2 research outputs found

    Estimating Frequency, Amplitude And Phase Of Two Sinusoids With Very Close Frequencies

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    This paper presents an algorithm to estimate the parameters of two closely spaced sinusoids, providing a frequency resolution that is more than 800 times greater than that obtained by using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The strategy uses a highly optimized grid search approach to accurately estimate frequency, amplitude and phase of both sinusoids, keeping at the same time the computational effort at reasonable levels. The proposed method has three main characteristics: 1) a high frequency resolution; 2) frequency, amplitude and phase are all estimated at once using one single package; 3) it does not rely on any statistical assumption or constraint. Potential applications to this strategy include the difficult task of resolving coincident partials of instruments in musical signals.35740747Benaroya, L., Bimbot, F., Gribonval, R., Audio source separation with a single sensor (2006) IEEE Tran. on Audio, Speech, and Language Proc., 14 (1), pp. 191-199. , JanKay, S., Marple, S.L., Spectrum analysis-A modern perspective (1981) Proc. 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