246,731 research outputs found

    Non-Overlapping Codes

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    We say that a qq-ary length nn code is \emph{non-overlapping} if the set of non-trivial prefixes of codewords and the set of non-trivial suffices of codewords are disjoint. These codes were first studied by Levenshtein in 1964, motivated by applications in synchronisation. More recently these codes were independently invented (under the name \emph{cross-bifix-free} codes) by Baji\'c and Stojanovi\'c. We provide a simple construction for a class of non-overlapping codes which has optimal cardinality whenever nn divides qq. Moreover, for all parameters nn and qq we show that a code from this class is close to optimal, in the sense that it has cardinality within a constant factor of an upper bound due to Levenshtein from 1970. Previous constructions have cardinality within a constant factor of the upper bound only when qq is fixed. Chee, Kiah, Purkayastha and Wang showed that a qq-ary length nn non-overlapping code contains at most qn/(2n−1)q^n/(2n-1) codewords; this bound is weaker than the Levenshtein bound. Their proof appealed to the application in synchronisation: we provide a direct combinatorial argument to establish the bound of Chee \emph{et al}. We also consider codes of short length, finding the leading term of the maximal cardinality of a non-overlapping code when nn is fixed and q→∞q\rightarrow \infty. The largest cardinality of non-overlapping codes of lengths 33 or less is determined exactly.Comment: 14 pages. Extra explanations added at some points, and an extra citation. To appear in IEEE Trans Information Theor

    In search of maximum non-overlapping codes

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    Non-overlapping codes are block codes that have arisen in diverse contexts of computer science and biology. Applications typically require finding non-overlapping codes with large cardinalities, but the maximum size of non-overlapping codes has been determined only for cases where the codeword length divides the size of the alphabet, and for codes with codewords of length two or three. For all other alphabet sizes and codeword lengths no computationally feasible way to identify non-overlapping codes that attain the maximum size has been found to date. Herein we characterize maximal non-overlapping codes. We formulate the maximum non-overlapping code problem as an integer optimization problem and determine necessary conditions for optimality of a non-overlapping code. Moreover, we solve several instances of the optimization problem to show that the hitherto known constructions do not generate the optimal codes for many alphabet sizes and codeword lengths. We also evaluate the number of distinct maximum non-overlapping codes

    The disjointness of stabilizer codes and limitations on fault-tolerant logical gates

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    Stabilizer codes are a simple and successful class of quantum error-correcting codes. Yet this success comes in spite of some harsh limitations on the ability of these codes to fault-tolerantly compute. Here we introduce a new metric for these codes, the disjointness, which, roughly speaking, is the number of mostly non-overlapping representatives of any given non-trivial logical Pauli operator. We use the disjointness to prove that transversal gates on error-detecting stabilizer codes are necessarily in a finite level of the Clifford hierarchy. We also apply our techniques to topological code families to find similar bounds on the level of the hierarchy attainable by constant depth circuits, regardless of their geometric locality. For instance, we can show that symmetric 2D surface codes cannot have non-local constant depth circuits for non-Clifford gates.Comment: 8+3 pages, 2 figures. Comments welcom

    Constructions and bounds for codes with restricted overlaps

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    Non-overlapping codes have been studied for almost 60 years. In such a code, no proper, non-empty prefix of any codeword is a suffix of any codeword. In this paper, we study codes in which over-laps of certain specified sizes are forbidden. We prove some general bounds and we give several constructions in the case of binary codes. Our techniques also allow us to provide an alternative, elementary proof of a lower bound on non-overlapping codes due to Levenshtein [9] in 1964

    Constructions and bounds for codes with restricted overlaps

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    Non-overlapping codes have been studied for almost 60 years. In such a code, no proper, non-empty prefix of any codeword is a suffix of any codeword. In this paper, we study codes in which overlaps of certain specified sizes are forbidden. We prove some general bounds and we give several constructions in the case of binary codes. Our techniques also allow us to provide an alternative, elementary proof of a lower bound on non-overlapping codes due to Levenshtein in 1964.Comment: 25 pages. Extra citations, typos corrected and explanations expande
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