392 research outputs found

    Scarred Patterns in Surface Waves

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    Surface wave patterns are investigated experimentally in a system geometry that has become a paradigm of quantum chaos: the stadium billiard. Linear waves in bounded geometries for which classical ray trajectories are chaotic are known to give rise to scarred patterns. Here, we utilize parametrically forced surface waves (Faraday waves), which become progressively nonlinear beyond the wave instability threshold, to investigate the subtle interplay between boundaries and nonlinearity. Only a subset (three main types) of the computed linear modes of the stadium are observed in a systematic scan. These correspond to modes in which the wave amplitudes are strongly enhanced along paths corresponding to certain periodic ray orbits. Many other modes are found to be suppressed, in general agreement with a prediction by Agam and Altshuler based on boundary dissipation and the Lyapunov exponent of the associated orbit. Spatially asymmetric or disordered (but time-independent) patterns are also found even near onset. As the driving acceleration is increased, the time-independent scarred patterns persist, but in some cases transitions between modes are noted. The onset of spatiotemporal chaos at higher forcing amplitude often involves a nonperiodic oscillation between spatially ordered and disordered states. We characterize this phenomenon using the concept of pattern entropy. The rate of change of the patterns is found to be reduced as the state passes temporarily near the ordered configurations of lower entropy. We also report complex but highly symmetric (time-independent) patterns far above onset in the regime that is normally chaotic.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures (low resolution gif files). Updated and added references and text. For high resolution images: http://physics.clarku.edu/~akudrolli/stadium.htm

    The boundary of hyperbolicity for Henon-like families

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    We consider C^{2} Henon-like families of diffeomorphisms of R^{2} and study the boundary of the region of parameter values for which the nonwandering set is uniformly hyperbolic. Assuming sufficient dissipativity, we show that the loss of hyperbolicity is caused by a first homoclinic or heteroclinic tangency and that uniform hyperbolicity estimates hold uniformly in the parameter up to this bifurcation parameter and even, to some extent, at the bifurcation parameter.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures. Several minor revisions, additional figures, clarifications of some argument

    Nonchaotic Stagnant Motion in a Marginal Quasiperiodic Gradient System

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    A one-dimensional dynamical system with a marginal quasiperiodic gradient is presented as a mathematical extension of a nonuniform oscillator. The system exhibits a nonchaotic stagnant motion, which is reminiscent of intermittent chaos. In fact, the density function of residence times near stagnation points obeys an inverse-square law, due to a mechanism similar to type-I intermittency. However, unlike intermittent chaos, in which the alternation between long stagnant phases and rapid moving phases occurs in a random manner, here the alternation occurs in a quasiperiodic manner. In particular, in case of a gradient with the golden ratio, the renewal of the largest residence time occurs at positions corresponding to the Fibonacci sequence. Finally, the asymptotic long-time behavior, in the form of a nested logarithm, is theoretically derived. Compared with the Pomeau-Manneville intermittency, a significant difference in the relaxation property of the long-time average of the dynamical variable is found.Comment: 11pages, 5figure

    Predictability: a way to characterize Complexity

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    Different aspects of the predictability problem in dynamical systems are reviewed. The deep relation among Lyapunov exponents, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, Shannon entropy and algorithmic complexity is discussed. In particular, we emphasize how a characterization of the unpredictability of a system gives a measure of its complexity. Adopting this point of view, we review some developments in the characterization of the predictability of systems showing different kind of complexity: from low-dimensional systems to high-dimensional ones with spatio-temporal chaos and to fully developed turbulence. A special attention is devoted to finite-time and finite-resolution effects on predictability, which can be accounted with suitable generalization of the standard indicators. The problems involved in systems with intrinsic randomness is discussed, with emphasis on the important problems of distinguishing chaos from noise and of modeling the system. The characterization of irregular behavior in systems with discrete phase space is also considered.Comment: 142 Latex pgs. 41 included eps figures, submitted to Physics Reports. Related information at this http://axtnt2.phys.uniroma1.i

    Entropy production and Lyapunov instability at the onset of turbulent convection

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    Computer simulations of a compressible fluid, convecting heat in two dimensions, suggest that, within a range of Rayleigh numbers, two distinctly different, but stable, time-dependent flow morphologies are possible. The simpler of the flows has two characteristic frequencies: the rotation frequency of the convecting rolls, and the vertical oscillation frequency of the rolls. Observables, such as the heat flux, have a simple-periodic (harmonic) time dependence. The more complex flow has at least one additional characteristic frequency -- the horizontal frequency of the cold, downward- and the warm, upward-flowing plumes. Observables of this latter flow have a broadband frequency distribution. The two flow morphologies, at the same Rayleigh number, have different rates of entropy production and different Lyapunov exponents. The simpler "harmonic" flow transports more heat (produces entropy at a greater rate), whereas the more complex "chaotic" flow has a larger maximum Lyapunov exponent (corresponding to a larger rate of phase-space information loss). A linear combination of these two rates is invariant for the two flow morphologies over the entire range of Rayleigh numbers for which the flows coexist, suggesting a relation between the two rates near the onset of convective turbulence.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Avalanches in the Weakly Driven Frenkel-Kontorova Model

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    A damped chain of particles with harmonic nearest-neighbor interactions in a spatially periodic, piecewise harmonic potential (Frenkel-Kontorova model) is studied numerically. One end of the chain is pulled slowly which acts as a weak driving mechanism. The numerical study was performed in the limit of infinitely weak driving. The model exhibits avalanches starting at the pulled end of the chain. The dynamics of the avalanches and their size and strength distributions are studied in detail. The behavior depends on the value of the damping constant. For moderate values a erratic sequence of avalanches of all sizes occurs. The avalanche distributions are power-laws which is a key feature of self-organized criticality (SOC). It will be shown that the system selects a state where perturbations are just able to propagate through the whole system. For strong damping a regular behavior occurs where a sequence of states reappears periodically but shifted by an integer multiple of the period of the external potential. There is a broad transition regime between regular and irregular behavior, which is characterized by multistability between regular and irregular behavior. The avalanches are build up by sound waves and shock waves. Shock waves can turn their direction of propagation, or they can split into two pulses propagating in opposite directions leading to transient spatio-temporal chaos. PACS numbers: 05.70.Ln,05.50.+q,46.10.+zComment: 33 pages (RevTex), 15 Figures (available on request), appears in Phys. Rev.
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