20 research outputs found

    Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping k-medoids for Document Clustering

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    Manual document categorization is time consuming, expensive, and difficult to manage for large collections. Unsupervised clustering algorithms perform well when documents belong to only one group. However, individual documents may be outliers or span multiple topics. This paper proposes a new clustering algorithm called non-exhaustive overlapping k-medoids inspired by k-medoids and non-exhaustive overlapping k-means. The proposed algorithm partitions a set of objects into k clusters based on pairwise similarity. Each object is assigned to zero, one, or many groups to emulate manual results. The algorithm uses dissimilarity instead of distance measures and applies to text and other abstract data. Neo-k-medoids is tested against manually tagged movie descriptions and Wikipedia comments. Initial results are primarily poor but show promise. Future research is described to improve the proposed algorithm and explore alternate evaluation measures

    Low rank methods for optimizing clustering

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    Complex optimization models and problems in machine learning often have the majority of information in a low rank subspace. By careful exploitation of these low rank structures in clustering problems, we find new optimization approaches that reduce the memory and computational cost. We discuss two cases where this arises. First, we consider the NEO-K-Means (Non-Exhaustive, Overlapping K-Means) objective as a way to address overlapping and outliers in an integrated fashion. Optimizing this discrete objective is NP-hard, and even though there is a convex relaxation of the objective, straightforward convex optimization approaches are too expensive for large datasets. We utilize low rank structures in the solution matrix of the convex formulation and use a low-rank factorization of the solution matrix directly as a practical alternative. The resulting optimization problem is non-convex, but has a smaller number of solution variables, and can be locally optimized using an augmented Lagrangian method. In addition, we consider two fast multiplier methods to accelerate the convergence of the augmented Lagrangian scheme: a proximal method of multipliers and an alternating direction method of multipliers. For the proximal augmented Lagrangian, we show a convergence result for the non-convex case with bound-constrained subproblems. When the clustering performance is evaluated on real-world datasets, we show this technique is effective in finding the ground-truth clusters and cohesive overlapping communities in real-world networks. The second case is where the low-rank structure appears in the objective function. Inspired by low rank matrix completion techniques, we propose a low rank symmetric matrix completion scheme to approximate a kernel matrix. For the kernel k-means problem, we show empirically that the clustering performance with the approximation is comparable to the full kernel k-means

    Constructing Tree-based Index for Efficient and Effective Dense Retrieval

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    Recent studies have shown that Dense Retrieval (DR) techniques can significantly improve the performance of first-stage retrieval in IR systems. Despite its empirical effectiveness, the application of DR is still limited. In contrast to statistic retrieval models that rely on highly efficient inverted index solutions, DR models build dense embeddings that are difficult to be pre-processed with most existing search indexing systems. To avoid the expensive cost of brute-force search, the Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) algorithm and corresponding indexes are widely applied to speed up the inference process of DR models. Unfortunately, while ANN can improve the efficiency of DR models, it usually comes with a significant price on retrieval performance. To solve this issue, we propose JTR, which stands for Joint optimization of TRee-based index and query encoding. Specifically, we design a new unified contrastive learning loss to train tree-based index and query encoder in an end-to-end manner. The tree-based negative sampling strategy is applied to make the tree have the maximum heap property, which supports the effectiveness of beam search well. Moreover, we treat the cluster assignment as an optimization problem to update the tree-based index that allows overlapped clustering. We evaluate JTR on numerous popular retrieval benchmarks. Experimental results show that JTR achieves better retrieval performance while retaining high system efficiency compared with widely-adopted baselines. It provides a potential solution to balance efficiency and effectiveness in neural retrieval system designs.Comment: 10 pages, accepted at SIGIR 202