242 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Limitations of Cross-lingual Word Embedding Mappings

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    Recent research in cross-lingual word embeddings has almost exclusively focused on offline methods, which independently train word embeddings in different languages and map them to a shared space through linear transformations. While several authors have questioned the underlying isomorphism assumption, which states that word embeddings in different languages have approximately the same structure, it is not clear whether this is an inherent limitation of mapping approaches or a more general issue when learning cross-lingual embeddings. So as to answer this question, we experiment with parallel corpora, which allows us to compare offline mapping to an extension of skip-gram that jointly learns both embedding spaces. We observe that, under these ideal conditions, joint learning yields to more isomorphic embeddings, is less sensitive to hubness, and obtains stronger results in bilingual lexicon induction. We thus conclude that current mapping methods do have strong limitations, calling for further research to jointly learn cross-lingual embeddings with a weaker cross-lingual signal.Comment: ACL 201

    Constrained Density Matching and Modeling for Cross-lingual Alignment of Contextualized Representations

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    Multilingual representations pre-trained with monolingual data exhibit considerably unequal task performances across languages. Previous studies address this challenge with resource-intensive contextualized alignment, which assumes the availability of large parallel data, thereby leaving under-represented language communities behind. In this work, we attribute the data hungriness of previous alignment techniques to two limitations: (i) the inability to sufficiently leverage data and (ii) these techniques are not trained properly. To address these issues, we introduce supervised and unsupervised density-based approaches named Real-NVP and GAN-Real-NVP, driven by Normalizing Flow, to perform alignment, both dissecting the alignment of multilingual subspaces into density matching and density modeling. We complement these approaches with our validation criteria in order to guide the training process. Our experiments encompass 16 alignments, including our approaches, evaluated across 6 language pairs, synthetic data and 5 NLP tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approaches in the scenarios of limited and no parallel data. First, our supervised approach trained on 20k parallel data (sentences) mostly surpasses Joint-Align and InfoXLM trained on over 100k parallel sentences. Second, parallel data can be removed without sacrificing performance when integrating our unsupervised approach in our bootstrapping procedure, which is theoretically motivated to enforce equality of multilingual subspaces. Moreover, we demonstrate the advantages of validation criteria over validation data for guiding supervised training.Comment: ACML2022 Camera Read

    Analogy Training Multilingual Encoders

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    Language encoders encode words and phrases in ways that capture their local semantic relatedness, but are known to be globally inconsistent. Global inconsistency can seemingly be corrected for, in part, by leveraging signals from knowledge bases, but previous results are partial and limited to monolingual English encoders. We extract a large-scale multilingual, multi-word analogy dataset from Wikidata for diagnosing and correcting for global inconsistencies and implement a four-way Siamese BERT architecture for grounding multilingual BERT (mBERT) in Wikidata through analogy training. We show that analogy training not only improves the global consistency of mBERT, as well as the isomorphism of language-specific subspaces, but also leads to significant gains on downstream tasks such as bilingual dictionary induction and sentence retrieval

    On the Limitations of Cross-lingual Encoders as Exposed by Reference-Free Machine Translation Evaluation

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    Evaluation of cross-lingual encoders is usually performed either via zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in supervised downstream tasks or via unsupervised cross-lingual textual similarity. In this paper, we concern ourselves with reference-free machine translation (MT) evaluation where we directly compare source texts to (sometimes low-quality) system translations, which represents a natural adversarial setup for multilingual encoders. Reference-free evaluation holds the promise of web-scale comparison of MT systems. We systematically investigate a range of metrics based on state-of-the-art cross-lingual semantic representations obtained with pretrained M-BERT and LASER. We find that they perform poorly as semantic encoders for reference-free MT evaluation and identify their two key limitations, namely, (a) a semantic mismatch between representations of mutual translations and, more prominently, (b) the inability to punish "translationese", i.e., low-quality literal translations. We propose two partial remedies: (1) post-hoc re-alignment of the vector spaces and (2) coupling of semantic-similarity based metrics with target-side language modeling. In segment-level MT evaluation, our best metric surpasses reference-based BLEU by 5.7 correlation points.Comment: ACL2020 Camera Ready (v3: several small fixes, e.g., Unicode errors

    Robust Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Word Embedding using Domain Flow Interpolation

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    This paper investigates an unsupervised approach towards deriving a universal, cross-lingual word embedding space, where words with similar semantics from different languages are close to one another. Previous adversarial approaches have shown promising results in inducing cross-lingual word embedding without parallel data. However, the training stage shows instability for distant language pairs. Instead of mapping the source language space directly to the target language space, we propose to make use of a sequence of intermediate spaces for smooth bridging. Each intermediate space may be conceived as a pseudo-language space and is introduced via simple linear interpolation. This approach is modeled after domain flow in computer vision, but with a modified objective function. Experiments on intrinsic Bilingual Dictionary Induction tasks show that the proposed approach can improve the robustness of adversarial models with comparable and even better precision. Further experiments on the downstream task of Cross-Lingual Natural Language Inference show that the proposed model achieves significant performance improvement for distant language pairs in downstream tasks compared to state-of-the-art adversarial and non-adversarial models

    Large language models converge toward human-like concept organization

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    Large language models show human-like performance in knowledge extraction, reasoning and dialogue, but it remains controversial whether this performance is best explained by memorization and pattern matching, or whether it reflects human-like inferential semantics and world knowledge. Knowledge bases such as WikiData provide large-scale, high-quality representations of inferential semantics and world knowledge. We show that large language models learn to organize concepts in ways that are strikingly similar to how concepts are organized in such knowledge bases. Knowledge bases model collective, institutional knowledge, and large language models seem to induce such knowledge from raw text. We show that bigger and better models exhibit more human-like concept organization, across four families of language models and three knowledge graph embeddings
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