3,239 research outputs found

    Statistical Mechanics of Recurrent Neural Networks I. Statics

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    A lecture notes style review of the equilibrium statistical mechanics of recurrent neural networks with discrete and continuous neurons (e.g. Ising, coupled-oscillators). To be published in the Handbook of Biological Physics (North-Holland). Accompanied by a similar review (part II) dealing with the dynamics.Comment: 49 pages, LaTe

    Random Recurrent Neural Networks Dynamics

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    This paper is a review dealing with the study of large size random recurrent neural networks. The connection weights are selected according to a probability law and it is possible to predict the network dynamics at a macroscopic scale using an averaging principle. After a first introductory section, the section 1 reviews the various models from the points of view of the single neuron dynamics and of the global network dynamics. A summary of notations is presented, which is quite helpful for the sequel. In section 2, mean-field dynamics is developed. The probability distribution characterizing global dynamics is computed. In section 3, some applications of mean-field theory to the prediction of chaotic regime for Analog Formal Random Recurrent Neural Networks (AFRRNN) are displayed. The case of AFRRNN with an homogeneous population of neurons is studied in section 4. Then, a two-population model is studied in section 5. The occurrence of a cyclo-stationary chaos is displayed using the results of \cite{Dauce01}. In section 6, an insight of the application of mean-field theory to IF networks is given using the results of \cite{BrunelHakim99}.Comment: Review paper, 36 pages, 5 figure

    Spike trains statistics in Integrate and Fire Models: exact results

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    We briefly review and highlight the consequences of rigorous and exact results obtained in \cite{cessac:10}, characterizing the statistics of spike trains in a network of leaky Integrate-and-Fire neurons, where time is discrete and where neurons are subject to noise, without restriction on the synaptic weights connectivity. The main result is that spike trains statistics are characterized by a Gibbs distribution, whose potential is explicitly computable. This establishes, on one hand, a rigorous ground for the current investigations attempting to characterize real spike trains data with Gibbs distributions, such as the Ising-like distribution, using the maximal entropy principle. However, it transpires from the present analysis that the Ising model might be a rather weak approximation. Indeed, the Gibbs potential (the formal "Hamiltonian") is the log of the so-called "conditional intensity" (the probability that a neuron fires given the past of the whole network). But, in the present example, this probability has an infinite memory, and the corresponding process is non-Markovian (resp. the Gibbs potential has infinite range). Moreover, causality implies that the conditional intensity does not depend on the state of the neurons at the \textit{same time}, ruling out the Ising model as a candidate for an exact characterization of spike trains statistics. However, Markovian approximations can be proposed whose degree of approximation can be rigorously controlled. In this setting, Ising model appears as the "next step" after the Bernoulli model (independent neurons) since it introduces spatial pairwise correlations, but not time correlations. The range of validity of this approximation is discussed together with possible approaches allowing to introduce time correlations, with algorithmic extensions.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to conference NeuroComp2010 http://2010.neurocomp.fr/; Bruno Cessac http://www-sop.inria.fr/neuromathcomp

    How Gibbs distributions may naturally arise from synaptic adaptation mechanisms. A model-based argumentation

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    This paper addresses two questions in the context of neuronal networks dynamics, using methods from dynamical systems theory and statistical physics: (i) How to characterize the statistical properties of sequences of action potentials ("spike trains") produced by neuronal networks ? and; (ii) what are the effects of synaptic plasticity on these statistics ? We introduce a framework in which spike trains are associated to a coding of membrane potential trajectories, and actually, constitute a symbolic coding in important explicit examples (the so-called gIF models). On this basis, we use the thermodynamic formalism from ergodic theory to show how Gibbs distributions are natural probability measures to describe the statistics of spike trains, given the empirical averages of prescribed quantities. As a second result, we show that Gibbs distributions naturally arise when considering "slow" synaptic plasticity rules where the characteristic time for synapse adaptation is quite longer than the characteristic time for neurons dynamics.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figure

    The complexity of dynamics in small neural circuits

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    Mean-field theory is a powerful tool for studying large neural networks. However, when the system is composed of a few neurons, macroscopic differences between the mean-field approximation and the real behavior of the network can arise. Here we introduce a study of the dynamics of a small firing-rate network with excitatory and inhibitory populations, in terms of local and global bifurcations of the neural activity. Our approach is analytically tractable in many respects, and sheds new light on the finite-size effects of the system. In particular, we focus on the formation of multiple branching solutions of the neural equations through spontaneous symmetry-breaking, since this phenomenon increases considerably the complexity of the dynamical behavior of the network. For these reasons, branching points may reveal important mechanisms through which neurons interact and process information, which are not accounted for by the mean-field approximation.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures. Supplementary materials added, colors of figures 8 and 9 fixed, results unchange

    Neutral theory and scale-free neural dynamics

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    Avalanches of electrochemical activity in brain networks have been empirically reported to obey scale-invariant behavior --characterized by power-law distributions up to some upper cut-off-- both in vitro and in vivo. Elucidating whether such scaling laws stem from the underlying neural dynamics operating at the edge of a phase transition is a fascinating possibility, as systems poised at criticality have been argued to exhibit a number of important functional advantages. Here we employ a well-known model for neural dynamics with synaptic plasticity, to elucidate an alternative scenario in which neuronal avalanches can coexist, overlapping in time, but still remaining scale-free. Remarkably their scale-invariance does not stem from underlying criticality nor self-organization at the edge of a continuous phase transition. Instead, it emerges from the fact that perturbations to the system exhibit a neutral drift --guided by demographic fluctuations-- with respect to endogenous spontaneous activity. Such a neutral dynamics --similar to the one in neutral theories of population genetics-- implies marginal propagation of activity, characterized by power-law distributed causal avalanches. Importantly, our results underline the importance of considering causal information --on which neuron triggers the firing of which-- to properly estimate the statistics of avalanches of neural activity. We discuss the implications of these findings both in modeling and to elucidate experimental observations, as well as its possible consequences for actual neural dynamics and information processing in actual neural networks.Comment: Main text: 8 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary information: 5 pages, 4 figure
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