1,305 research outputs found

    Land subsidence over oilfields in the Yellow River Delta

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    Subsidence in river deltas is a complex process that has both natural and human causes. Increasing human activities like aquaculture and petroleum extraction are affecting the Yellow River delta, and one consequence is subsidence. The purpose of this study is to measure the surface displacements in the Yellow River delta region and to investigate the corresponding subsidence source. In this paper, the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS) package was employed to process Envisat ASAR images collected between 2007 and 2010. Consistent results between two descending tracks show subsidence with a mean rate up to 30 mm/yr in the radar line of sight direction in Gudao Town (oilfield), Gudong oilfield and Xianhe Town of the delta, each of which is within the delta, and also show that subsidence is not uniform across the delta. Field investigation shows a connection between areas of non-uniform subsidence and of petroleum extraction. In a 9 km2 area of the Gudao Oilfield, a poroelastic disk reservoir model is used to model the InSAR derived displacements. In general, good fits between InSAR observations and modeled displacements are seen. The subsidence observed in the vicinity of the oilfield is thus suggested to be caused by fluid extraction

    Magma and fluid migration at Yellowstone Caldera in the last three decades inferred from InSAR, leveling and gravity measurements

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    We studied the Yellowstone caldera geological unrest between 1977 and 2010 by investigating temporal changes in differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), precise spirit leveling and gravity measurements. The analysis of the 1992–2010 displacement time series, retrieved by applying the SBAS InSAR technique, allowed the identification of three areas of deformation: (i) the Mallard Lake (ML) and Sour Creek (SC) resurgent domes, (ii) a region close to the Northern Caldera Rim (NCR), and (iii) the eastern Snake River Plain (SRP). While the eastern SRP shows a signal related to tectonic deformation, the other two regions are influenced by the caldera unrest. We removed the tectonic signal from the InSAR displacements, and we modeled the InSAR, leveling, and gravity measurements to retrieve the best fitting source parameters. Our findings confirmed the existence of different distinct sources, beneath the brittle-ductile transition zone, which have been intermittently active during the last three decades. Moreover, we interpreted our results in the light of existing seismic tomography studies. Concerning the SC dome, we highlighted the role of hydrothermal fluids as the driving force behind the 1977–1983 uplift; since 1983–1993 the deformation source transformed into a deeper one with a higher magmatic component. Furthermore, our results support the magmatic nature of the deformation source beneath ML dome for the overall investigated period. Finally, the uplift at NCR is interpreted as magma accumulation, while its subsidence could either be the result of fluids migration outside the caldera or the gravitational adjustment of the source from a spherical to a sill-like geometr

    Using GPS as a reference frame for SAR images applied to a post eruptive period for Okmok Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska

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    While high spatial coverage makes InSAR a popular tool to study active volcanoes its use can possess challenges for certain environments. Volcanoes along Alaska's Aleutian chain are difficult targets for InSAR as their seasonal snow cover causes decorrelation close to the volcanic caldera, their exposed location in the North Pacific renders them prone to severe atmospheric phase artifacts, and their location on small islands prevents the selection of suitable reference points necessary for deformation analysis. Existing GPS networks define a known reference frame in which SAR is better understood. Okmok volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the Aleutian Island Chain and shows significant non-linear deformation behavior as it progresses through its eruption cycles. A stack of L-band imagery acquired by the SAR sensor PALSAR on board the JAXA Advanced Land Observing Satellite produced a post eruption deformation time series between August 2008 and October 2010. This data along with a merged DEM comprised of AirSAR SRTM and Worldview-1 stereo pair data, and GPS data from 3 continuous and 3 post eruption campaign sites was used for this study. In this research, a comparison and combination of InSAR and GPS time-series data will be presented aimed at the following research goals: 1) What is the accuracy and precision of InSAR-derived deformation estimates in such challenging environments; 2) How accurate can the deformation of the InSAR reference point be estimated from a joint analysis of InSAR and GPS deformation signals; 3) How non-linear volcanic deformation can be constrained by the measurements of a local GPS network and support the identification of residual atmospheric signals in InSAR-derived deformation time series. Further research into the combination of GPS and InSAR applied to the nonlinear aspect of volcanic deformation can enhance geodetic modeling of the volcano and associated eruption processes

    Some thoughts on the use of InSAR data to constrain models of surface deformation: Noise structure and data downsampling

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    Repeat-pass Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) provides spatially dense maps of surface deformation with potentially tens of millions of data points. Here we estimate the actual covariance structure of noise in InSAR data. We compare the results for several independent interferograms with a large ensemble of GPS observations of tropospheric delay and discuss how the common approaches used during processing of InSAR data affects the inferred covariance structure. Motivated by computational concerns associated with numerical modeling of deformation sources, we then combine the data-covariance information with the inherent resolution of an assumed source model to develop an efficient algorithm for spatially variable data resampling (or averaging). We illustrate these technical developments with two earthquake scenarios at different ends of the earthquake magnitude spectrum. For the larger events, our goal is to invert for the coseismic fault slip distribution. For smaller events, we infer the hypocenter location and moment. We compare the results of inversions using several different resampling algorithms, and we assess the importance of using the full noise covariance matrix

    High quality InSAR data linked to seasonal change in hydraulic head for an agricultural area in the San Luis Valley, Colorado

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    In the San Luis Valley (SLV), Colorado legislation passed in 2004 requires that hydraulic head levels in the confined aquifer system stay within the range experienced in the years 1978–2000. While some measurements of hydraulic head exist, greater spatial and temporal sampling would be very valuable in understanding the behavior of the system. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data provide fine spatial resolution measurements of Earth surface deformation, which can be related to hydraulic head change in the confined aquifer system. However, change in cm-scale crop structure with time leads to signal decorrelation, resulting in low quality data. Here we apply small baseline subset (SBAS) analysis to InSAR data collected from 1992 to 2001. We are able to show high levels of correlation, denoting high quality data, in areas between the center pivot irrigation circles, where the lack of water results in little surface vegetation. At three well locations we see a seasonal variation in the InSAR data that mimics the hydraulic head data. We use measured values of the elastic skeletal storage coefficient to estimate hydraulic head from the InSAR data. In general the magnitude of estimated and measured head agree to within the calculated error. However, the errors are unacceptably large due to both errors in the InSAR data and uncertainty in the measured value of the elastic skeletal storage coefficient. We conclude that InSAR is capturing the seasonal head variation, but that further research is required to obtain accurate hydraulic head estimates from the InSAR deformation measurements

    Earthquake source parameters of the 2009 Mw 7.8 Fiordland (New Zealand) earthquake from L-band InSAR observations

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    The 2009 MW7.8 Fiordland (New Zealand) earthquake is the largest to have occurred in New Zealand since the 1931 Mw 7.8 Hawke’s Bay earthquake, 1 000 km to the northwest. In this paper two tracks of ALOS PALSAR interferograms (one ascending and one descending) are used to determine fault geometry and slip distribution of this large earthquake. Modeling the event as dislocation in an elastic half-space suggests that the earthquake resulted from slip on a SSW-NNE orientated thrust fault that is associated with the subduction between the Pacific and Australian Plates, with oblique displacement of up to 6.3 m. This finding is consistent with the preliminary studies undertaken by the USGS using seismic data

    Long-term monitoring of geodynamic surface deformation using SAR interferometry

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is a powerful tool to measure surface deformation and is well suited for surveying active volcanoes using historical and existing satellites. However, the value and applicability of InSAR for geodynamic monitoring problems is limited by the influence of temporal decorrelation and electromagnetic path delay variations in the atmosphere, both of which reduce the sensitivity and accuracy of the technique. The aim of this PhD thesis research is: how to optimize the quantity and quality of deformation signals extracted from InSAR stacks that contain only a low number of images in order to facilitate volcano monitoring and the study of their geophysical signatures. In particular, the focus is on methods of mitigating atmospheric artifacts in interferograms by combining time-series InSAR techniques and external atmospheric delay maps derived by Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. In the first chapter of the thesis, the potential of the NWP Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model for InSAR data correction has been studied extensively. Forecasted atmospheric delays derived from operational High Resolution Rapid Refresh for the Alaska region (HRRRAK) products have been compared to radiosonding measurements in the first chapter. The result suggests that the HRRR-AK operational products are a good data source for correcting atmospheric delays in spaceborne geodetic radar observations, if the geophysical signal to be observed is larger than 20 mm. In the second chapter, an advanced method for integrating NWP products into the time series InSAR workflow is developed. The efficiency of the algorithm is tested via simulated data experiments, which demonstrate the method outperforms other more conventional methods. In Chapter 3, a geophysical case study is performed by applying the developed algorithm to the active volcanoes of Unimak Island Alaska (Westdahl, Fisher and Shishaldin) for long term volcano deformation monitoring. The volcano source location at Westdahl is determined to be approx. 7 km below sea level and approx. 3.5 km north of the Westdahl peak. This study demonstrates that Fisher caldera has had continuous subsidence over more than 10 years and there is no evident deformation signal around Shishaldin peak.Chapter 1. Performance of the High Resolution Atmospheric Model HRRR-AK for Correcting Geodetic Observations from Spaceborne Radars -- Chapter 2. Robust atmospheric filtering of InSAR data based on numerical weather prediction models -- Chapter 3. Subtle motion long term monitoring of Unimak Island from 2003 to 2010 by advanced time series SAR interferometry -- Chapter 4. Conclusion and future work

    Application of DInSAR-GPS optimization for derivation of fine-scale surface motion maps of Southern California

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    A method based on random field theory and Gibbs-Markov random fields equivalency within Bayesian statistical framework is used to derive 3-D surface motion maps from sparse global positioning system (GPS) measurements and differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) interferogram in the southern California region. The minimization of the Gibbs energy function is performed analytically, which is possible in the case when neighboring pixels are considered independent. The problem is well posed and the solution is unique and stable and not biased by the continuity condition. The technique produces a 3-D field containing estimates of surface motion on the spatial scale of the DInSAR image, over a given time period, complete with error estimates. Significant improvement in the accuracy of the vertical component and moderate improvement in the accuracy of the horizontal components of velocity are achieved in comparison with the GPS data alone. The method can be expanded to account for other available data sets, such as additional interferograms, lidar, or leveling data, in order to achieve even higher accuracy

    Development of the TanDEM-X Calibration Concept: Analysis of Systematic Errors

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    The TanDEM-X mission, result of the partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Astrium GmbH, opens a new era in spaceborne radar remote sensing. The first bistatic satellite synthetic aperture radar mission is formed by flying the TanDEM-X and TerraSAR-X in a closely controlled helix formation. The primary mission goal is the derivation of a high-precision global digital elevation model (DEM) according to High-Resolution Terrain Information (HRTI) level 3 accuracy. The finite precision of the baseline knowledge and uncompensated radar instrument drifts introduce errors that may compromise the height accuracy requirements. By means of a DEM calibration, which uses absolute height references, and the information provided by adjacent interferogram overlaps, these height errors can be minimized. This paper summarizes the exhaustive studies of the nature of the residual-error sources that have been carried out during the development of the DEM calibration concept. Models for these errors are set up and simulations of the resulting DEM height error for different scenarios provide the basis for the development of a successful DEM calibration strategy for the TanDEM-X mission

    Conceptual Study and Performance Analysis of Tandem Dual-Antenna Spaceborne SAR Interferometry

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    Multi-baseline synthetic aperture radar interferometry (MB-InSAR), capable of mapping 3D surface model with high precision, is able to overcome the ill-posed problem in the single-baseline InSAR by use of the baseline diversity. Single pass MB acquisition with the advantages of high coherence and simple phase components has a more practical capability in 3D reconstruction than conventional repeat-pass MB acquisition. Using an asymptotic 3D phase unwrapping (PU), it is possible to get a reliable 3D reconstruction using very sparse acquisitions but the interferograms should follow the optimal baseline design. However, current spaceborne SAR system doesn't satisfy this principle, inducing more difficulties in practical application. In this article, a new concept of Tandem Dual-Antenna SAR Interferometry (TDA-InSAR) system for single-pass reliable 3D surface mapping using the asymptotic 3D PU is proposed. Its optimal MB acquisition is analyzed to achieve both good relative height precision and flexible baseline design. Two indicators, i.e., expected relative height precision and successful phase unwrapping rate, are selected to optimize the system parameters and evaluate the performance of various baseline configurations. Additionally, simulation-based demonstrations are conducted to evaluate the performance in typical scenarios and investigate the impact of various error sources. The results indicate that the proposed TDA-InSAR is able to get the specified MB acquisition for the asymptotic 3D PU, which offers a feasible solution for single-pass 3D SAR imaging.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure