21 research outputs found

    CryptoZoo: A Viewer for Reduction Proofs

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    Cryptographers rely on visualization to effectively communicate cryptographic constructions with one another. Visual frameworks such as constructive cryptography (TOSCA 2011), the joy of cryptography (online book) and state-separating proofs (SSPs, Asiacrypt 2018) are useful to communicate not only the construction, but also their proof visually by representing a cryptographic system as graphs. One SSP core feature is the re-use of code, e.g., a package of code might be used in a game and be part of the description of a reduction as well. Thus, in a proof, the linear structure of a paper either requires the reader to turn pages to find definitions or writers to re-state them, thereby interrupting the visual flow of the game hops that are defined by a sequence of graphs. We present an interactive proof viewer for state-separating proofs (SSPs) which addresses the limitations and perform three case studies: The equivalence between simulation-based and game-based notions for symmetric encryption, the security proof of the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Micali construction of a pseudorandom function from a pseudorandom generator, and Brzuska\u27s and Oechsner\u27s SSP formalization of the proof for Yao\u27s garbling scheme

    Limitations of the Meta-reduction Technique: The Case of Schnorr Signatures

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    We revisit the security of Fiat-Shamir signatures in the non-programmable random oracle model. The well-known proof by Pointcheval and Stern for such signature schemes (Journal of Cryptology, 2000) relies on the ability to re-program the random oracle, and it has been unknown if this property is inherent. Pailler and Vergnaud (Asiacrypt 2005) gave some first evidence of the hardness by showing via meta-reduction techniques that algebraic reductions cannot succeed in reducing key-only attacks against unforgeability to the discrete-log assumptions. We also use meta-reductions to show that the security of Schnorr signatures cannot be proven equivalent to the discrete logarithm problem without programming the random oracle. Our result also holds under the one-more discrete logarithm assumption but applies to a large class of reductions, we call *single-instance* reductions, subsuming those used in previous proofs of security in the (programmable) random oracle model. In contrast to algebraic reductions, our class allows arbitrary operations, but can only invoke a single resettable adversary instance, making our class incomparable to algebraic reductions. Our main result, however, is about meta-reductions and the question if this technique can be used to further strengthen the separations above. Our answer is negative. We present, to the best of our knowledge for the first time, limitations of the meta-reduction technique in the sense that finding a meta-reduction for general reductions is most likely infeasible. In fact, we prove that finding a meta-reduction against a potential reduction is equivalent to finding a ``meta-meta-reduction\u27\u27 against the strong existential unforgeability of the signature scheme. This means that the existence of a meta-reduction implies that the scheme must be insecure (against a slightly stronger attack) in the first place

    Lifting Standard Model Reductions to Common Setup Assumptions

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    In this paper, we show that standard model black-box reductions naturally lift to various setup assumptions, such as the random oracle (ROM) or ideal cipher model. Concretely, we prove that a black-box reduction from a security notion P to security notion Q in the standard model can be turned into a non-programmable black-box reduction from P_O to Q_O in a model with a setup assumption O, where P_O and Q_O are the natural extensions of P and Q to a model with a setup assumption O. Our results rely on a generalization of the recent framework by Hofheinz and Nguyen (PKC 2019) to support primitives which make use of a trusted setup. Our framework encompasses standard idealized settings like the random oracle and the ideal cipher model. At the core of our main result lie novel properties of negligible functions that can be of independent interest

    Tightness Subtleties for Multi-user PKE Notions

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    Public key encryption schemes are increasingly being studied concretely, with an emphasis on tight bounds even in a multi-user setting. Here, two types of formalization have emerged, one with a single challenge bit and one with multiple challenge bits. Another modelling choice is whether to allow key corruptions or not. How tightly the various notions relate to each other has hitherto not been studied in detail. We show that in the absence of corruptions, single-bit left-or-right indistinguishability is the preferred notion, as it tightly implies the other (corruption-less) notions. However, in the presence of corruptions, this implication no longer holds; we suggest the use of a more general notion that tightly implies both existing options. Furthermore, for completeness we study how the relationship between left-or-right versus real-or-random evolves in the multi-user PKE setting

    A Black-Box Construction of Non-Malleable Encryption from Semantically Secure Encryption

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    We show how to transform any semantically secure encryption scheme into a non-malleable one, with a black-box construction that achieves a quasi-linear blow-up in the size of the ciphertext. This improves upon the previous non-black-box construction of Pass, Shelat and Vaikuntanathan (Crypto \u2706). Our construction also extends readily to guarantee non-malleability under a bounded-CCA2 attack, thereby simultaneously improving on both results in the work of Cramer et al. (Asiacrypt \u2707). Our construction departs from the oft-used paradigm of re-encrypting the same message with different keys and then proving consistency of encryption. Instead, we encrypt an encoding of the message; the encoding is based on an error-correcting code with certain properties of reconstruction and secrecy from partial views, satisfied, e.g., by a Reed-Solomon code

    Enhancements Are Blackbox Non-Trivial: Impossibility of Enhanced Trapdoor Permutations from Standard Trapdoor Permutations

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    Trapdoor permutations (TDP) are a fundamental primitive in cryptography. Over the years, several variants of this notion have emerged as a result of various applications. However, it is not clear whether these variants may be based on the standard notion of TDPs. We study the question of whether enhanced trapdoor permutations can be based on classical trapdoor permutations. The main motivation of our work is in the context of existing TDP-based constructions of oblivious transfer and non-interactive zero-knowledge protocols, which require enhancements to the classical TDP notion. We prove that these enhancements are non-trivial, in the sense that there does not exist fully blackbox constructions of enhanced TDPs from classical TDPs. At a technical level, we show that the enhanced TDP security of any construction in the random TDP oracle world can be broken via a polynomial number of queries to the TDP oracle as well as a weakening oracle, which provides inversion with respect to randomness. We also show that the standard one-wayness of a random TDP oracle stays intact in the presence of this weakening oracle

    Ideal-Cipher (Ir)reducibility for Blockcipher-Based Hash Functions

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    Preneel et al.~(Crypto 1993) assessed 64 possible ways to construct a compression function out of a blockcipher. They conjectured that 12 out of these 64 so-called PGV constructions achieve optimal security bounds for collision resistance and preimage resistance. This was proven by Black et al.~(Journal of Cryptology, 2010), if one assumes that the blockcipher is ideal. This result, however, does not apply to ``non-ideal\u27\u27 blockciphers such as AES. To alleviate this problem, we revisit the PGV constructions in light of the recently proposed idea of random-oracle reducibility (Baecher and Fischlin, Crypto 2011). We say that the blockcipher in one of the 12 secure PGV constructions reduces to the one in another construction, if \emph{any} secure instantiation of the cipher, ideal or not, for one construction also makes the other secure. This notion allows us to relate the underlying assumptions on blockciphers in different constructions, and show that the requirements on the blockcipher for one case are not more demanding than those for the other. It turns out that this approach divides the 12 secure constructions into two groups of equal size, where within each group a blockcipher making one construction secure also makes all others secure. Across the groups this is provably not the case, showing that the sets of ``good\u27\u27 blockciphers for each group are qualitatively distinct. We also relate the ideal ciphers in the PGV constructions with those in double-block-length hash functions such as Tandem-DM, Abreast-DM, and Hirose-DM. Here, our results show that, besides achieving better bounds, the double-block-length hash functions rely on weaker assumptions on the blockciphers to achieve collision and everywhere preimage resistance

    Injective Trapdoor Functions via Derandomization: How Strong is Rudich’s Black-Box Barrier?

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    We present a cryptographic primitive P\mathcal{P} satisfying the following properties: -- Rudich\u27s seminal impossibility result (PhD thesis \u2788) shows that P\mathcal{P} cannot be used in a black-box manner to construct an injective one-way function. -- P\mathcal{P} can be used in a non-black-box manner to construct an injective one-way function assuming the existence of a hitting-set generator that fools deterministic circuits (such a generator is known to exist based on the worst-case assumption that \mbox{E} = \mbox{DTIME}(2^{O(n)}) has a function of deterministic circuit complexity 2Ω(n)2^{\Omega(n)}). -- Augmenting P\mathcal{P} with a trapdoor algorithm enables a non-black-box construction of an injective trapdoor function (once again, assuming the existence of a hitting-set generator that fools deterministic circuits), while Rudich\u27s impossibility result still holds. The primitive P\mathcal{P} and its augmented variant can be constructed based on any injective one-way function and on any injective trapdoor function, respectively, and they are thus unconditionally essential for the existence of such functions. Moreover, P\mathcal{P} can also be constructed based on various known primitives that are secure against related-key attacks, thus enabling to base the strong structural guarantees of injective one-way functions on the strong security guarantees of such primitives. Our application of derandomization techniques is inspired mainly by the work of Barak, Ong and Vadhan (CRYPTO \u2703), which on one hand relies on any one-way function, but on the other hand only results in a non-interactive perfectly-binding commitment scheme (offering significantly weaker structural guarantees compared to injective one-way functions), and does not seem to enable an extension to public-key primitives. The key observation underlying our approach is that Rudich\u27s impossibility result applies not only to one-way functions as the underlying primitive, but in fact to a variety of unstructured\u27\u27 primitives. We put forward a condition for identifying such primitives, and then subtly tailor the properties of our primitives such that they are both sufficiently unstructured in order to satisfy this condition, and sufficiently structured in order to yield injective one-way and trapdoor functions. This circumvents the basic approach underlying Rudich\u27s long-standing evidence for the difficulty of constructing injective one-way functions (and, in particular, injective trapdoor functions) based on seemingly weaker or unstructured assumptions

    On the Complexity of Collision Resistant Hash Functions: New and Old Black-Box Separations

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    The complexity of collision-resistant hash functions has been long studied in the theory of cryptography. While we often think about them as a Minicrypt primitive, black-box separations demonstrate that constructions from one-way functions are unlikely. Indeed, theoretical constructions of collision-resistant hash functions are based on rather structured assumptions. We make two contributions to this study: 1. A New Separation: We show that collision-resistant hashing does not imply hard problems in the class Statistical Zero Knowledge in a black-box way. 2. New Proofs: We show new proofs for the results of Simon, ruling out black-box reductions of collision-resistant hashing to one-way permutations, and of Asharov and Segev, ruling out black-box reductions to indistinguishability obfuscation. The new proofs are quite different from the previous ones and are based on simple coupling arguments

    On Constructing One-Way Permutations from Indistinguishability Obfuscation

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    We prove that there is no black-box construction of a one-way permutation family from a one-way function and an indistinguishability obfuscator for the class of all oracle-aided circuits, where the construction is domain invariant (i.e., where each permutation may have its own domain, but these domains are independent of the underlying building blocks). Following the framework of Asharov and Segev (FOCS \u2715), by considering indistinguishability obfuscation for oracle-aided circuits we capture the common techniques that have been used so far in constructions based on indistinguishability obfuscation. These include, in particular, non-black-box techniques such as the punctured programming approach of Sahai and Waters (STOC \u2714) and its variants, as well as sub-exponential security assumptions. For example, we fully capture the construction of a trapdoor permutation family from a one-way function and an indistinguishability obfuscator due to Bitansky, Paneth and Wichs (TCC \u2716). Their construction is not domain invariant and our result shows that this, somewhat undesirable property, is unavoidable using the common techniques. In fact, we observe that constructions which are not domain invariant circumvent all known negative results for constructing one-way permutations based on one-way functions, starting with Rudich\u27s seminal work (PhD thesis \u2788). We revisit this classic and fundamental problem, and resolve this somewhat surprising gap by ruling out all such black-box constructions -- even those that are not domain invariant