4 research outputs found

    Non-Observable Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    The random oracle model (ROM), introduced by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS 1993), enables a formal security proof for many (efficient) cryptographic primitives and protocols, and has been quite impactful in practice. However, the security model also relies on some very strong and non-standard assumptions on how an adversary interacts with a cryptographic hash function, which might be unrealistic in a real world setting and thus could lead one to question the validity of the security analysis. For example, the ROM allows adaptively programming the hash function or observing the hash evaluations that an adversary makes. We introduce a substantially weaker variant of the random oracle model in the post-quantum setting, which we call non-observable quantum random oracle model (NO QROM). Our model uses weaker heuristics than the quantum random oracle model by Boneh, Dagdelen, Fischlin, Lehmann, Schaffner, and Zhandry (ASIACRYPT 2011), or the non-observable random oracle model proposed by Ananth and Bhaskar (ProvSec 2013). At the same time, we show that our model is a viable option for establishing the post-quantum security of many cryptographic schemes by proving the security of important primitives such as extractable non-malleable commitments, digital signatures, and chosen-ciphertext secure public-key encryption in the NO QROM

    The Wonderful World of Global Random Oracles

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    The random-oracle model by Bellare and Rogaway (CCS\u2793) is an indispensable tool for the security analysis of practical cryptographic protocols. However, the traditional random-oracle model fails to guarantee security when a protocol is composed with arbitrary protocols that use the same random oracle. Canetti, Jain, and Scafuro (CCS\u2714) put forth a global but non-programmable random oracle in the Generalized UC framework and showed that some basic cryptographic primitives with composable security can be efficiently realized in their model. Because their random-oracle functionality is non-programmable, there are many practical protocols that have no hope of being proved secure using it. In this paper, we study alternative definitions of a global random oracle and, perhaps surprisingly, show that these allow one to prove GUC-secure existing, very practical realizations of a number of essential cryptographic primitives including public-key encryption, non-committing encryption, commitments, Schnorr signatures, and hash-and-invert signatures. Some of our results hold generically for any suitable scheme proven secure in the traditional ROM, some hold for specific constructions only. Our results include many highly practical protocols, for example, the folklore commitment scheme H(m|r) (where m is a message and r is the random opening information) which is far more efficient than the construction of Canetti et al

    On the (Quantum) Random Oracle Methodology: New Separations and More

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    In this paper, we first give, to the best of our knowledge, the first exponential separation between the ROM and QROM. Technically, we will first present a simple and efficient quantum distinguisher \cD_q which can recognize the QROM by making at most two quantum RO queries, and can only be cheated by an adversary making (sub-)exponential classical RO queries. This (sub-)exponential query gap allows us to remove the ``unit time\u27\u27 and ``zero time\u27\u27 assumptions that are crucially needed for previously known separation due to Boneh et al. (Asiacrypt 2011). The construction of our distinguisher relies on a new {\it information versus disturbance} lemma, which may be of independent interest. Moreover, we show that the quantum operations of \cD_q can actually be delegated to any quantum algorithms in a way that can be efficiently verified by a classical verifier under the LWE assumption, which allows us to give a pure classical distinguisher \cD_c that can efficiently distinguish an environment equipped with a RO from that with a QRO. By using \cD_c as a black-box, we can transform schemes that are secure in the ROM but insecure in the QROM (under the LWE assumption). We further abstract a class of BB-reductions in the ROM under the notion of committed-programming reduction (CPRed) for which the simulation of the RO can be easily quantized to handle quantum queries (from the adversary in the QROM). We show that 1) some well-known schemes such as the FDH signature and the Boneh-Franklin identity-based encryption are provably secure under CPReds; and 2) a CPRed associated with an instance-extraction algorithm implies a reduction in the QROM, which subsumes several recent results such as the security of the FDH signature by Zhandry (Crypto 2012) and the KEM variants from the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform by Jiang et al. (Crypto 2018). We finally show that CPReds are incomparable to non-programming reductions (NPReds) and randomly-programming reductions (RPReds) formalized by Fischlin et al. (Asiacrypt 2010), which gives new insights into the abilities (e.g., observability and programmability) provided by the (Q)ROM, and the hardness of proving security in the QROM

    Non Observability in the Random Oracle Model

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    The Random Oracle Model, introduced by Bellare and Rogaway, provides a method to heuristically argue about the security of cryptographic primitives and protocols. The basis of this heuristic is that secure hash functions are close enough to random functions in their behavior, and so, a primitive that is secure using a random function should continue to remain secure even when the random function is replaced by a real hash function. In the security proof, this setting is realized by modeling the hash function as a random oracle. However, this approach in particular also enables any reduction, reducing a hard problem to the existence of an adversary, to observe the queries the adversary makes to its random oracle and to program the responses that the oracle provides to these queries. While, the issue of programmability of query responses has received a lot of attention in the literature, to the best of our knowledge, observability of the adversary’s queries has not been identified as an artificial artefact of the Random Oracle Model. In this work, we study the security of several popular schemes when the security reduction cannot “observe ” the adversary’s queries to the random oracle, but can (possibly) continue to “program ” the query responses. We first show that RSA-PFDH and Schnorr’s signatures continue to remain secure when the security reduction is non observing (NO reductions), which is not surprising as their proofs in the random oracle model rely on programmability. We also provide two example schemes, namely, Fischlin’s NIZK-PoK [Fis05] and non interactive extractable commitment scheme, extractor algorithms of which seem to rely on observability in the random oracle model. While we prove that Fischlin’s online extractors cannot exist when they are non observing, our extractable commitment scheme continues to be secure even when the extractors are non observing. We also introduce Non Observing Non Programming reductions which we believe are closest to standard model reductions.