338 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Receding-Horizon Control of Rigid Link Robot Manipulators

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    The approximate nonlinear receding-horizon control law is used to treat the trajectory tracking control problem of rigid link robot manipulators. The derived nonlinear predictive law uses a quadratic performance index of the predicted tracking error and the predicted control effort. A key feature of this control law is that, for their implementation, there is no need to perform an online optimization, and asymptotic tracking of smooth reference trajectories is guaranteed. It is shown that this controller achieves the positions tracking objectives via link position measurements. The stability convergence of the output tracking error to the origin is proved. To enhance the robustness of the closed loop system with respect to payload uncertainties and viscous friction, an integral action is introduced in the loop. A nonlinear observer is used to estimate velocity. Simulation results for a two-link rigid robot are performed to validate the performance of the proposed controller. Keywords: receding-horizon control, nonlinear observer, robot manipulators, integral action, robustness

    Advanced Nonlinear Control of Robot Manipulators

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    Can't Touch This: Real-Time, Safe Motion Planning and Control for Manipulators Under Uncertainty

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    Ensuring safe, real-time motion planning in arbitrary environments requires a robotic manipulator to avoid collisions, obey joint limits, and account for uncertainties in the mass and inertia of objects and the robot itself. This paper proposes Autonomous Robust Manipulation via Optimization with Uncertainty-aware Reachability (ARMOUR), a provably-safe, receding-horizon trajectory planner and tracking controller framework for robotic manipulators to address these challenges. ARMOUR first constructs a robust controller that tracks desired trajectories with bounded error despite uncertain dynamics. ARMOUR then uses a novel recursive Newton-Euler method to compute all inputs required to track any trajectory within a continuum of desired trajectories. Finally, ARMOUR over-approximates the swept volume of the manipulator; this enables one to formulate an optimization problem that can be solved in real-time to synthesize provably-safe motions. This paper compares ARMOUR to state of the art methods on a set of challenging manipulation examples in simulation and demonstrates its ability to ensure safety on real hardware in the presence of model uncertainty without sacrificing performance. Project page: https://roahmlab.github.io/armour/.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Reachability-based Trajectory Design

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    Autonomous mobile robots have the potential to increase the availability and accessibility of goods and services throughout society. However, to enable public trust in such systems, it is critical to certify that they are safe. This requires formally specifying safety, and designing motion planning methods that can guarantee safe operation (note, this work is only concerned with planning, not perception). The typical paradigm to attempt to ensure safety is receding-horizon planning, wherein a robot creates a short plan, then executes it while creating its next short plan in an iterative fashion, allowing a robot to incorporate new sensor information over time. However, this requires a robot to plan in real time. Therefore, the key challenge in making safety guarantees lies in balancing performance (how quickly a robot can plan) and conservatism (how cautiously a robot behaves). Existing methods suffer from a tradeoff between performance and conservatism, which is rooted in the choice of model used describe a robot; accuracy typically comes at the price of computation speed. To address this challenge, this dissertation proposes Reachability-based Trajectory Design (RTD), which performs real-time, receding-horizon planning with a simplified planning model, and ensures safety by describing the model error using a reachable set of the robot. RTD begins with the offline design of a continuum of parameterized trajectories for the plan- ning model; each trajectory ends with a fail-safe maneuver such as braking to a stop. RTD then computes the robot’s Forward Reachable Set (FRS), which contains all points in workspace reach- able by the robot for each parameterized trajectory. Importantly, the FRS also contains the error model, since a robot can typically never track planned trajectories perfectly. Online (at runtime), the robot intersects the FRS with sensed obstacles to provably determine which trajectory plans could cause collisions. Then, the robot performs trajectory optimization over the remaining safe trajectories. If no new safe plan can be found, the robot can execute its previously-found fail-safe maneuver, enabling perpetual safety. This dissertation begins by presenting RTD as a theoretical framework, then presents three representations of a robot’s FRS, using (1) sums-of-squares (SOS) polynomial programming, (2) zonotopes (a special type of convex polytope), and (3) rotatotopes (a generalization of zonotopes that enable representing a robot’s swept volume). To enable real-time planning, this work also de- velops an obstacle representation that enables provable safety while treating obstacles as discrete, finite sets of points. The practicality of RTD is demonstrated on four different wheeled robots (using the SOS FRS), two quadrotor aerial robots (using the zonotope FRS), and one manipulator robot (using the rotatotope FRS). Over thousands of simulations and dozens of hardware trials, RTD performs safe, real-time planning in arbitrary and challenging environments. In summary, this dissertation proposes RTD as a general purpose, practical framework for provably safe, real-time robot motion planning.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162884/1/skousik_1.pd

    Towards a Universal Modeling and Control Framework for Soft Robots

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    Traditional rigid-bodied robots are designed for speed, precision, and repeatability. These traits make them well suited for highly structured industrial environments, but poorly suited for the unstructured environments in which humans typically operate. Soft robots are well suited for unstructured human environments because they them to can safely interact with delicate objects, absorb impacts without damage, and passively adapt their shape to their surroundings. This makes them ideal for applications that require safe robot-human interaction, but also presents modeling and control challenges. Unlike rigid-bodied robots, soft robots exhibit continuous deformation and coupling between structure and actuation and these behaviors are not readily captured by traditional robot modeling and control techniques except under restrictive simplifying assumptions. The contribution of this work is a modeling and control framework tailored specifically to soft robots. It consists of two distinct modeling approaches. The first is a physics-based static modeling approach for systems of fluid-driven actuators. This approach leverages geometric relationships and conservation of energy to derive models that are simple and accurate enough to inform the design of soft robots, but not accurate enough to inform their control. The second is a data-driven dynamical modeling approach for arbitrary (soft) robotic systems. This approach leverages Koopman operator theory to construct models that are accurate and computationally efficient enough to be integrated into closed-loop optimal control schemes. The proposed framework is applied to several real-world soft robotic systems, enabling the successful completion of control tasks such as trajectory following and manipulating objects of unknown mass. Since the framework is not robot specific, it has the potential to become the dominant paradigm for the modeling and control of soft robots and lead to their more widespread adoption.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163062/1/bruderd_1.pd

    Whole-body MPC for highly redundant legged manipulators: experimental evaluation with a 37 DoF dual-arm quadruped

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    Recent progress in legged locomotion has rendered quadruped manipulators a promising solution for performing tasks that require both mobility and manipulation (loco-manipulation). In the real world, task specifications and/or environment constraints may require the quadruped manipulator to be equipped with high redundancy as well as whole-body motion coordination capabilities. This work presents an experimental evaluation of a whole-body Model Predictive Control (MPC) framework achieving real-time performance on a dual-arm quadruped platform consisting of 37 actuated joints. To the best of our knowledge this is the legged manipulator with the highest number of joints to be controlled with real-time whole-body MPC so far. The computational efficiency of the MPC while considering the full robot kinematics and the centroidal dynamics model builds upon an open-source DDP-variant solver and a state-of-the-art optimal control problem formulation. Differently from previous works on quadruped manipulators, the MPC is directly interfaced with the low-level joint impedance controllers without the need of designing an instantaneous whole-body controller. The feasibility on the real hardware is showcased using the CENTAURO platform for the challenging task of picking a heavy object from the ground. Dynamic stepping (trotting) is also showcased for first time with this robot. The results highlight the potential of replanning with whole-body information in a predictive control loop.Comment: Accepted at the 2023 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2023), final version with video and acknowledgement

    Serving Time: Real-Time, Safe Motion Planning and Control for Manipulation of Unsecured Objects

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    A key challenge to ensuring the rapid transition of robotic systems from the industrial sector to more ubiquitous applications is the development of algorithms that can guarantee safe operation while in close proximity to humans. Motion planning and control methods, for instance, must be able to certify safety while operating in real-time in arbitrary environments and in the presence of model uncertainty. This paper proposes Wrench Analysis for Inertial Transport using Reachability (WAITR), a certifiably safe motion planning and control framework for serial link manipulators that manipulate unsecured objects in arbitrary environments. WAITR uses reachability analysis to construct over-approximations of the contact wrench applied to unsecured objects, which captures uncertainty in the manipulator dynamics, the object dynamics, and contact parameters such as the coefficient of friction. An optimization problem formulation is presented that can be solved in real-time to generate provably-safe motions for manipulating the unsecured objects. This paper illustrates that WAITR outperforms state of the art methods in a variety of simulation experiments and demonstrates its performance in the real-world.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. For project page with code, videos, and supplementary appendices, see https://roahmlab.github.io/waitr-dev/. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2301.1330

    Full-Body Torque-Level Non-linear Model Predictive Control for Aerial Manipulation

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    Non-linear model predictive control (nMPC) is a powerful approach to control complex robots (such as humanoids, quadrupeds, or unmanned aerial manipulators (UAMs)) as it brings important advantages over other existing techniques. The full-body dynamics, along with the prediction capability of the optimal control problem (OCP) solved at the core of the controller, allows to actuate the robot in line with its dynamics. This fact enhances the robot capabilities and allows, e.g., to perform intricate maneuvers at high dynamics while optimizing the amount of energy used. Despite the many similarities between humanoids or quadrupeds and UAMs, full-body torque-level nMPC has rarely been applied to UAMs. This paper provides a thorough description of how to use such techniques in the field of aerial manipulation. We give a detailed explanation of the different parts involved in the OCP, from the UAM dynamical model to the residuals in the cost function. We develop and compare three different nMPC controllers: Weighted MPC, Rail MPC, and Carrot MPC, which differ on the structure of their OCPs and on how these are updated at every time step. To validate the proposed framework, we present a wide variety of simulated case studies. First, we evaluate the trajectory generation problem, i.e., optimal control problems solved offline, involving different kinds of motions (e.g., aggressive maneuvers or contact locomotion) for different types of UAMs. Then, we assess the performance of the three nMPC controllers, i.e., closed-loop controllers solved online, through a variety of realistic simulations. For the benefit of the community, we have made available the source code related to this work.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Robotics. 17 pages, 16 figure

    Model Predictive Control of a Two-Link Flexible Manipulator

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    Flexible manipulators are widely used because of the many advantages it provides like low weight, low power consumption leading to low overall cost. However due to the inherent structural flexibility they undergo vibrations and take time to come to the desired position once the actuating force is removed .The most crucial problems associated while designing a feedback control system for a flexible-link are that the system being non-minimum phase, under-actuated and non-collocated because of the physical separation between the actuators and the sensors. Moreover from mathematical point of view we can say that the dynamics of the rigid link robot can be derived assuming the total mass to be concentrated at centre of gravity of the body hence dynamics of the robot would result in terms of differential equations. On contrary flexible robot position is not constant and hence partial differential equation is used to represent the distributed nature of position which results in large number of equations increasing the computational effort. In this work a two link flexible manipulator is modelled using Assumed Mode Method considering two modes of vibration. Further fuzzy identification is also performed using T-S modelling approach which minimises the computation and takes into account higher modes of vibration. The input spaces consists of the torque inputs to the link and membership function of Gaussian form is chosen. The consequent parameters are calculated using Least Square Algorithm. For controlling the tip vibration a controller is designed using Model Predictive Control. The Model Predictive Control is an optimal control method in which the control law is calculated using the system output. MPC is widely used in the industry due to its better performance. The results are compared with another controller based on Linear Quadratic Regulator