4 research outputs found

    Closing the loops of fast-moving consumer goods

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    The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) sector aspires to transition to a Circular Economy (CE) but there is a lack of knowledge and support methods. This research has investigated how material resources flow in FMCG systems and developed new design support for the sector. Initially, the research focused on the moment when resources become obsolete which can disrupt flows. Consumers were found to have critical roles to ensure resource revalorisation and the findings of this study can inform the design of future revalorisation services. Further, it explored Product-Service Systems (PSSs) and studied the elements that could help overcome obsolescence and enable closed loops resource flows. A framework presents these elements, mapped against requirements for PSSs that close loops. Subsequently, the research focused on investigating the resource flow-system, which encompasses all the system elements in place to produce a resource flow. A new modelling method is proposed that describes the movements and transformations of resources and helps configure FMCG sector-specific system elements. The model can be used to explain how FMCG systems work. Finally, a tool called the Flow Mapper is presented, which embeds the modelling method as well as the process to apply it and analyse the model. The tool enables industrial users to develop a holistic view and an in-depth understanding of the resource flowsystem informing the development of future systems solutions.Open Acces