5 research outputs found

    Smart Kulkas dengan Fitur SMS untuk Melaporkan Ketersediaan Bahan Makanan

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    Refrigerator is one of household appliances used daily to keep foodstuffs fresh. To find out whether the contents of the refrigerator are running low or run out, a user must check it directly by opening the door and viewing the contents. It will be troublesome to know the contents of the refrigerator when the user is outdoors because he or she must first call someone at home. One of solutions offered is by modifying the refrigerator so that the user can check the contents of the refrigerator by sending a short message (SMS) via mobile phone and the refrigerator can also send notification via SMS to the user if the contents of the refrigerator are running out. Equipment added to the refrigerator is a microcontroller in Arduino Uno R3 equipped with load sensors, and infrared sensors as food detectors and with GSM module for sending and receiving short messages. The study is conducted to design a modified refrigerator and to test the modification result. The result is a smart refrigerator system that can send SMS if the food supply in the refrigerator is running out

    SmrtFridge: IoT-based, user interaction-driven food item & quantity sensing

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under its IDM Futures and International Research Centres in Singapore Funding Initiativ

    'HighChest': An augmented freezer designed for smart food management and promotion of eco-efficient behaviour

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    This paper introduces HighChest, an innovative smart freezer designed to promote energy efficient behavior and the responsible use of food. Introducing a novel humanâmachine interface (HMI) design developed through assessment phases and a user involvement stage, HighChest is state of the art, featuring smart services that exploit embedded sensors and Internet of things functionalities, which enhance the local capabilities of the appliance. The industrial design thinking approach followed for the advanced HMI is intended to maximize the social impact of the food management service, enhancing both the user experience of the product and the userâs willingness to adopt eco- and energy-friendly behaviors. The sensor equipment realizes automatic recognition of food by learning from the users, as well as automatic localization inside the deposit space. Moreover, it provides monitoring of the applianceâs usage, avoiding temperature and humidity issues related to improper use. Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the localization system, and the results showed 100% accuracy for weights greater or equal to 0.5 kg. Drifts due to the lid opening and prolonged usage time were also measured, to implement automatic reset corrections

    Computação invisível em ambientes domésticos : especificação e validação de funcionalidades para um assistente pessoal multimodal

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    Mestrado em Comunicação MultimédiaAtualmente vive-se num mundo de equipamentos tecnológicos para desempenhar as mais diversas atividades. Neste sentido, o utilizador necessita, cada vez mais, de possuir mais que um simples smartphone, tablet ou equipamento similar que o auxilie nas tarefas do seu dia-a-dia e seja capaz de lhe fornecer o acesso a informações, lembretes, entretenimento e outros conteúdos, de forma simplificada. Assim, tendo por base a temática lançada pela PT Inovação e Sistemas, surge a ideia de desenvolver um Assistente Pessoal Mutimodal em contexto doméstico. Desta forma, esta investigação efetua uma abordagem à Computação Invisível e Interfaces Multimodais no sentido de se estudarem as funcionalidades e formas de interação adequadas, tendo por meta a elaboração de um protótipo de um assistente deste tipo. Após o desenvolvimento deste protótipo, que integra as funcionalidades de Lembretes, Recados e Chefe de Cozinha, e analisando os resultados obtidos verifica-se que estes sugerem que as funcionalidades selecionadas fazem todo o sentido e que a interação com o assistente poderá passar forma de interação escolhida (voz), se complementada com sistemas de backoffice.We currently live in a world of technological equipment that performs the most diverse activities. Therefore, the user needs progressively to possess more than just a simple smartphone, tablet or similar equipment that assists in the day-to-day tasks and is able to provide you access to information, reminders, entertainment and other content in a simplified way. Thus, based on the theme launched by PT Inovação e Sistemas, the idea came up to develop a Multimodal Personal Assistant in domestic context. Hence, this investigation/research makes an approach to Invisible Computing and Multimodal Interfaces in order to study the features and appropriate forms of interaction, looking for the main goal of elaborating a prototype of this type of assistant. Following this prototype development, that integrates the functionality of reminders, notes and chef, and analyzing the obtained results, it appears that these suggest that the selected features make perfect sense, and the interaction with the assistant may be chosen (voice) if complemented with the backoffice systems