2,186 research outputs found

    Terahertz quantum plasmonics at nanoscales and angstrom scales

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    Through the manipulation of metallic structures, light-matter interaction can enter into the realm of quantum mechanics. For example, intense terahertz pulses illuminating a metallic nanotip can promote terahertz field-driven electron tunneling to generate enormous electron emission currents in a subpicosecond time scale. By decreasing the dimension of the metallic structures down to the nanoscale and angstrom scale, one can obtain a strong field enhancement of the incoming terahertz field to achieve atomic field strength of the order of V/nm, driving electrons in the metal into tunneling regime by overcoming the potential barrier. Therefore, designing and optimizing the metal structure for high field enhancement are an essential step for studying the quantum phenomena with terahertz light. In this review, we present several types of metallic structures that can enhance the coupling of incoming terahertz pulses with the metals, leading to a strong modification of the potential barriers by the terahertz electric fields. Extreme nonlinear responses are expected, providing opportunities for the terahertz light for the strong light-matter interaction. Starting from a brief review about the terahertz field enhancement on the metallic structures, a few examples including metallic tips, dipole antenna, and metal nanogaps are introduced for boosting the quantum phenomena. The emerging techniques to control the electron tunneling driven by the terahertz pulse have a direct impact on the ultrafast science and on the realization of next-generation quantum devices

    Phononics: Manipulating heat flow with electronic analogs and beyond

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    The form of energy termed heat that typically derives from lattice vibrations, i.e. the phonons, is usually considered as waste energy and, moreover, deleterious to information processing. However, with this colloquium, we attempt to rebut this common view: By use of tailored models we demonstrate that phonons can be manipulated like electrons and photons can, thus enabling controlled heat transport. Moreover, we explain that phonons can be put to beneficial use to carry and process information. In a first part we present ways to control heat transport and how to process information for physical systems which are driven by a temperature bias. Particularly, we put forward the toolkit of familiar electronic analogs for exercising phononics; i.e. phononic devices which act as thermal diodes, thermal transistors, thermal logic gates and thermal memories, etc.. These concepts are then put to work to transport, control and rectify heat in physical realistic nanosystems by devising practical designs of hybrid nanostructures that permit the operation of functional phononic devices and, as well, report first experimental realizations. Next, we discuss yet richer possibilities to manipulate heat flow by use of time varying thermal bath temperatures or various other external fields. These give rise to a plenty of intriguing phononic nonequilibrium phenomena as for example the directed shuttling of heat, a geometrical phase induced heat pumping, or the phonon Hall effect, that all may find its way into operation with electronic analogs.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, modified title and revised, accepted for publication in Rev. Mod. Phy

    Direct current generation due to harmonic mixing: From bulk semiconductors to semiconductor superlattices

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    We discuss an effect of dc current and dc voltage (stopping bias) generation in a semiconductor superlattice subjected by an ac electric field and its phase-shifted n-th harmonic. In the low field limit, we find a simple dependence of dc voltage on a strength, frequency, and relative phase of mixing harmonics for an arbitrary even value of n. We show that the generated dc voltage has a maximum when a frequency of ac field is of the order of a scattering constant of electrons in a superlattice. This means that for typical semiconductor superlattices at room temperature operating in the THz frequency domain the effect is really observable. We also made a comparison of a recent paper describing an effect of a directed current generation in a semiconductor superlattice subjected by ac field and its second harmonic (n=2) [K.Seeger, Appl.Phys.Lett. 76(2000)82] with our earlier findings describing the same effect [K.Alekseev et al., Europhys. Lett. 47(1999)595; cond-mat/9903092 ]. For the mixing of an ac field and its n-th harmonic with n>=4, we found that additionally to the phase-shift controlling of the dc current, there is a frequency control. This frequency controlling of the dc current direction is absent in the case of n=2. The found effect is that, both the dc current suppression and the dc current reversals exist for some particular values of ac field frequency. For typical semiconductor superlattices such an interesting behavior of the dc current should be observable also in the THz domain. Finally, we briefly review the history of the problem of the dc current generation at mixing of harmonics in semiconductors and semiconductor microstructures.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, RevTEX, EPS

    Tunable transport with broken space-time symmetries

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    Transport properties of particles and waves in spatially periodic structures that are driven by external time-dependent forces manifestly depend on the space-time symmetries of the corresponding equations of motion. A systematic analysis of these symmetries uncovers the conditions necessary for obtaining directed transport. In this work we give a unified introduction into the symmetry analysis and demonstrate its action on the motion in one-dimensional periodic, both in time and space, potentials. We further generalize the analysis to quasi-periodic drivings, higher space dimensions, and quantum dynamics. Recent experimental results on the transport of cold and ultracold atomic ensembles in ac-driven optical potentials are reviewed as illustrations of theoretical considerations.Comment: Phys. Rep., in pres

    Radiative Thermal Rectification between SiC and SiO2

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    By means of fluctuationnal electrodynamics, we calculate radiative heat flux between two pla-nar materials respectively made of SiC and SiO2. More specifically, we focus on a first (direct) situation where one of the two materials (for example SiC) is at ambient temperature whereas the second material is at a higher one, then we study a second (reverse) situation where the material temperatures are inverted. When the two fluxes corresponding to the two situations are different, the materials are said to exhibit a thermal rectification, a property with potential applications in thermal regulation. Rectification variations with temperature and separation distance are here reported. Calculations are performed using material optical data experimentally determined by Fourier transform emission spectrometry of heated materials between ambient temperature (around 300 K) and 1480 K. It is shown that rectification is much more important in the near-field domain, i.e. at separation distances smaller than the thermal wavelength. In addition, we see that the larger is the temperature difference, the larger is rectification. Large rectification is finally interpreted due to a weakening of the SiC surface polariton when temperature increases, a weakening which affects much less SiO2 resonances