658 research outputs found

    Impact of Virtual Workspace Adoption on Organizational Performance in Nigeria Banking Industry

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    This work examines impact of virtual workspace adoption on organizational performance in Nigeria Banking Industry. The specific objectives of this study include: to determine the extent to which intranet facility affects profitability of Nigeria banks and to ascertain the extent to which extranet facility affects market share of Nigeria banks. The study adopted the survey design. The population of this study consists of staff of 23 Banks in Nigeria. The study employed a census of 399 respondents which was reduced to 381 after questionnaires were distributed and retrieved. The sources of data for this research work were primary and secondary. Questionnaire was adopted as the method of data collection and designed on a five-point likert scale research instrument. Content validity was conducted to test the validity of the instrument and this was achieved with five management experts: three from the academia and two from industry. Data analysis was done using multiple linear regression analysis with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a five percent level of significance. The findings showed that: intranet facility had a significant positive effect on profitability of Nigeria banks and extranet facility significantly affected market share of Nigeria banks. The study recommends that bank technical team and system developers, should ensure that sites and apps are designed with optimum simplicity to ensure ease of use and reduce TAT (turnaround time) while the bank management should encourage customers to adopt online banking by offering incentives like reduced Cost of Transactions (COT). Keywords: Virtual Workspace, Organizational Performance, Intranet Facility, Extranet Facility, profitability, Market share. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-18 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Determinants of Dividend Payout in Nigeria

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    The effect of merger and acquisition on the determinants of dividend payout in Nigeria banks is examined in this paper. Dividend paid between 2007 and 2013 was considered in quoted banks and analysed using panel data regression technique. Determinants considered include: liquidity, growth, leverage, profitability (ROA & ROE), firm size and previous year dividend. Results showed a positive relationship between dividend paid and the following variables: liquidity, return on asset (ROA), firm size and previous year dividend. However, growth, leverage and return on equity (ROE) showed a negative relationship with dividend paid. The results are the same for banks involved in merger and acquisition and those not involved. We can therefore conclude that merger and acquisition has no effect on the determinants of dividend payout in Nigeria banks. It is therefore recommended that managers and directors should not be bothered about the effect that merger or acquisition will have on their dividend policy instead the determinants examined should be taking into consideration Keywords: Determinants, Dividend Payout, Mergers and Acquisition

    What Lenders Want from Mortgage Valuation Reports:A Survey of Nigeria Banks

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    For over a decade now, the Nigerian real estate industry has witnessed a steady but continuous growth as via the participatory activities of major private sector players both nationally and internationally. Hence, the need to urgently explore the requirements of valuation report users is eminent as the report serves as an important input to lenders' decision making. Surveying the existing twenty-two (22) Nigerian banks as prime users of valuation reports in the country, this study examines the need of these banks vis-a-vis the report content with a view to determine their needs and further improve on the quality of valuers’ reports. The needs of the banks were examined in accordance with the reporting format of Nigerian valuation reports. Using mean ranking coupled with the relative importance index (RII) methods, retrieved data were analysed and findings showed that lenders require more explicit details relating to salient aspects of the property market in valuation reports which include valuation calculations and uncertainty in valuation figures. The study concluded that the profession of estate surveyors and valuers should be mindful of the new expectation of their clients and try as much as possible to meet those expectations to retain the reliability of valuation reports in Nigeria

    A Performance Evaluation of Impact of Information Technology on Nigeria Banks

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    The banking sector of the economy has realised that banking requires prompt delivery of services, efficiency and automation of banking operations. This has prompted many Banks in Nigeria to invest huge sums of money in Information Technology to enhance their performance and offer comprehensive nation-wide services to their customers. This paper is a research to determine if the information technology employed by banks is performing to expectation. A survey was conducted· amongst banks in Nigeria. A Likert format questionnaire instrument, which was a .: . hybrid, adapted from Ron Weber IT performance Evaluation technique was designed and administered among bank staff in 34 banks within Lagos metropolis to ascertain the status of huge investment on IT in their banks. The questionnaire was analysed using simple percentage and Chi square statistical techniques. It was found that the information technology employed by Nigerian Banks have been performing to expectation, but with occasional downtime

    A Frame Work for Customer Relationship Management in Nigerian Banks Using Data Analytics

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    One of the most crucial challenges that Nigeria banks have to face is in the jurisdiction of customers’ satisfaction. Customers’ satisfaction has become one of the most important factors of success in today’s banking industry in Nigeria. Today Nigeria banks customer’s increases every day, as it is essential for many Nigerian to have proper savings with any bank of their choice; if the performance of bank falls short of their expectations, the very survival of such bank would be difficult. In this paper, a   framework for customer relationship management for Nigeria banks using big data analytics approach was developed. Qualitative research was used to identify customer satisfaction through customer management system information publish annually.  The data were collected from complaint data for financial report 2017 from the Customer Relationship Management System for WEMA Bank Plc. The data were analyzed using excel spread sheet and later converted into CSV and ARFF file format respectively. Data were  exported into WEKA for data analytics which then generated results. The formulated hypotheses are subjected to empirical test using Logistic regression and Machine learning. This new strategy provided solution of these problems identified. Keywords: Data Analytics, Linear regression, Banking,  Customer Satisfactio

    Troli tong gas

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    Tong gas adalah sebahagian daripada keperluan rumah yang sangat penting untuk kegunaan dapur. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), atau petroleum gas biasanya digunakan untuk aplikasi perumahan (tong gas masak) dan tujuan komersial. LPG terutamanya terdiri daripada campuran hidrokarbon seperti propana (C3H8), propene (C3H6), n-butana (C4H10), isobutena (metil-propana), dan pelbagai butanes lain (C4H8) (Mustapa, Gitano Briggs, 2008). LPG disimpan cair dalam tong pada tekanan tinggi, tekanan wap sekitar 6 hingga 7 bar (Petrolium Nasional Berhad, 2013). Oleh itu, tong gas perlu diperbuat daripada silinder keluli bertekanan tinggi. Tong gas digunakan hampir di semua perumahan, termasuk rumah pangsa, kondominium dan apartment. Kebiasaan penghuni perumahan bertingkat yang tidak mempunyai lift terpaksa mengangkat tong gas menggunakan tenaga empat kerat, kadang kala menggunakan troli biasa untuk menggangkut tong gas tersebut bagi memudahkan dan meringankan kerja. Troli adalah peranti yang digunakan untuk membawa beban atau memindahkan bahan dari satu tempat ke yang lain. Untuk aplikasi yang berbeza pelbagai jenis troli digunakan Kebanyakan pekerja domestik juga menggunakan tenaga tulang empat kerat untuk kerja-kerja pemindahan troli .

    Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability of Nigeria Banks - A Causal Relationship

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    The rising cost of running business organizations in Nigeria and the lack of basic infrastructure, as well as divergent views in the literature regarding the type of relationship that exists between CSR and Corporate performance have necessitated this paper that examined the relationship between corporate social responsibility and profitability in the Nigerian banking industry using First Bank of Nigeria (FBN) Plc as the case study.  Annual reports formed the secondary source of data collection where the CSR expenditure and profit after tax for the period of 2001-2010 was used for the computational experiment. The data collected for this study were analysed using correlation and regression analysis. The hypothesis formulated was tested. The results of the regression analysis as showed the impact of corporate social responsibility expenditure on profitability in Nigeria banks which revealed (Beta= 0.945, p<.01). This means that for every unit change increment in the CSR expenditure will lead to .945 or 95% increase in the profit after tax of the company. The R-square was 0.893 which shows that CSR accounted for 89.3% of the variation in the profit after tax of First Bank Plc.The study concluded that there is positive relationship between banks CSR activities and profitability. The implications of this study include the need for banks to demonstrate high level of commitment to corporate social responsibility based on stakeholder theory in order to enhance their profitability in the long run. Keywords: CSR; banking; profitability; causal; stakeholder theory; Nigeri

    Recognition Need of Marketing Executives in Nigeria Banks: A Meta Analysis

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    The behavioral factors that relate to the individual’s needs and to the conditional links between performance and rewards and between effort and performance could be necessary topics for organizational effectiveness. However, motivational programs often fail because they could appeal to wrong needs. Therefore, this study was an attempt to identify the specific needs of the marketing executives in Nigerian banks in order to determine how to motivate them to satisfy those needs. The study was guided by the need theories which suggest that to motivate their workforces, managers should determine what needs people are trying to satisfy in organizations and then ensure that people receive outcomes that satisfy these needs when they perform at a high level and contribute to organizational effectiveness. A sample of 303 marketing executives in selected banks in Nigeria was determined using the finite multiplier. The result obtained shows an F-value of 62.713 (P<0.05) for the Levene’s Test of Equality of Error of variance, which indicates that the error of variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups, and presents a similarity in results. With P-values < 0.05, the results generated are not due to chance, thus are correct and significance. Having adjusted r-squared value that is 0.894, it is determined that 89.4% of change is caused by the independent variable. Based on this, the null hypothesis is rejected. Hence, information about what is happening around the work-place is one of the most important needs of marketing executives in Nigerian banks, as it does help in cultivating and maintaining mutually satisfactory relationship between the manager and the subordinates. The finding shows that the needs of marketing executives in Nigerian banks could be ordered as follows: recognition, physiological expressed in good wages, and security. Recognition in this study is identified with the need for information, because recognition could be expressed in giving the marketing executives information about his work. What is worthy of note about this finding is that information and recognition needs have the same significance in terms of need structure, and that recognition-the fourth need on Maslow’s need hierarchy could be scored basic to marketing executives in Nigerian banks. So, recognition may have a high place in the Nigerian cultural values for motivation at collective work systems. This indicates that the motivation theories by the behavioral scientists conform to the desires of marketing executives according to individual developmental levels, and according to the bank system. This suggests that Nigerian culture places emphasis on information and recognition, over which some of the advanced countries drag their feet. This is a fact that deserves serious attention in the search for a Nigerian motivation system. It is recommended that bank managers should identify the fundamental value that conditioned this approach to include the following values: (1) emphasis on a flow of information from the bottom up; (2) making top management the facilitator of decision-making rather than the issuer of edicts; (3) using middle managers as the impetus for, and shaper of solutions to the problems of marketing executives; (4) stressing consensus as the way of making decision; and (5) paying close attention to the personal well-being of marketing executives. Keywords Recognition Need, Marketing Executives, Need theories, Nigerian Banks, Meta Analysis, Finite Multiplier, Informational Role Hierarchy of Needs

    Behavior Pathology on Gender Issues in Nigeria Banks Employment: Myths and Realities

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    The paper examined the myths and realities on gender issues in Nigeria banks employment. The study collected data from a sample of 648 employees of deposit money bank headquarters in Port Harcourt. The research data were treated to primary analysis involving descriptive statistics of respondents’ demographics and workplace factors concerning workers outcomes. The demographics were presented in pie charts, while the workplace factors were presented in their mean scores. The study perceived that the discrimination in banks employment, which is in favour of young unmarried girls, is a mere response to societal sex-role creation in feminism and masculinism, clothed in corporate immorality. This is perceived to be strong in generating sex appeal, coquetry, flattery, and pandering to male egoism. The paper thus suggested a three phase model to reduce the expanding margin in the gender dichotomy in banks employment. Keywords: Gender Issues, Bank Employment, Sex Roles, Feminism, Masculinism, Behaviour Pathology and Corporate Immorality. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-8-05 Publication date:March 31st 201
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