11,300 research outputs found

    Dynamic density estimation with diffusive Dirichlet mixtures

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    We introduce a new class of nonparametric prior distributions on the space of continuously varying densities, induced by Dirichlet process mixtures which diffuse in time. These select time-indexed random functions without jumps, whose sections are continuous or discrete distributions depending on the choice of kernel. The construction exploits the widely used stick-breaking representation of the Dirichlet process and induces the time dependence by replacing the stick-breaking components with one-dimensional Wright-Fisher diffusions. These features combine appealing properties of the model, inherited from the Wright-Fisher diffusions and the Dirichlet mixture structure, with great flexibility and tractability for posterior computation. The construction can be easily extended to multi-parameter GEM marginal states, which include, for example, the Pitman--Yor process. A full inferential strategy is detailed and illustrated on simulated and real data.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/14-BEJ681 in the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Bayesian nonparametric multivariate convex regression

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    In many applications, such as economics, operations research and reinforcement learning, one often needs to estimate a multivariate regression function f subject to a convexity constraint. For example, in sequential decision processes the value of a state under optimal subsequent decisions may be known to be convex or concave. We propose a new Bayesian nonparametric multivariate approach based on characterizing the unknown regression function as the max of a random collection of unknown hyperplanes. This specification induces a prior with large support in a Kullback-Leibler sense on the space of convex functions, while also leading to strong posterior consistency. Although we assume that f is defined over R^p, we show that this model has a convergence rate of log(n)^{-1} n^{-1/(d+2)} under the empirical L2 norm when f actually maps a d dimensional linear subspace to R. We design an efficient reversible jump MCMC algorithm for posterior computation and demonstrate the methods through application to value function approximation

    Hyperspectral image unmixing using a multiresolution sticky HDP

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    This paper is concerned with joint Bayesian endmember extraction and linear unmixing of hyperspectral images using a spatial prior on the abundance vectors.We propose a generative model for hyperspectral images in which the abundances are sampled from a Dirichlet distribution (DD) mixture model, whose parameters depend on a latent label process. The label process is then used to enforces a spatial prior which encourages adjacent pixels to have the same label. A Gibbs sampling framework is used to generate samples from the posterior distributions of the abundances and the parameters of the DD mixture model. The spatial prior that is used is a tree-structured sticky hierarchical Dirichlet process (SHDP) and, when used to determine the posterior endmember and abundance distributions, results in a new unmixing algorithm called spatially constrained unmixing (SCU). The directed Markov model facilitates the use of scale-recursive estimation algorithms, and is therefore more computationally efficient as compared to standard Markov random field (MRF) models. Furthermore, the proposed SCU algorithm estimates the number of regions in the image in an unsupervised fashion. The effectiveness of the proposed SCU algorithm is illustrated using synthetic and real data

    A Simple Class of Bayesian Nonparametric Autoregression Models

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    We introduce a model for a time series of continuous outcomes, that can be expressed as fully nonparametric regression or density regression on lagged terms. The model is based on a dependent Dirichlet process prior on a family of random probability measures indexed by the lagged covariates. The approach is also extended to sequences of binary responses. We discuss implementation and applications of the models to a sequence of waiting times between eruptions of the Old Faithful Geyser, and to a dataset consisting of sequences of recurrence indicators for tumors in the bladder of several patients.MIUR 2008MK3AFZFONDECYT 1100010NIH/NCI R01CA075981Mathematic
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