413 research outputs found

    Geometrically stopped Markovian random growth processes and Pareto tails

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    Many empirical studies document power law behavior in size distributions of economic interest such as cities, firms, income, and wealth. One mechanism for generating such behavior combines independent and identically distributed Gaussian additive shocks to log-size with a geometric age distribution. We generalize this mechanism by allowing the shocks to be non-Gaussian (but light-tailed) and dependent upon a Markov state variable. Our main results provide sharp bounds on tail probabilities, a simple equation determining Pareto exponents, and comparative statics. We present two applications: we show that (i) the tails of the wealth distribution in a heterogeneous-agent dynamic general equilibrium model with idiosyncratic investment risk are Paretian, and (ii) a random growth model for the population dynamics of Japanese municipalities is consistent with the observed Pareto exponent but only after allowing for Markovian dynamics

    Rank-based estimation for all-pass time series models

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    An autoregressive-moving average model in which all roots of the autoregressive polynomial are reciprocals of roots of the moving average polynomial and vice versa is called an all-pass time series model. All-pass models are useful for identifying and modeling noncausal and noninvertible autoregressive-moving average processes. We establish asymptotic normality and consistency for rank-based estimators of all-pass model parameters. The estimators are obtained by minimizing the rank-based residual dispersion function given by Jaeckel [Ann. Math. Statist. 43 (1972) 1449--1458]. These estimators can have the same asymptotic efficiency as maximum likelihood estimators and are robust. The behavior of the estimators for finite samples is studied via simulation and rank estimation is used in the deconvolution of a simulated water gun seismogram.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001316 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Noninvertibility and non-Markovianity of quantum dynamical maps

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    We identify two broad types of noninvertibilities in quantum dynamical maps, one necessarily associated with CP-indivisibility and one not so. Next, we study the production of (non-)Markovian, invertible maps by the process of mixing noninvertible Pauli maps. The memory kernel perspective appears to be less transparent on the issue of invertibility than the approaches based on maps or master equations. Here we consider a related and potentially helpful issue: that of identifying criteria of parameterized families of maps leading to the existence of a well-defined semigroup limit.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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