8 research outputs found

    Novel heavy-traffic regimes for large-scale service systems

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    We introduce a family of heavy-traffic regimes for large scale service systems, presenting a range of scalings that include both moderate and extreme heavy traffic, as compared to classical heavy traffic. The heavy-traffic regimes can be translated into capacity sizing rules that lead to Economies-of-Scales, so that the system utilization approaches 100% while congestion remains limited. We obtain heavy-traffic approximations for stationary performance measures in terms of asymptotic expansions, using a non-standard saddle point method, tailored to the specific form of integral expressions for the performance measures, in combination with the heavy-traffic regimes

    Optimal capacity allocation for heavy-traffic fixed-cycle traffic-light queues and intersections

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    Setting traffic light signals is a classical topic in traffic engineering, and important in heavy-traffic conditions when green times become scarce and longer queues are inevitably formed. For the fixed-cycle traffic-light queue, an elementary queueing model for one traffic light with cyclic signaling, we obtain heavy-traffic limits that capture the long-term queue behavior. We leverage the limit theorems to obtain sharp performance approximations for one queue in heavy traffic. We also consider optimization problems that aim for optimal division of green times among multiple conflicting traffic streams. We show that inserting heavy-traffic approximations leads to tractable optimization problems and close-to-optimal signal prescriptions. The same type of limiting result can be established for several vehicle-actuated strategies which adds to the general applicability of the framework presented in this paper

    Transient error approximation in a Lévy queue

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    Motivated by a capacity allocation problem within a finite planning period, we conduct a transient analysis of a single-server queue with Lévy input. From a cost minimization perspective, we investigate the error induced by using stationary congestion measures as opposed to time-dependent measures. Invoking recent results from fluctuation theory of Lévy processes, we derive a refined cost function, that accounts for transient effects. This leads to a corrected capacity allocation rule for the transient single-server queue. Extensive numerical experiments indicate that the cost reductions achieved by this correction can be significant