176 research outputs found

    Cloth simulation using hardware tessellation

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    Cloth simulation has long been a topic of interest in computer graphics since the early works of Terzopoulos et al. Over the years many techniques have been developed to simulate cloth. Though the general concern has been on the physical accuracy of the simulation. As the simulation gets closer to computational sciences the complexity also increases which at times may come at the cost of real-time performance. With newer and more powerful graphics hardware coming out each year, researchers are starting to shy away from the traditional CPU implementation and turning towards the GPU to offload work. As the parallel nature of the graphics hardware offer much better performance, researcher can process many tasks, originally sequential tasks, simultaneously on the GPU. I propose a solution that will map current industry standard\u27s position-based dynamics on to the new graphics pipeline. The focus is on performance and visual realism rather than physical accuracy. By implementing such solutions on the graphics hardware, more detailed cloth behavior can be simulated with real-time performance. In this paper, the described cloth simulation solution will be done completely on the GPU through the use of hardware tessellation on the new DirectX 11 graphics pipeline. The solution though originally designed specifically for cloth may also be adapted for generic deformable object (soft body dynamics)

    Real-Time Numerical Simulation for Accurate Soft Tissues Modeling during Haptic Interaction

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    The simulation of fabrics physics and its interaction with the human body has been largely studied in recent years to provide realistic-looking garments and wears specifically in the entertainment business. When the purpose of the simulation is to obtain scientific measures and detailed mechanical properties of the interaction, the underlying physical models should be enhanced to obtain better simulation accuracy increasing the modeling complexity and relaxing the simulation timing constraints to properly solve the set of equations under analysis. However, in the specific field of haptic interaction, the desiderata are to have both physical consistency and high frame rate to display stable and coherent stimuli as feedback to the user requiring a tradeoff between accuracy and real-time interaction. This work introduces a haptic system for the evaluation of the fabric hand of specific garments either existing or yet to be produced in a virtual reality simulation. The modeling is based on the co-rotational Finite Element approach that allows for large displacements but the small deformation of the elements. The proposed system can be beneficial for the fabrics industry both in the design phase or in the presentation phase, where a virtual fabric portfolio can be shown to customers around the world. Results exhibit the feasibility of high-frequency real-time simulation for haptic interaction with virtual garments employing realistic mechanical properties of the fabric materials

    Simit: A Language for Physical Simulation

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    Using existing programming tools, writing high-performance simulation code is labor intensive and requires sacrificing readability and portability. The alternative is to prototype simulations in a high-level language like Matlab, thereby sacrificing performance. The Matlab programming model naturally describes the behavior of an entire physical system using the language of linear algebra. However, simulations also manipulate individual geometric elements, which are best represented using linked data structures like meshes. Translating between the linked data structures and linear algebra comes at significant cost, both to the programmer and the machine. High-performance implementations avoid the cost by rephrasing the computation in terms of linked or index data structures, leaving the code complicated and monolithic, often increasing its size by an order of magnitude. In this paper, we present Simit, a new language for physical simulations that lets the programmer view the system both as a linked data structure in the form of a hypergraph, and as a set of global vectors, matrices and tensors depending on what is convenient at any given time. Simit provides a novel assembly construct that makes it conceptually easy and computationally efficient to move between the two abstractions. Using the information provided by the assembly construct, the compiler generates efficient in-place computation on the graph. We demonstrate that Simit is easy to use: a Simit program is typically shorter than a Matlab program; that it is high-performance: a Simit program running sequentially on a CPU performs comparably to hand-optimized simulations; and that it is portable: Simit programs can be compiled for GPUs with no change to the program, delivering 5-25x speedups over our optimized CPU code

    An Implicit Tensor-Mass solver on the GPU for soft bodies simulation

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    International audienceThe realistic and interactive simulation of deformable objects has become a challenge in Computer Graphics. In this paper, we propose a GPU implementation of the resolution of the mechanical equations, using a semi-implicit as well as an implicit integration scheme. At the contrary of the classical FEM approach, forces are directly computed at each node of the discretized objects, using the evaluation of the strain energy density of the elements. This approach allows to mix several mechanical behaviors in the same object. Results show a notable speedup of 30, especially in the case of complex scenes. Running times shows that this efficient implementation may contribute to make this model more popular for soft bodies simulations

    Steklov Spectral Geometry for Extrinsic Shape Analysis

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    We propose using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator as an extrinsic alternative to the Laplacian for spectral geometry processing and shape analysis. Intrinsic approaches, usually based on the Laplace-Beltrami operator, cannot capture the spatial embedding of a shape up to rigid motion, and many previous extrinsic methods lack theoretical justification. Instead, we consider the Steklov eigenvalue problem, computing the spectrum of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator of a surface bounding a volume. A remarkable property of this operator is that it completely encodes volumetric geometry. We use the boundary element method (BEM) to discretize the operator, accelerated by hierarchical numerical schemes and preconditioning; this pipeline allows us to solve eigenvalue and linear problems on large-scale meshes despite the density of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann discretization. We further demonstrate that our operators naturally fit into existing frameworks for geometry processing, making a shift from intrinsic to extrinsic geometry as simple as substituting the Laplace-Beltrami operator with the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator.Comment: Additional experiments adde

    A GPU framework for parallel segmentation of volumetric images using discrete deformable models

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    Despite the ability of current GPU processors to treat heavy parallel computation tasks, its use for solving medical image segmentation problems is still not fully exploited and remains challenging. A lot of difficulties may arise related to, for example, the different image modalities, noise and artifacts of source images, or the shape and appearance variability of the structures to segment. Motivated by practical problems of image segmentation in the medical field, we present in this paper a GPU framework based on explicit discrete deformable models, implemented over the NVidia CUDA architecture, aimed for the segmentation of volumetric images. The framework supports the segmentation in parallel of different volumetric structures as well as interaction during the segmentation process and real-time visualization of the intermediate results. Promising results in terms of accuracy and speed on a real segmentation experiment have demonstrated the usability of the system.85-95Pubblicat
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