodynamics to the third dimension whose consideration is thus necessary. In order to investigate the influence of the specularity coefficient, Ď• (a parameter controlling the momentum transfer from the particles to the wall), on the fluidization hydrodynamics, a parametric analysis is conducted and the response of the bubble dynamics, reflecting the gasmotion, and the circulation fluxes, displaying the solids motion, are examined in detail. The computational results are compared with available experimental data in order to determine the values of Ď• that lead to the accurate description of the fluidization hydrodynamics via a two-fold validation strategy which involves the calculation of the circulation time and the solids concentration maps. It is observed that the appropriate value of the specularity coefficient depends rather strongly on the superficial gas velocity of the bed.BP (Firm

    Design and fabrication of a novel spinning fluidised bed

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    Existing vertical spinning fluidised bed (SFB) have several drawbacks, such as non-uniform radial and axial bed fluidisation, feeding and ash accumulation problems. The purpose of this research, therefore is to develop a prototype of the horizontal SFB combustor capable of overcoming these drawbacks. The scopes of the research include engineering design of the prototype, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling and set-up/commissioning of the developed prototype. Under this research, a prototype of the horizontal SFB has been successfully developed and is able to overcome the inherent weakness in vertical SFB. The innovative secondary chamber provides more freeboard for more complete combustion and acts as particulate control device. The prototype is suitable for burning low-density materials (rice husk, fibrous materials), which are difficult to be burnt in conventional fluidised bed by imparting a higher centrifugal force. There is also no limit to the amount of air throughput and combustion is only limited by the kinetics in which each different type of waste burns. Results from the CFD modelling narrowed down the parameters to be tested on the SFB in future experimental works, as well as providing design improvements on the current SFB design. Due to its compactness and versatility in burning a wide range of waste, the SFB prototype has the potential to be utilised as small-scale on-site waste incineration facility and high-efficiency gas burner for high-loading waste gas streams in chemical plants or refineries. The whole system is mountable to a truck and can be transported to waste sources such as rice mills, sawmills, wastewater treatment plants to incinerate waste. The full performance on the developed SFB during combustion of various types of wastes is outside the scope of the current research and therefore, is subjected to future experimental works

    Atmospheric Freeze Drying of Food in Fluidized Beds - Practical aspects and CFD simulation

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    Atmospheric freeze drying (AFD) is the lyophilization of a product at atmospheric pressure conditions and temperatures ranging generally between -15 and -5 â—¦C (avoiding, thereby, ice melting). The quality of the obtained dried products is quite similar to the quality of products dried by vacuum freeze drying (VFD), but without the need of generating vacuum, maintaining temperatures around -50 â—¦C in the condenser, or defrosting it. There are several ways to carry out AFD, such as the use of a fluidized bed or a tunnel conveyor. Nevertheless, AFD involves considerably longer drying times than VFD, and the process must be modified in some way in order to shorten them without loss of product quality at the same time. Moreover, since this process is usually carried out with air at very low temperatures, it can saturate rapidly. This situation leads to a reduction of the gradient of water concentration between air and product surface, and consequently, a diminution of the mass transfer rate. The use of an adsorbent material compatible with the food product (i.e., not toxic for human consumption) in a fluidized bed, could constitute an alternative for using other extra energy supplies (such as IR application, or heat pump). At the same time, the use of the adsorbent medium presents two additional advantages: the first, as the heat of adsorption of water vapour is of the same order of magnitude than sublimation heat of ice, no additional energy supply is necessary; second, it acts as adsorbent medium for generated water vapour, allowing air recirculation, which means an additional reduction of operative costs. In particular, non-food wheat bran is an interesting material to be applied as adsorbent in this process; this adsorbent is not only compatible with foodstuff, but also, since it is a by-product of the cereal processing industry, it is cheap and can be easily discarded (and reused, for example, in compost) without recovering it by means of a thermal treatment. Nonetheless, as it is the hard outer layer of cereals consisting of combined aleurone and pericarp, its particles exhibit a very irregular plane shape, with rests of grain brush and, in some cases, broken pericarp. These characteristics confer to the particle a rough surface and, as undesired consequence, the possibility of mechanical interaction during fluidization. However, when two different materials are fluidized in a fluidized bed, the mixture may undergo segregation, causing a poor contact between the adsorbent and the food particles. Thus, instead of using a traditional fluidized bed, a spout-fluid bed (an apparatus similar to the spouted bed, with lateral air injectors beside the main jet) may be utilized, and thereby enhancing mixing. On the other hand, CFD simulation would offer a great potential for simulating the AFD process, its optimization from the fluid dynamic point of view, and the design of new equipment. Various investigators have been working on the application of CFD models for simulating AFD in fluidized bed. However, in general, they simulated a single piece of foodstuff, but not the complete system with air, food material, and adsorbent (when it is applied). The general objectives of the PhD work are to determine the hydrodynamic conditions under which AFD in adsorbent fluidized bed is feasible, and to obtain a first approach to a CFD model of the process. Particularly, the study of the hydrodynamics of the process (non-food wheat bran fluidization behaviour, and mixing of binary mixtures) in a fluidized bed as well as in a spout-fluid bed is aimed from the experimental point of view, while the evaluation of the possibility of simulation by means of a CFD code of the AFD process by immersion in adsorbent medium in a fluidized bed is intended in the theoretical field. Unlike sand or other materials in which regular bubbles are formed, non-food wheat bran exhibits canalization or preferential air paths formation, and bed does not expand after overcoming minimum fluidization velocity. In addition, bran particle diameter is represented by a population distribution whose majority is Geldart B. Therefore, considering other bran particles physical characteristics such as rough surface and rest of grain brushes, it can be said that this "pseudo-cohesive" behaviour is caused principally by mechanical interactions rather than electrostatic forces as occurs in cohesive powders. In general terms, it can be observed a cyclical behaviour of channels generation and collapse. The number of channels and their shape depend on air superficial velocity as well as the bed position where they are formed. Anyway, in general they follow the Channel Generation and Collapse Cycle where two main stages are represented: I, generation, and II, collapse. Experiments emulating different stages of the AFD process with adsorbent application (using fresh food, partially lyophilized material, and completely lyophilized foodstuff) were done employing different food particles (peas, carrot discs, and potato slabs). Experiments were carried out in a 35 cm squared base fluidized bed and in a 20x10 rectangle base fluid-spout bed. The effects on segregation of air superficial velocity, product volumetric fraction, and particle shape were evaluated. For evaluating the segregation, segregation indexes form literature were evaluated, but some difficulties were found using them, besides it is not possible to obtain information about the segregation profiles with them. Thus, a novel way for characterizing segregation was proposed (the Three Thirds Segregation Indexes Set, TTSIS), consisting of three numbers that evaluate the distribution profile of a material of interest (food product, for the current case) and a fourth one that gives an idea of the segregation level. TTSIS was found the best tool for quantifying the segregation phenomenon, as it allows not only to measure the segregation level, but also classify the segregation pattern. As it was expected from the theory, it was evidenced that, even for a binary mixture composed by a pseudo-cohesive powder and a solid whose particles are considerably greater than the powder ones, the air superficial velocity plays a very important role in mixing. Particularly, at high air flows (2.6 umf-adsorbent for the analysed cases) uniform distribution of the material of interest are reached when dried foodstuff is used. Nonetheless, product density plays a fundamental role, since disuniform segregation profiles were obtained when fresh or partially lyophilized food material was used. Uniform mixing profiles were reached in the fluid-spout bed with a good circulation of the food particles along the bed during the fluidization. These results shown to be independent of the product density. Thus, this kind of bed should be used if an uniform mixing between adsorbent and food product is desired. Segregation phenomenon in channelling fluidized beds and the mixing process in fluid-spout beds might be explained by means of two food particle transport mechanisms (passive and active) and two movement blocking effects (floor and roof effects) observed during experimentation (video analysis), and the Channel Generation and Collapse Cycle. Regarding to CFD simulations, relatively reasonable results were obtained from the hydrodynamic point of view only at high air superficial velocity. However, specific models for cohesive or pseudo-cohesive powders are required if an accurate simulation of this kind of solids or binary mixtures integrated by them is intended. In sum, from the experimental results, emerged that the fresh product completely segregates toward the bed bottom in fluidized bed when mixtures containing food material without drying were used. Thus, a good contact between the material to be dried and the adsorbent (desirable for utilizing the adsorption heat for ice sublimation) would be not possible for AFD with use of adsorbent in fluidized bed applications. In contrast, using a fluid-spout bed maintains a very good mixing even if fresh food particles are used. Thus, beside the already known applications of this kind of beds for catalytic processes, its utilization for AFD with adsorbent medium seems to be an interesting and novel option for this process. Nevertheless, CFD simulation might be performed only for non-cohesive powders since the simulation of pseudo-cohesive materials fluidization is currently limited because of the lack of hydrodynamic models for this kind of solids
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