781 research outputs found

    Adaptive Nonparametric Image Parsing

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    In this paper, we present an adaptive nonparametric solution to the image parsing task, namely annotating each image pixel with its corresponding category label. For a given test image, first, a locality-aware retrieval set is extracted from the training data based on super-pixel matching similarities, which are augmented with feature extraction for better differentiation of local super-pixels. Then, the category of each super-pixel is initialized by the majority vote of the kk-nearest-neighbor super-pixels in the retrieval set. Instead of fixing kk as in traditional non-parametric approaches, here we propose a novel adaptive nonparametric approach which determines the sample-specific k for each test image. In particular, kk is adaptively set to be the number of the fewest nearest super-pixels which the images in the retrieval set can use to get the best category prediction. Finally, the initial super-pixel labels are further refined by contextual smoothing. Extensive experiments on challenging datasets demonstrate the superiority of the new solution over other state-of-the-art nonparametric solutions.Comment: 11 page

    Sample and Filter: Nonparametric Scene Parsing via Efficient Filtering

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    Scene parsing has attracted a lot of attention in computer vision. While parametric models have proven effective for this task, they cannot easily incorporate new training data. By contrast, nonparametric approaches, which bypass any learning phase and directly transfer the labels from the training data to the query images, can readily exploit new labeled samples as they become available. Unfortunately, because of the computational cost of their label transfer procedures, state-of-the-art nonparametric methods typically filter out most training images to only keep a few relevant ones to label the query. As such, these methods throw away many images that still contain valuable information and generally obtain an unbalanced set of labeled samples. In this paper, we introduce a nonparametric approach to scene parsing that follows a sample-and-filter strategy. More specifically, we propose to sample labeled superpixels according to an image similarity score, which allows us to obtain a balanced set of samples. We then formulate label transfer as an efficient filtering procedure, which lets us exploit more labeled samples than existing techniques. Our experiments evidence the benefits of our approach over state-of-the-art nonparametric methods on two benchmark datasets.Comment: Please refer to the CVPR-2016 version of this manuscrip

    Image Parsing with a Wide Range of Classes and Scene-Level Context

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    This paper presents a nonparametric scene parsing approach that improves the overall accuracy, as well as the coverage of foreground classes in scene images. We first improve the label likelihood estimates at superpixels by merging likelihood scores from different probabilistic classifiers. This boosts the classification performance and enriches the representation of less-represented classes. Our second contribution consists of incorporating semantic context in the parsing process through global label costs. Our method does not rely on image retrieval sets but rather assigns a global likelihood estimate to each label, which is plugged into the overall energy function. We evaluate our system on two large-scale datasets, SIFTflow and LMSun. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on the SIFTflow dataset and near-record results on LMSun.Comment: Published at CVPR 2015, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2015 IEEE Conference o

    Deep Hierarchical Parsing for Semantic Segmentation

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    This paper proposes a learning-based approach to scene parsing inspired by the deep Recursive Context Propagation Network (RCPN). RCPN is a deep feed-forward neural network that utilizes the contextual information from the entire image, through bottom-up followed by top-down context propagation via random binary parse trees. This improves the feature representation of every super-pixel in the image for better classification into semantic categories. We analyze RCPN and propose two novel contributions to further improve the model. We first analyze the learning of RCPN parameters and discover the presence of bypass error paths in the computation graph of RCPN that can hinder contextual propagation. We propose to tackle this problem by including the classification loss of the internal nodes of the random parse trees in the original RCPN loss function. Secondly, we use an MRF on the parse tree nodes to model the hierarchical dependency present in the output. Both modifications provide performance boosts over the original RCPN and the new system achieves state-of-the-art performance on Stanford Background, SIFT-Flow and Daimler urban datasets.Comment: IEEE CVPR 201
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