4 research outputs found

    Ganadería de precisión en vacuno de carne

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    La ganadería de precisión es el conjunto de herramientas que permiten la automatización de las labores de granja y brindan información útil para la toma de decisiones orientadas a la eficiencia productiva del ganado. Esta revisión sistemática identificó las diferentes herramientas de ganadería de precisión probadas en vacuno de carne. Se utilizaron palabras claves que permitieran abarcar las diferentes herramientas existentes en las bases de datos en inglés de Web of Science (WoS) y ProQuest (PQ), utilizándose el gestor bibliográfico EndNote online. De los registros encontrados, se hizo una selección de trabajos relevantes en base al título y el resumen y se accedió posteriormente al trabajo completo de aquellos pre-seleccionados a través del acceso desde la biblioteca de la Universidad de Zaragoza o de búsquedas directas en Google. Finalmente, las 97 publicaciones que se encontraron se clasificaron según la utilidad que ofrecen las herramientas al ganadero en: identificación electrónica, reproducción, peso automático, medidas corporales, rastreo del animal, vallado virtual, monitorización de la salud, bienestar animal, alimentación, rumia, medio ambiente y granjas inteligentes. Según los resultados se pudo concluir que la ganadería de precisión ayuda al ganadero a resolver problemas particulares o más globales de la producción de carne. Sin embargo, es necesario el desarrollo de más estudios para ampliar la información enfocada en ganado vacuno de carne, y desarrollar más herramientas de precisión a nivel comercial o mejorar las existentes, para incentivar la implementación de tecnología en la granja ganadera y que le ayude a producir de manera más sostenible.<br /

    Bayesian Linear Regression and Natural Logarithmic Correction for Digital Image-Based Extraction of Linear and Tridimensional Zoometrics in Dromedary Camels

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    This study evaluates a method to accurately, repeatably, and reliably extract camel zoo-metric data (linear and tridimensional) from 2D digital images. Thirty zoometric measures, including linear and tridimensional (perimeters and girths) variables, were collected on-field with a non-elastic measuring tape. A scaled reference was used to extract measurement from images. For girths and perimeters, semimajor and semiminor axes were mathematically estimated with the function of the perimeter of an ellipse. On-field measurements’ direct translation was determined when Cronbach’s alpha (Cα) > 0.600 was met (first round). If not, Bayesian regression corrections were applied using live body weight and the particular digital zoometric measurement as regressors (except for foot perimeter) (second round). Last, if a certain zoometric trait still did not meet such a criterion, its natural logarithm was added (third round). Acceptable method translation consistency was reached for all the measurements after three correction rounds (Cα = 0.654 to 0.997, p < 0.0001). Afterwards, Bayesian regression corrected equations were issued. This research helps to evaluate individual conformation in a reliable contactless manner through the extraction of linear and tridimensional measures from images in dromedary camels. This is the first study to develop and correct the routinely ignored evaluation of tridimensional zoometrics from digital images in animals

    Non-Contact Body Measurement for Qinchuan Cattle with LiDAR Sensor

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    The body dimension measurement of large animals plays a significant role in quality improvement and genetic breeding, and the non-contact measurements by computer vision-based remote sensing could represent great progress in the case of dangerous stress responses and time-costing manual measurements. This paper presents a novel approach for three-dimensional digital modeling of live adult Qinchuan cattle for body size measurement. On the basis of capturing the original point data series of live cattle by a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor, the conditional, statistical outliers and voxel grid filtering methods are fused to cancel the background and outliers. After the segmentation of K-means clustering extraction and the RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) algorithm, the Fast Point Feature Histogram (FPFH) is put forward to get the cattle data automatically. The cattle surface is reconstructed to get the 3D cattle model using fast Iterative Closest Point (ICP) matching with Bi-directional Random K-D Trees and a Greedy Projection Triangulation (GPT) reconstruction method by which the feature points of cattle silhouettes could be clicked and calculated. Finally, the five body parameters (withers height, chest depth, back height, body length, and waist height) are measured in the field and verified within an accuracy of 2 mm and an error close to 2%. The experimental results show that this approach could be considered as a new feasible method towards the non-contact body measurement for large physique livestock

    Body Dimension Measurements of Qinchuan Cattle with Transfer Learning from LiDAR Sensing

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    For the time-consuming and stressful body measuring task of Qinchuan cattle and farmers, the demand for the automatic measurement of body dimensions has become more and more urgent. It is necessary to explore automatic measurements with deep learning to improve breeding efficiency and promote the development of industry. In this paper, a novel approach to measuring the body dimensions of live Qinchuan cattle with on transfer learning is proposed. Deep learning of the Kd-network was trained with classical three-dimensional (3D) point cloud datasets (PCD) of the ShapeNet datasets. After a series of processes of PCD sensed by the light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor, the cattle silhouettes could be extracted, which after augmentation could be applied as an input layer to the Kd-network. With the output of a convolutional layer of the trained deep model, the output layer of the deep model could be applied to pre-train the full connection network. The TrAdaBoost algorithm was employed to transfer the pre-trained convolutional layer and full connection of the deep model. To classify and recognize the PCD of the cattle silhouette, the average accuracy rate after training with transfer learning could reach up to 93.6%. On the basis of silhouette extraction, the candidate region of the feature surface shape could be extracted with mean curvature and Gaussian curvature. After the computation of the FPFH (fast point feature histogram) of the surface shape, the center of the feature surface could be recognized and the body dimensions of the cattle could finally be calculated. The experimental results showed that the comprehensive error of body dimensions was close to 2%, which could provide a feasible approach to the non-contact observations of the bodies of large physique livestock without any human intervention