5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this quantitative research is to improve the piano performance skills of the non-piano major sophomore music students in Hunan City University. Based on the Morrison, Ross and Kemp Model (MRK), the researcher selected Sight-Reading, Scales and Arpeggios, Etude and Piano Piece as components of training and assessment to construct the Blended Piano Teaching Model (BPTM). The purposive sampling technique had been employed to select samples and divided into two groups; one was the experimental group with 15 sophomores, and the other was the control group with 15 sophomores from 280 non-piano music majors in the School of Music, Hunan City University. The results revealed that the experimental group using the BPTM statistically significant improve in Sight-Reading, Scales and Arpeggios, Etude and Piano Piece components compared with the control group without applying the BPTM model. Therefore, it was concluded and confirmed that the BPTM was the effective teaching tools in piano teaching for non-piano major music students. As the result, the institutions should consider implementing BPTM as one of the piano teaching strategy.&nbsp


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan jumlah mahasiswa peserta matakuliah piano dasar yang banyak dan beragam tidak sebanding dengan jumlah dosen. Hal ini menyebabkan menurunnya motivasi dan terbatasnya waktu belajar bersama dosen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media audio visual pembelajaran piano untuk pembelajar pemula dewasa. Penelitian pengembangan media ini menggunakan model 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Pada tahap define dilakukan analisis kebutuhan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada lima dosen dan 24 mahasiswa dari lima Program Studi Pendidikan Musik atau sendratasik di Indonesia. Pada tahap kedua yaitu design, dikembangkan melalui proses merancang struktur isi dan bahan-bahan penunjang untuk pembuatan media. Tahap develop, melakukan validasi dengan para ahli oleh dua orang ahli media dan dua orang ahli materi terkait materi dan media. Kemudian pada tahap pengembangan juga dilakukan uji coba kepada mahasiswa sebanyak 13 orang dari Universitas Negeri Padang, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung, dan Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak selanjutnya dilakukan penyempurnaan media. Tahap selanjutnya ada disseminate menyebarkan luasan media kemudian mendapat tanggapan dari tiga ahli materi piano, Universitas Lampung, Yamaha Music, dan Rumah Musik Karsono serta tiga orang mahasiswa. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa pembuatan media dengan menggunakan PowerPoint, mampu memuat materi yang dibutuhkan mahasiswa piano pembelajar pemula mencakup materi teknik dasar bermain piano dan permainan karya musik. Namun memiliki kelemahan dalam penggunaannya karena membutuhkan satuan penyimpanan yang besar. Penyajian informasi yang terstruktur dalam kemasan media mampu menarik minat mahasiswa untuk belajar mandiri. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by problems related to constraints from external and internal factors in learning the piano, starting from the limited time and facilities in learning the piano which are still lacking. The number of students is many and varied, not proportional to the number of lecturers, while the number of tools is limited, this causes limited study time with lecturers. This study aims to develop piano learning audio-visual media for adult beginner learners using the 4D model method from Thiagarajan (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). At the define stage, distributing questionnaires to five lecturers and 24 students from five Music Education Study Programs or Sendratasik in Indonesia. The develop stage creates a questionnaire for two media experts and two material experts. The disseminate stage disseminates to three piano material experts and three students. The results show that the media created covers the entire piano learning material. Covers aspects of piano playing techniques, piano key recognition, and piano fingering techniques. Packaged in an attractive audio-visual packaging, it is able to motivate students to study independently. So that it can overcome the problem of limited time with the lecture

    Achievement Of Online Piano Learning At University

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    Online piano learning occurs because of the development of increasingly advanced technology. Learning that was initially only carried out face to face directly had a time limit so that with the development of technology students could learn with various types of media used. Various kinds of media used by teachers improve student learning outcomes and motivate students to learn piano online. The purpose of writing this article is to see how the achievement of piano learning is carried out online through the use of various learning media. This article is based literature review on online piano learning published over the last ten years. Some data obtained a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class where student learning outcomes increased in the experiment class compared to the control class so that the use of online media in piano learning can improve student learning outcomes. KEYWORDS : Technology, Online piano learning, Variety of media, Achievemen

    Basic piano instruction for vocal art students at the Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa

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    At most universities internationally, secondary piano instruction is compulsory for all music students regardless of their field of specialisation. Vocal art students studying at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) are also expected to complete three years of basic piano tuition. Since the researcher teaches secondary piano at the Department of Performing Arts: Vocal Art (TUT), the aim of this study was to determine the objectives of the tuition, and appropriate methods through which they can be best achieved. The research is based on an investigation of relevant literature on secondary piano instruction for music majors at universities in South Africa and abroad. Since the researcher was primarily trained to teach basic piano to very young beginners, it was thought necessary to firstly investigate the field of adult education and basic piano instruction for adults and college-age students. The results of the literature search confirmed that basic piano tuition for children differs greatly from that for older beginners. It became clear that the success of basic piano instruction for adults greatly depends on the teacher’s understanding of these fundamental differences as well as knowledge of appropriate approaches and methods with which to accommodate adults’ unique characteristics. Subsequently, the purpose of teaching piano playing skills to non-piano music majors was investigated. Results indicated that there is a broad spectrum of skills which can aid the musician in his future career. These include technique, sight-reading, accompanying, harmonisation, transposing, repertory study, vocal score-reading and reduction, instrumental score reduction, improvisation, playing by ear, playing of folk songs, developing musicianship skills, critical listening, performance skills, chord playing, ensemble playing, realisation of figured bass, modulation, memorisation, music analysis, playing two or more parts from multiple staves, playing warm-up exercises, singing a vocal part while playing other parts, and jazz piano playing. The most important piano playing skills for non-piano music majors to acquire were identified as technique, sight-reading, accompanying, repertory study and improvisation. Controversies exist about the importance of each of these skills, but most teachers agree that they should all be present in the secondary piano curriculum. The most common method used to teach these skills to instrumentalists and singers was identified as group tuition. This method of teaching is not used merely because it is more economical but also for various musical and sociological reasons. Musical advantages include the acquisition of a broad spectrum of skills such as critical faculties, listening skills, ensemble activities, self-assessment skills, improved practice habits and progress, rhythmic stability, improved intonation, memory training and notational reading. Social advantages include interaction, peer-learning, motivation, encouragement, discovery-learning, enjoyment, involvement and the development of individuality and self-esteem. At the end of each chapter, specific guidelines for teaching basic piano to vocal art students at TUT are given. The study culminates in conclusions and recommendations drawn from the results of the literature investigation CopyrightDissertation (Music)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Musicunrestricte