2 research outputs found


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    Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) menyediakan pengguna dengan jaringan di saat merekaterus menerus bergerak. Setiap pergerakan mobile nodemempengaruhi topologi jaringan dan rute transmisi sehingga menyebabkan kegagalan jalur rute. Jika jarak antara mobile nodesangat besar, maka terjadi transmisi yang rendah atau terjadi kegagalan jalur rute. Kegagalan jalur rute yang tak terelakkan menyebabkan tidak hanya hubungan komunikasi antar nodeyang terputus tetapi juga kualitas dalam pengiriman data. Hal ini menjadi tantangan utama pengaturan rute dalam MANET. Penelitian ini mengajukan strategi routinguntuk mendapatkan pengiriman data secara optimal. Untuk mendapatkan kualitas pengiriman data yang optimal, digunakan metode Node Disjoint and Alternative Multipath Routing(NDAMR) yang diterapkan pada kerangka protokol Dynamic Source Routing(DSR). Implementasi protokol routingyang diusulkan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tool Network Simulator 2 (NS-2). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja penyelamatan datapada protokol DSR menggunakan metode NDAMR dengan berbagai variasi ukuran jaringan sampai 150 node kurang optimal dalam pengiriman paket yaitu dibawah 50%, sedangkan untuk delaymemberikan hasil yang optimal yaitu diatas 50% dan normalized routing loadjuga memberikan hasil yang optimal yaitu diatas 50%. Kata kunci: MANET,Node Disjoint Path, NDAMR, protokol DS

    Dual paths node-disjoint routing for data salvation in mobile ad hoc

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    The operational patterns of multifarious backup strategies on AODV-based (Ad-hoc On-Demand Vector) routing protocols are elaborated in this article. To have a broader picture on relevant routing protocols together, variants of AODV-based backup routing protocols are formulated by corresponding algorithms, and also each of them are simulated to obtain the necessary performance metrics for comparisons in terms of packet delivery ratio, average latency delay, and the normalized routing load. Then to make the process of data salvation more efficiently in case of link failure, we explore the possibility of combining the AODV backup routing strategy and on-demand node-disjoint multipath routing protocols. This article proposes an improved approach named DPNR (Dual Paths Node-disjoint Routing) for data salvation, a routing protocol that maintains the only two shortest backup paths in the source and destination nodes. The DPNR scheme can alleviate the redundancy-frames overhead during the process of data salvation by the neighboring intermediate nodes. Our simulation results have demonstrated that DPNR scheme delivers good data delivery performance while restricting the impacts of transmission collision and channel contention. The mathematical rationale for our proposed approach is stated as well