1,751 research outputs found

    Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation with Enhanced Decoder Input

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    Non-autoregressive translation (NAT) models, which remove the dependence on previous target tokens from the inputs of the decoder, achieve significantly inference speedup but at the cost of inferior accuracy compared to autoregressive translation (AT) models. Previous work shows that the quality of the inputs of the decoder is important and largely impacts the model accuracy. In this paper, we propose two methods to enhance the decoder inputs so as to improve NAT models. The first one directly leverages a phrase table generated by conventional SMT approaches to translate source tokens to target tokens, which are then fed into the decoder as inputs. The second one transforms source-side word embeddings to target-side word embeddings through sentence-level alignment and word-level adversary learning, and then feeds the transformed word embeddings into the decoder as inputs. Experimental results show our method largely outperforms the NAT baseline~\citep{gu2017non} by 5.115.11 BLEU scores on WMT14 English-German task and 4.724.72 BLEU scores on WMT16 English-Romanian task.Comment: AAAI 201

    Non-Autoregressive Machine Translation with Auxiliary Regularization

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    As a new neural machine translation approach, Non-Autoregressive machine Translation (NAT) has attracted attention recently due to its high efficiency in inference. However, the high efficiency has come at the cost of not capturing the sequential dependency on the target side of translation, which causes NAT to suffer from two kinds of translation errors: 1) repeated translations (due to indistinguishable adjacent decoder hidden states), and 2) incomplete translations (due to incomplete transfer of source side information via the decoder hidden states). In this paper, we propose to address these two problems by improving the quality of decoder hidden representations via two auxiliary regularization terms in the training process of an NAT model. First, to make the hidden states more distinguishable, we regularize the similarity between consecutive hidden states based on the corresponding target tokens. Second, to force the hidden states to contain all the information in the source sentence, we leverage the dual nature of translation tasks (e.g., English to German and German to English) and minimize a backward reconstruction error to ensure that the hidden states of the NAT decoder are able to recover the source side sentence. Extensive experiments conducted on several benchmark datasets show that both regularization strategies are effective and can alleviate the issues of repeated translations and incomplete translations in NAT models. The accuracy of NAT models is therefore improved significantly over the state-of-the-art NAT models with even better efficiency for inference.Comment: AAAI 201

    Fine-Tuning by Curriculum Learning for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation

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    Non-autoregressive translation (NAT) models remove the dependence on previous target tokens and generate all target tokens in parallel, resulting in significant inference speedup but at the cost of inferior translation accuracy compared to autoregressive translation (AT) models. Considering that AT models have higher accuracy and are easier to train than NAT models, and both of them share the same model configurations, a natural idea to improve the accuracy of NAT models is to transfer a well-trained AT model to an NAT model through fine-tuning. However, since AT and NAT models differ greatly in training strategy, straightforward fine-tuning does not work well. In this work, we introduce curriculum learning into fine-tuning for NAT. Specifically, we design a curriculum in the fine-tuning process to progressively switch the training from autoregressive generation to non-autoregressive generation. Experiments on four benchmark translation datasets show that the proposed method achieves good improvement (more than 11 BLEU score) over previous NAT baselines in terms of translation accuracy, and greatly speed up (more than 1010 times) the inference process over AT baselines.Comment: AAAI 202

    A Survey on Non-Autoregressive Generation for Neural Machine Translation and Beyond

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    Non-autoregressive (NAR) generation, which is first proposed in neural machine translation (NMT) to speed up inference, has attracted much attention in both machine learning and natural language processing communities. While NAR generation can significantly accelerate inference speed for machine translation, the speedup comes at the cost of sacrificed translation accuracy compared to its counterpart, auto-regressive (AR) generation. In recent years, many new models and algorithms have been designed/proposed to bridge the accuracy gap between NAR generation and AR generation. In this paper, we conduct a systematic survey with comparisons and discussions of various non-autoregressive translation (NAT) models from different aspects. Specifically, we categorize the efforts of NAT into several groups, including data manipulation, modeling methods, training criterion, decoding algorithms, and the benefit from pre-trained models. Furthermore, we briefly review other applications of NAR models beyond machine translation, such as dialogue generation, text summarization, grammar error correction, semantic parsing, speech synthesis, and automatic speech recognition. In addition, we also discuss potential directions for future exploration, including releasing the dependency of KD, dynamic length prediction, pre-training for NAR, and wider applications, etc. We hope this survey can help researchers capture the latest progress in NAR generation, inspire the design of advanced NAR models and algorithms, and enable industry practitioners to choose appropriate solutions for their applications. The web page of this survey is at \url{https://github.com/LitterBrother-Xiao/Overview-of-Non-autoregressive-Applications}.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, 4 table
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