264 research outputs found

    SurfelMeshing: Online Surfel-Based Mesh Reconstruction

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    We address the problem of mesh reconstruction from live RGB-D video, assuming a calibrated camera and poses provided externally (e.g., by a SLAM system). In contrast to most existing approaches, we do not fuse depth measurements in a volume but in a dense surfel cloud. We asynchronously (re)triangulate the smoothed surfels to reconstruct a surface mesh. This novel approach enables to maintain a dense surface representation of the scene during SLAM which can quickly adapt to loop closures. This is possible by deforming the surfel cloud and asynchronously remeshing the surface where necessary. The surfel-based representation also naturally supports strongly varying scan resolution. In particular, it reconstructs colors at the input camera's resolution. Moreover, in contrast to many volumetric approaches, ours can reconstruct thin objects since objects do not need to enclose a volume. We demonstrate our approach in a number of experiments, showing that it produces reconstructions that are competitive with the state-of-the-art, and we discuss its advantages and limitations. The algorithm (excluding loop closure functionality) is available as open source at https://github.com/puzzlepaint/surfelmeshing .Comment: Version accepted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    InfiniTAM v3: A Framework for Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction with Loop Closure

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    Volumetric models have become a popular representation for 3D scenes in recent years. One breakthrough leading to their popularity was KinectFusion, which focuses on 3D reconstruction using RGB-D sensors. However, monocular SLAM has since also been tackled with very similar approaches. Representing the reconstruction volumetrically as a TSDF leads to most of the simplicity and efficiency that can be achieved with GPU implementations of these systems. However, this representation is memory-intensive and limits applicability to small-scale reconstructions. Several avenues have been explored to overcome this. With the aim of summarizing them and providing for a fast, flexible 3D reconstruction pipeline, we propose a new, unifying framework called InfiniTAM. The idea is that steps like camera tracking, scene representation and integration of new data can easily be replaced and adapted to the user's needs. This report describes the technical implementation details of InfiniTAM v3, the third version of our InfiniTAM system. We have added various new features, as well as making numerous enhancements to the low-level code that significantly improve our camera tracking performance. The new features that we expect to be of most interest are (i) a robust camera tracking module; (ii) an implementation of Glocker et al.'s keyframe-based random ferns camera relocaliser; (iii) a novel approach to globally-consistent TSDF-based reconstruction, based on dividing the scene into rigid submaps and optimising the relative poses between them; and (iv) an implementation of Keller et al.'s surfel-based reconstruction approach.Comment: This article largely supersedes arxiv:1410.0925 (it describes version 3 of the InfiniTAM framework

    A Non-Rigid Map Fusion-Based RGB-Depth SLAM Method for Endoscopic Capsule Robots

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    In the gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy field, ingestible wireless capsule endoscopy is considered as a minimally invasive novel diagnostic technology to inspect the entire GI tract and to diagnose various diseases and pathologies. Since the development of this technology, medical device companies and many groups have made significant progress to turn such passive capsule endoscopes into robotic active capsule endoscopes to achieve almost all functions of current active flexible endoscopes. However, the use of robotic capsule endoscopy still has some challenges. One such challenge is the precise localization of such active devices in 3D world, which is essential for a precise three-dimensional (3D) mapping of the inner organ. A reliable 3D map of the explored inner organ could assist the doctors to make more intuitive and correct diagnosis. In this paper, we propose to our knowledge for the first time in literature a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method specifically developed for endoscopic capsule robots. The proposed RGB-Depth SLAM method is capable of capturing comprehensive dense globally consistent surfel-based maps of the inner organs explored by an endoscopic capsule robot in real time. This is achieved by using dense frame-to-model camera tracking and windowed surfelbased fusion coupled with frequent model refinement through non-rigid surface deformations

    Robust Photogeometric Localization over Time for Map-Centric Loop Closure

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    Map-centric SLAM is emerging as an alternative of conventional graph-based SLAM for its accuracy and efficiency in long-term mapping problems. However, in map-centric SLAM, the process of loop closure differs from that of conventional SLAM and the result of incorrect loop closure is more destructive and is not reversible. In this paper, we present a tightly coupled photogeometric metric localization for the loop closure problem in map-centric SLAM. In particular, our method combines complementary constraints from LiDAR and camera sensors, and validates loop closure candidates with sequential observations. The proposed method provides a visual evidence-based outlier rejection where failures caused by either place recognition or localization outliers can be effectively removed. We demonstrate the proposed method is not only more accurate than the conventional global ICP methods but is also robust to incorrect initial pose guesses.Comment: To Appear in IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, ACCEPTED JANUARY 201
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