318 research outputs found

    Capacity of SIMO and MISO Phase-Noise Channels with Common/Separate Oscillators

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    In multiple antenna systems, phase noise due to instabilities of the radio-frequency (RF) oscillators, acts differently depending on whether the RF circuitries connected to each antenna are driven by separate (independent) local oscillators (SLO) or by a common local oscillator (CLO). In this paper, we investigate the high-SNR capacity of single-input multiple-output (SIMO) and multiple-output single-input (MISO) phase-noise channels for both the CLO and the SLO configurations. Our results show that the first-order term in the high-SNR capacity expansion is the same for all scenarios (SIMO/MISO and SLO/CLO), and equal to 0.5ln(ρ)0.5\ln (\rho), where ρ\rho stands for the SNR. On the contrary, the second-order term, which we refer to as phase-noise number, turns out to be scenario-dependent. For the SIMO case, the SLO configuration provides a diversity gain, resulting in a larger phase-noise number than for the CLO configuration. For the case of Wiener phase noise, a diversity gain of at least 0.5ln(M)0.5 \ln(M) can be achieved, where MM is the number of receive antennas. For the MISO, the CLO configuration yields a higher phase-noise number than the SLO configuration. This is because with the CLO configuration one can obtain a coherent-combining gain through maximum ratio transmission (a.k.a. conjugate beamforming). This gain is unattainable with the SLO configuration.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Low SNR Capacity of Noncoherent Fading Channels

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    Discrete-time Rayleigh fading single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels are considered, with no channel state information at the transmitter or the receiver. The fading is assumed to be stationary and correlated in time, but independent from antenna to antenna. Peak-power and average-power constraints are imposed on the transmit antennas. For MIMO channels, these constraints are either imposed on the sum over antennas, or on each individual antenna. For SISO channels and MIMO channels with sum power constraints, the asymptotic capacity as the peak signal-to-noise ratio tends to zero is identified; for MIMO channels with individual power constraints, this asymptotic capacity is obtained for a class of channels called transmit separable channels. The results for MIMO channels with individual power constraints are carried over to SISO channels with delay spread (i.e. frequency selective fading).Comment: submitted to IEEE I

    Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Systems

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    This paper presents a large-system analysis of the performance of joint channel estimation, multiuser detection, and per-user decoding (CE-MUDD) for randomly-spread multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. A suboptimal receiver based on successive decoding in conjunction with linear minimum mean-squared error (LMMSE) channel estimation is investigated. The replica method, developed in statistical mechanics, is used to evaluate the performance in the large-system limit, where the number of users and the spreading factor tend to infinity while their ratio and the number of transmit and receive antennas are kept constant. The performance of the joint CE-MUDD based on LMMSE channel estimation is compared to the spectral efficiencies of several receivers based on one-shot LMMSE channel estimation, in which the decoded data symbols are not utilized to refine the initial channel estimates. The results imply that the use of joint CE-MUDD significantly reduces rate loss due to transmission of pilot signals, especially for multiple-antenna systems. As a result, joint CE-MUDD can provide significant performance gains, compared to the receivers based on one-shot channel estimation.Comment: The paper was resubmitted to IEEE Trans. Inf. Theor

    On the Capacity of the Wiener Phase-Noise Channel: Bounds and Capacity Achieving Distributions

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    In this paper, the capacity of the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, affected by time-varying Wiener phase noise is investigated. Tight upper and lower bounds on the capacity of this channel are developed. The upper bound is obtained by using the duality approach, and considering a specific distribution over the output of the channel. In order to lower-bound the capacity, first a family of capacity-achieving input distributions is found by solving a functional optimization of the channel mutual information. Then, lower bounds on the capacity are obtained by drawing samples from the proposed distributions through Monte-Carlo simulations. The proposed capacity-achieving input distributions are circularly symmetric, non-Gaussian, and the input amplitudes are correlated over time. The evaluated capacity bounds are tight for a wide range of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) values, and thus they can be used to quantify the capacity. Specifically, the bounds follow the well-known AWGN capacity curve at low SNR, while at high SNR, they coincide with the high-SNR capacity result available in the literature for the phase-noise channel.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communications, 201

    On the MISO Channel with Feedback: Can Infinitely Massive Antennas Achieve Infinite Capacity?

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    We consider communication over a multiple-input single-output (MISO) block fading channel in the presence of an independent noiseless feedback link. We assume that the transmitter and receiver have no prior knowledge of the channel state realizations, but the transmitter and receiver can acquire the channel state information (CSIT/CSIR) via downlink training and feedback. For this channel, we show that increasing the number of transmit antennas to infinity will not achieve an infinite capacity, for a finite channel coherence length and a finite input constraint on the second or fourth moment. This insight follows from our new capacity bounds that hold for any linear and nonlinear coding strategies, and any channel training schemes. In addition to the channel capacity bounds, we also provide a characterization on the beamforming gain that is also known as array gain or power gain, at the regime with a large number of antennas.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. It was presented in part at ISIT201

    Oversampling Increases the Pre-Log of Noncoherent Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    We analyze the capacity of a continuous-time, time-selective, Rayleigh block-fading channel in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The fading process is assumed stationary within each block and to change independently from block to block; furthermore, its realizations are not known a priori to the transmitter and the receiver (noncoherent setting). A common approach to analyzing the capacity of this channel is to assume that the receiver performs matched filtering followed by sampling at symbol rate (symbol matched filtering). This yields a discrete-time channel in which each transmitted symbol corresponds to one output sample. Liang & Veeravalli (2004) showed that the capacity of this discrete-time channel grows logarithmically with the SNR, with a capacity pre-log equal to 1Q/N1-{Q}/{N}. Here, NN is the number of symbols transmitted within one fading block, and QQ is the rank of the covariance matrix of the discrete-time channel gains within each fading block. In this paper, we show that symbol matched filtering is not a capacity-achieving strategy for the underlying continuous-time channel. Specifically, we analyze the capacity pre-log of the discrete-time channel obtained by oversampling the continuous-time channel output, i.e., by sampling it faster than at symbol rate. We prove that by oversampling by a factor two one gets a capacity pre-log that is at least as large as 11/N1-1/N. Since the capacity pre-log corresponding to symbol-rate sampling is 1Q/N1-Q/N, our result implies indeed that symbol matched filtering is not capacity achieving at high SNR.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor