5 research outputs found

    SeasonDepth: Cross-Season Monocular Depth Prediction Dataset and Benchmark under Multiple Environments

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    Different environments pose a great challenge to the outdoor robust visual perception for long-term autonomous driving and the generalization of learning-based algorithms on different environmental effects is still an open problem. Although monocular depth prediction has been well studied recently, there is few work focusing on the robust learning-based depth prediction across different environments, e.g. changing illumination and seasons, owing to the lack of such a multi-environment real-world dataset and benchmark. To this end, the first cross-season monocular depth prediction dataset and benchmark SeasonDepth is built based on CMU Visual Localization dataset. To benchmark the depth estimation performance under different environments, we investigate representative and recent state-of-the-art open-source supervised, self-supervised and domain adaptation depth prediction methods from KITTI benchmark using several newly-formulated metrics. Through extensive experimental evaluation on the proposed dataset, the influence of multiple environments on performance and robustness is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, showing that the long-term monocular depth prediction is still challenging even with fine-tuning. We further give promising avenues that self-supervised training and stereo geometry constraint help to enhance the robustness to changing environments. The dataset is available on https://seasondepth.github.io, and benchmark toolkit is available on https://github.com/SeasonDepth/SeasonDepth.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figure

    Occlusion-Aware Depth Estimation with Adaptive Normal Constraints

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    We present a new learning-based method for multi-frame depth estimation from a color video, which is a fundamental problem in scene understanding, robot navigation or handheld 3D reconstruction. While recent learning-based methods estimate depth at high accuracy, 3D point clouds exported from their depth maps often fail to preserve important geometric feature (e.g., corners, edges, planes) of man-made scenes. Widely-used pixel-wise depth errors do not specifically penalize inconsistency on these features. These inaccuracies are particularly severe when subsequent depth reconstructions are accumulated in an attempt to scan a full environment with man-made objects with this kind of features. Our depth estimation algorithm therefore introduces a Combined Normal Map (CNM) constraint, which is designed to better preserve high-curvature features and global planar regions. In order to further improve the depth estimation accuracy, we introduce a new occlusion-aware strategy that aggregates initial depth predictions from multiple adjacent views into one final depth map and one occlusion probability map for the current reference view. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of depth estimation accuracy, and preserves essential geometric features of man-made indoor scenes much better than other algorithms.Comment: ECCV 202