675 research outputs found

    A type system for components

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    In modern distributed systems, dynamic reconfiguration, i.e., changing at runtime the communication pattern of a program, is chal- lenging. Generally, it is difficult to guarantee that such modifications will not disrupt ongoing computations. In a previous paper, a solution to this problem was proposed by extending the object-oriented language ABS with a component model allowing the programmer to: i) perform up- dates on objects by means of communication ports and their rebinding; and ii) precisely specify when such updates can safely occur in an object by means of critical sections. However, improper rebind operations could still occur and lead to runtime errors. The present paper introduces a type system for this component model that extends the ABS type system with the notion of ports and a precise analysis that statically enforces that no object will attempt illegal rebinding

    Functional Ownership through Fractional Uniqueness

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    Ownership and borrowing systems, designed to enforce safe memory management without the need for garbage collection, have been brought to the fore by the Rust programming language. Rust also aims to bring some guarantees offered by functional programming into the realm of performant systems code, but the type system is largely separate from the ownership model, with type and borrow checking happening in separate compilation phases. Recent models such as RustBelt and Oxide aim to formalise Rust in depth, but there is less focus on integrating the basic ideas into more traditional type systems. An approach designed to expose an essential core for ownership and borrowing would open the door for functional languages to borrow concepts found in Rust and other ownership frameworks, so that more programmers can enjoy their benefits. One strategy for managing memory in a functional setting is through uniqueness types, but these offer a coarse-grained view: either a value has exactly one reference, and can be mutated safely, or it cannot, since other references may exist. Recent work demonstrates that linear and uniqueness types can be combined in a single system to offer restrictions on program behaviour and guarantees about memory usage. We develop this connection further, showing that just as graded type systems like those of Granule and Idris generalise linearity, Rust's ownership model arises as a graded generalisation of uniqueness. We combine fractional permissions with grading to give the first account of ownership and borrowing that smoothly integrates into a standard type system alongside linearity and graded types, and extend Granule accordingly with these ideas.Comment: 23 pages + references. In submissio

    Structural Analysis: Shape Information via Points-To Computation

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    This paper introduces a new hybrid memory analysis, Structural Analysis, which combines an expressive shape analysis style abstract domain with efficient and simple points-to style transfer functions. Using data from empirical studies on the runtime heap structures and the programmatic idioms used in modern object-oriented languages we construct a heap analysis with the following characteristics: (1) it can express a rich set of structural, shape, and sharing properties which are not provided by a classic points-to analysis and that are useful for optimization and error detection applications (2) it uses efficient, weakly-updating, set-based transfer functions which enable the analysis to be more robust and scalable than a shape analysis and (3) it can be used as the basis for a scalable interprocedural analysis that produces precise results in practice. The analysis has been implemented for .Net bytecode and using this implementation we evaluate both the runtime cost and the precision of the results on a number of well known benchmarks and real world programs. Our experimental evaluations show that the domain defined in this paper is capable of precisely expressing the majority of the connectivity, shape, and sharing properties that occur in practice and, despite the use of weak updates, the static analysis is able to precisely approximate the ideal results. The analysis is capable of analyzing large real-world programs (over 30K bytecodes) in less than 65 seconds and using less than 130MB of memory. In summary this work presents a new type of memory analysis that advances the state of the art with respect to expressive power, precision, and scalability and represents a new area of study on the relationships between and combination of concepts from shape and points-to analyses

    Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs

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    This paper presents a program logic for reasoning about multithreaded Java-like programs with dynamic thread creation, thread joining and reentrant object monitors. The logic is based on concurrent separation logic. It is the first detailed adaptation of concurrent separation logic to a multithreaded Java-like language. The program logic associates a unique static access permission with each heap location, ensuring exclusive write accesses and ruling out data races. Concurrent reads are supported through fractional permissions. Permissions can be transferred between threads upon thread starting, thread joining, initial monitor entrancies and final monitor exits. In order to distinguish between initial monitor entrancies and monitor reentrancies, auxiliary variables keep track of multisets of currently held monitors. Data abstraction and behavioral subtyping are facilitated through abstract predicates, which are also used to represent monitor invariants, preconditions for thread starting and postconditions for thread joining. Value-parametrized types allow to conveniently capture common strong global invariants, like static object ownership relations. The program logic is presented for a model language with Java-like classes and interfaces, the soundness of the program logic is proven, and a number of illustrative examples are presented

    Borrowable Fractional Ownership Types for Verification

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    Automated verification of functional correctness of imperative programs with references (a.k.a. pointers) is challenging because of reference aliasing. Ownership types have recently been applied to address this issue, but the existing approaches were limited in that they are effective only for a class of programs whose reference usage follows a certain style. To relax the limitation, we combine the approaches of ConSORT (based on fractional ownership) and RustHorn (based on borrowable ownership), two recent approaches to automated program verification based on ownership types, and propose the notion of borrowable fractional ownership types. We formalize a new type system based on the borrowable fractional ownership types and show how we can use it to automatically reduce the program verification problem for imperative programs with references to that for functional programs without references. We also show the soundness of our type system and the translation, and conduct experiments to confirm the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: An extended version of the paper to appear in Proceedings of VMCAI 202
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