86,303 research outputs found

    Reduced-order Description of Transient Instabilities and Computation of Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents

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    High-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems can exhibit strongly transient features. These are often associated with instabilities that have finite-time duration. Because of the finite-time character of these transient events, their detection through infinite-time methods, e.g. long term averages, Lyapunov exponents or information about the statistical steady-state, is not possible. Here we utilize a recently developed framework, the Optimally Time-Dependent (OTD) modes, to extract a time-dependent subspace that spans the modes associated with transient features associated with finite-time instabilities. As the main result, we prove that the OTD modes, under appropriate conditions, converge exponentially fast to the eigendirections of the Cauchy--Green tensor associated with the most intense finite-time instabilities. Based on this observation, we develop a reduced-order method for the computation of finite-time Lyapunov exponents (FTLE) and vectors. In high-dimensional systems, the computational cost of the reduced-order method is orders of magnitude lower than the full FTLE computation. We demonstrate the validity of the theoretical findings on two numerical examples

    Broadband passive targeted energy pumping from a linear dispersive rod to a lightweight essentially non-linear end attachment

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    We examine non-linear resonant interactions between a damped and forced dispersive linear finite rod and a lightweight essentially nonlinear end attachment. We show that these interactions may lead to passive, broadband and on-way targeted energy flow from the rod to the attachment, which acts, in essence, as non-linear energy sink (NES). The transient dynamics of this system subject to shock excitation is examined numerically using a finite element (FE) formulation. Parametric studies are performed to examine the regions in parameter space where optimal (maximal) efficiency of targeted energy pumping from the rod to the NES occurs. Signal processing of the transient time series is then performed, employing energy transfer and/or exchange measures, wavelet transforms, empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert transforms. By computing intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) of the transient responses of the NES and the edge of the rod, and examining resonance captures that occur between them, we are able to identify the non-linear resonance mechanisms that govern the (strong or weak) one-way energy transfers from the rod to the NES. The present study demonstrates the efficacy of using local lightweight non-linear attachments (NESs) as passive broadband energy absorbers of unwanted disturbances in continuous elastic structures, and investigates the dynamical mechanisms that govern the resonance interactions influencing this passive non-linear energy absorption

    Nonlinear Model Order Reduction of Induction Motors Using Parameterized Cauer Ladder Network Method

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    In this study, we established the nonlinear model order reduction (MOR) of induction motors by parameterizing a multi-port Cauer ladder network (CLN). Appropriate parameters were selected to incorporate nonlinear magnetic characteristics. The parameterized multi-port CLN was applied to the transient analysis of a rotating induction motor. The proposed method reproduced the finite-element analysis results with various driving frequencies and slips. The parameterized multi-port CLN can effectively reduce the computation time for analyses requiring a large number of time steps