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    ABSTRAKSI: Kebutuhan bandwidth yang memadai, mobilitas yang tinggi serta layanan multimedia pada saat ini memunculkan konsep teknologi IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) yang melengkapi teknologi NGN (Next Generation Network) berbasis softswitch. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) adalah arsitektur jaringan telekomunikasi yang berbasis pada multimedia IP (internet protocol). Teknologi ini merupakan salah satu arsitektur yang berkembang dengan menginterkoneksikan teknologi wireless dan wireline dengan menawarkan berbagai layanan multimedia yang meliputi voice, video, iptv, dan data. Prinsip teknologi ini adalah mengatur session yang timbul untuk tiap layanan. Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) adalah suatu metode forwarding data melalui suatu jaringan dengan menggunakan informasi dalam label yang dilekatkan pada paket IP. Dengan jenis routing yang diterapkan pada jaringan MPLS, diharapkan mampu untuk memberikan peningkatan nilai QoS pada jaringan tersebut.Dalam tugas akhir kali ini akan mengimplementasikan teknologi IMS menggunakan software Open IMS dengan layanan IPTV dan VoD, yang akan dilewatkan pada jaringan MPLS menggunakan router GNS3. Dari implementasi ini akan dianalisis dari tinjauan Quality of service-nya antara lain delay, packet loss, jitter, throughput di sisi client.Dari pengujian dan analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa penggunaan MPLS dapat menghasilkan QoS yang lebih baik. Dilihat dari perbaikan delay dengan menggunakan jaringan MPLS untuk layanan VoD sebesar rata-rata 4.458082 % , layanan IPTV sebesar 8.942867 % dan layanan Voip sebesar 1.0182 %.Kata Kunci : NGN, IMS, MPLS, Open IMS, router, dan QoSABSTRACT: sufficient bandwidth, high mobility and multimedia services at this time led to the concept of technology IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) that complements the NGN (Next Generation Network) based on softswitch. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a telecommunications network architecture based on IP (internet protocol). This technology is one of the interconnect architecture developed by wireless and wireline technologies by offering a variety of multimedia services including voice, video, IPTV, and data. The principle of this technology is to organize a session that arise for each service.Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a method of forwarding data over a network using the information in the label attached to an IP packet. With this type of routing is applied to the MPLS network, expected to be able to deliver enhanced value of QoS on the network.In this final task will implement IMS technology using software Open IMS with IPTV and VoD services, which will be passed to the MPLS network using GNS3 router. From this implementation will be analyzed from a review of his Quality of service include delay, packet loss, jitter, throughput at the client side.From the testing and analysis results showed that the use of MPLS can produce a better QoS. It can be seen from the delay improvement using MPLS network for VoD service by an average of 4.458082%, IPTV service at 8.942867% and 1.0182% for VoIP service.Keyword: NGN, IMS, MPLS, Open IMS, routers, and Qo


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    ABSTRAKSI: Berbagai kemudahan dan kelebihan jaringan berbasis Internet Protocol (IP), membuat jaringan IP di proyeksikan menjadi platform jaringan di masa depan. Selain karena kemudahannya untuk dikembangkan, jaringan IP juga mudah untuk diimplementasikan dan dapat di pakai untuk berbagai jenis data pada komunikasi, baik itu data suara, gambar, maupun data konvensional. Trend telekomunikasi yang berkembang kearah IP Based Telecommunication, menjadi salah satu latar belakang munculnya IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) berfungsi sebagai platform standard untuk layanan multimedia melalui IP/SIP protokol yang memungkinkan operator untuk menggunakan satu platform untuk beberapa layanan multimedia. IMS ini merupakan bagian dari standar arsitektur Next Generation Network (NGN). Beberapa jaringan (sebut saja fixed network, mobile network atau wireless network), dapat dioperasikan layanannya melalui platform IMS tentu saja dengan layanan IP-based dan didukung protokol SIP. Jaringan berbasis IMS diharapkan mampu mengakomodir berbagai layanan telekomunikasi, baik itu komunikasi suara, gambar, maupun data. Telekomunikasi suara dan gambar tentu menjadi poin penting yang harus diperhatikan, mengingat kebutuhan komunikasinya yang real-time, rentan terhadap delay, dan membutuhkan alokasi Bandwidth yang besar. Ketersediaan bandwidth dan efisiensi penggunaanya dalam suatu layanan tetentu diharapkan mampu memberikan kualtas layanan yang baik, terutama layanan real-time seperti komunikasi suara, maupun layanan yang memerlukan bandwidth besar seperti komunikasi video. Reservation Protocol (RSVP) menjadi salah satu cara penjaminan ketersediaan bandwidth yang dibutuhkan untuk layanan real-time, selain komunikasi multicast yang bisa digunakan untuk memperoleh efisiensi penggunaan bandwidth yang diinginkan. Penerapan RSVP dan IP Multicast memberikan kestabilan pada parameter-parameter QoS, penurunan delay pada layanan video sebesar 43,81%, kestabilan nilai Throughput dengan rata-rata 1,1064Mb, penurunan nilai delay pada layanan VoIP sebesar 12%, peningkatan lestabilan throughput sebesar 1,23 kali lipat, serta efisiensi penggunaan bandwidth pada jaringan sebesar 0,37%.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: RSVP (Reservation Protocol), IP Multicast, QoS, IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)ABSTRACT: Various facilities and excess network based Internet Protocol (IP), create an IP network, are projected to be a network platform in the future. In addition to its simplicity to be developed, the IP network is also easy to implement and can be used for various types of data on communications, both voice data, images, and conventional data. A growing trend towards IP telecommunications Based Telecommunication, became one of the background of the emergence of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) serves as the standard platform for multimedia services over IP / SIP protocol which allows operators to use a single platform for multiple multimedia services. IMS is part of the standard architecture of Next Generation Network (NGN). Some networks (call it fixed network, mobile network or wireless network), can be operated services over the IMS platform, of course, with IP-based services and protocols supported by SIP. IMS-based network expected to accommodate a variety of telecommunications services, both voice communications, images, and data. Telecommunications voice and image would be an important point that must be considered, given the need for real-time communication, prone to delay, and require large bandwidth allocation. The availability of bandwidth and efficiency of its use in a service tetentu expected to provide good service kualtas, especially real-time services like voice communication, as well as services that require greater bandwidth such as video communication. Reservation Protocol (RSVP) to be one way of guaranteeing the availability of bandwidth required for real-time service, in addition to multicast communication that can be used to obtain the desired efficiency of bandwidth usage. Implementation of RSVP and IP Multicast provides stable on QoS parameters, a decrease of delay at the video service by 43.81%, the stability of the throughput with an average of 1.1064 Mb, impairment of delay on VoIP services by 12%, throughput increased by 1 lestabilan , 23-fold, and the efficient use of bandwidth on the network at 0.37%.Keyword: Keywords: RSVP (Reservation Protocol), IP Multicast, VoIP, IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem


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    ABSTRAKSI: Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi jaringan dan multimedia, aplikasi jaringan multimedia seperti video conference akan menjadi populer dan sangat diperlukan dalam berbagai keperluan. Kebutuhan akan kenyamanan dalam berkomunikasi pun akan semakin tinggi, sehingga diperlukan juga jaminan komunikasi yang baik yaitu dengan adanya jaminan Quality of Service (QoS). Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan protokol RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol) yang dapat memberikan jaminan bandwidth saat transmisi dilakukan. Konsep teknologi IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) yang melengkapi teknologi NGN (Next Generation Network) berbasis softswitch adalah arsitektur jaringan telekomunikasi yang menginterkoneksikan teknologi wireless dan wireline dengan menawarkan berbagai layanan multimedia yang meliputi voice, video, iptv dan data.Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan simulasi komunikasi video conference pada jaringan IMS dengan menerapkan protokol RSVP menggunakan simulator OPNET Modeler 14.5. Dari simulasi ini selanjutnya telah dilakukan analisis parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) antara lain throughput, delay, jitter, packet loss di sisi client.Dari simulasi dan analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa penggunaan protokol RSVP menghasilkan QoS yang lebih baik. Dilihat dari perbaikan delay, jitter , throughput, maupun packet loss. Metode RSVP dapat menurunkan delay sebesar 20,371 %, jitter sebesar 66,319 %, packet loss sebesar 6,15 % serta dapat menaikkan throughput sebesar 50,304 %.Kata Kunci : IMS, Video Conference, RSVP, QoSABSTRACT: Nowadays, network technology and multimedia, a network technology application likes video conference will be popular and needed in all of aspects. The need of more comfortable in communication, so there must have a gurantee such as Quality Of Service (QoS). RSVP protocol just one of methods. In video conference which real-time application needed a gurantee of bandwidth when the data is being transmitted. The concept of IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) technology that complements the NGN (Next Generation Network) based on softswitch is a telecommunications network architecture based on IP (internet protocol). This technology is one of the interconnect architecture developed by wireless and wireline technologies by offering a variety of multimedia services including voice, video, IPTV, and data.In this Final Project have simulated video conference communication into IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) network with RSVP protocol using simulator OPNET Modeler 14.5. From this implementation will be analyzed from a review of his Quality of Service include delay, packet loss, jitter, throughput at the client side.From the testing and analysis results showed that the use of RSVP protocol can produce a better QoS. Judging from the results of delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss. This method can decrease delay until 20,371 %, jitter until 66,319 %, packet loss until 6,15% and also can increase throughput until 50,304%.Keyword: IMS, Video Conference, RSVP, Qo


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    ABSTRAKSI: Dalam dunia telekomunikasi, perkembangan teknologi Next Generation Network (NGN) menawarkan dan megoptimalkan berbagai alternatif yang ada dengan memperkenalkan IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Jaringan IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan arsitektur jaringan yang memungkinkan pemusatan data dan suara melalui suatu infrastruktur berbasis Internet Protocol (IP). Selain mengatur session yang muncul di setiap layanan, jaringan IMS juga mengintegrasikan layanan multimedia pada jaringan bergerak dan tetap Jaringan IMS dapat digunakan untuk mengaplikasikan layanan triple play. Triple play adalah suatu konvergensi atau bundling layanan voice, data dan video on demand pada infrastruktur network akses tunggal. Layanan triple play sebagai layanan berbasis TV dengan bandwidth memadai dan berbasis PC yang dinamis, yang secara bersamaan tidak mengganggu penyediaan layanan telephony termasuk fitur didalamnya. Diyakini, layanan triple-play mampu menjadi solusi bagi penyelenggara telekomunikasi. Dalam tugas akhir ini telah dilakukan perancangan dan simulasi layanan triple play di jaringan IMS. Setelah itu, performansi jaringan dianalisis dengan parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yang meliputi delay, packet loss, dan throughput. Hasil analisis dari simulasi diperoleh bahwa nilai delay, dan packet loss, sebelum penambahan background traffic dan setelah penambahan background traffic mengalami peningkatan, sedangkan throughput mengalami penurunan. Background traffic mengakibatkan kapasitas link menjadi penuh. Akan tetapi secara keseluruhan besarnya delay, packet loss, dan throughput masih memenuhi standar ITU-T. Kata Kunci : IMS, Triple Play, Voice, Video, Data, Delay, Packet loss, danABSTRACT: In the telecommunications, development of Next Generation Network (NGN) technology offer and optimize various alternatives that exist by introducing IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) network is a network architecture that enables convergence of data, voice and mobile network technologies through an infrastructure based on Internet Protocol (IP). In addition to set the session that appears for each service, IMS network also integrating various multimedia services for mobile and fixed access network. IMS network can be used to triple play services. Triple play is a convergence or service bundling of voice, data and video on demand on a single access network infrastructure. Triple-play services as a TV based service with adequate bandwidth and dynamic PC-based services, that simultaneously do not disturb the provision of telephony services including features in there. It is believed that triple play services can be a solution for telecommunications carriers. At this final assignment, the design and simulation of triple play services on IMS networks have been made. After the simulation, network performance will be analyzed using Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as delay, packet loss, and throughput. The results of the simulation analysis shows that the value of delay, and packet loss, before the addition of background traffic and after the addition of background traffic is increased, while the throughput is decreased. Background traffic makes link capacity full. However, overall the amount of delay, packet loss, and throughput still meet the ITU-T standard.Keyword: IMS, Triple Play Voice, Video, Data, Delay, Packet Loss, an

    Traffic Model of IMS/NGN Architecture with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology

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    Growing expectations for a fast access to information create strong demands for a universal telecommunication network architecture, which provides various services with strictly determined quality. Currently it is assumed that these requirements will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN), which consists of two stratums and includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) all NGN stratums have to be correctly designed and dimensioned. For this reason appropriate traffic models must be developed and applied, which should be efficient and simple enough for practical applications. In the paper such a traffic model of a single domain of NGN with transport stratum based on Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology is presented. The model allows evaluation of mean transport stratum response time and can be useful for calculating time of processing requests in the entire NGN architecture. Results obtained using the presented model are described and discussed. As a result of the discussion, elementary relationships between network parameters and transport stratum response time are indicated

    Towards a scalable video interactivity solution over the IMS

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 72-76).Rapid increase in bandwidth and the interactive and scalability features of the Internet provide a precedent for a converged platform that will support interactive television. Next Generation Network platforms such as the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) support Quality of Service (QoS), fair charging and possible integration with other services for the deployment of IPTV services. IMS architecture supports the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for session control and the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) for media control. This study aims to investigate video interactivity designs over the Internet using an evaluation framework to examine the performance of both SIP and RTSP protocols over the IMS over different access networks. It proposes a Three Layered Video Interactivity Framework (TLVIF) to reduce the video processing load on a server

    Sinalização de media gateways em redes de próxima geração

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesCom o grande crescimento das comunicações móveis e fixas, o acesso à Internet tornou-se cada vez mais numa exigência, colocando à industria das Telecomunicações, especialmente aos operadores, grandes desafios. Serviços comuns como chamadas de voz, podem agora ser oferecidos pelos Internet Service Providers (ISPs) aos seus clientes sobre a forma de serviço Voice over IP (VoIP). Este serviço deixou de ser exclusivo das redes Public Switched Telephone Network/Integrated Services Digital Network (PSTN/ISDN) e passou a ser fornecido também na Internet. Mas devido à necessidade de manter as tradicionais redes PSTN/ISDN, houve a necessidade de criar um ambiente de convergência, não só para estas redes mas também para outros tipos de redes de acesso, independentemente da tecnologia. É neste campo que os organismos de normalização e os operadores têm dado os seus contributos, criando uma rede de controlo e de transporte comum baseada em IP para a convergência de serviços. Inicialmente o 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) definiu uma arquitectura de convergência móvel com a rede IP, constituída por elementos de controlo, transporte e serviço, de nome IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Mais tarde, esta arquitectura serviu de base (core) para o grupo TISPAN do European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) na normalização das Redes de Próxima Geração. Esta Dissertação pretende dar uma resposta à convergência fixo-móvel no âmbito da arquitectura PSTN/ISDN Emulation Subsystem (PES) do TISPAN. Este sistema permite que todos os clientes de uma Rede de Próxima Geração de um operador acedam a serviços das redes PSTN/ISDN e Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) de uma forma simples e imperceptível. Com este intuito foram desenvolvidos cenários de testes para os sistemas Trunking e de Acesso da arquitectura PES, tendo como objectivo final a sua integração na plataforma de próxima geração Service Handling on ip NETworks (SHipNET). Esta Dissertação experimenta várias situações reais de chamadas de voz sobre os cenários de testes, e inicia a implementação de um novo elemento definido para a arquitectura PES, Access Gateway Control Function (AGCF), para o controlo de Media Gateways nas redes de Acesso. ABSTRACT: With the big growth of mobile and fixed communications, Internet access has become a requirement, putting the telecommunication industry, and especially the operators, in front of a major challenge. Services such as voice calls can now be offered by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to their customers. This service is no longer exclusive of Public Switched Telephone Network/Integrated Services Digital Network (PSTN/ISDN) and is now provided also through the Internet. But, because of the need to maintain the traditional PSTN/ISDN networks, there was a need to create a convergence, not only for these networks but also for other types of access networks, regardless of technology. The standards bodies and operators have made their contributions to create a network of control and transport policy, based on IP, for the services convergence. In the beginning the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) defined an architecture for mobile convergence with IP network, made up of control, transport and service elements, called IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Later, the core IMS served the ETSI TISPAN group in standardization of Next Generation Networks. This thesis aims to give an answer for fixed-mobile convergence within the architecture defined by TISPAN PSTN/ISDN Emulation Subsystem (PES). This system, formed by a Trunking, originally defined by the 3GPP IMS, and Access part, allows all customers of a Next Generation Network operator, access to PSTN/ISDN and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) network services in a simple way. With this purpose, scenarios were developed for Trunking and Access systems of PES arquitecture, with the goal to integrate into the next generation platform Service Handling on ip NETworks (SHipNET). This thesis tests several real situations of voice calls on testing scenarios, and begins the implementation of a new element defined for PES arquitecture, Access Gateway Control Function (AGCF), for Media Gateways control purpose in access networks

    Analisis Implementasi Interkoneksi Server Open IMS Core dan GSM Gateway untuk layanan VoIP

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    ABSTRAKSI: IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) menjadi arsitektur jaringan yang sangat penting dengan semakin berkembangnya teknologi telekomunikasi menuju NGN (Next Generation Network). IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) merupakan salah satu teknologi yang mengawinkan teknologi wireless dan wireline dengan tawaran layanan yang tidak hanya voice namun juga layanan data yang sangat beragam. Dengan IMS Integrasi layanan berbasis internet dapat dibangun QoS yang jauh lebih baik dari teknologi sebelumnya.OpenIMSCore (IMS Open Source) adalah salah satu software open source berbasis IMS yang dikembangkan oleh salah satu institusi di Jerman yang benama FOKUS pada tahun 2006, sebagai salah satu solusi konvergensi jaringan fixed dan mobile. OpenIMSCore merupakan sebuah server layanan VoIP yang berbasis protokol pensinyalan SIP. Pada tugas akhir ini, IMS Server diinterkoneksikan dengan GSM Gateway dengan menggunakan Asterisk server sebagai redirect server. Untuk memudahkan interkoneksi, digunakan server Enum yang mampu menerjemahkan alamat penomoran seperti PSTN (E.164) ke alamat Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Sehingga mampu menangani panggilan VoIP menuju jaringan GSM.Dalam pengujian dan analisis diperoleh nilai rata-rata PDD (Post Dial Delay) tertinggi pada interkoneksi IMS-GSM Gateway adalah 0.25997 second dengan terdapat trafik gangguan sebesar 80 Mbps. Sedangkan untuk rata-rata PDD paling kecil yaitu 0.10627 second antara user IMS dan tanpa trafik pengganggu. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisis dari sistem tersebut dengan parameter-parameter: delay, jitter, throughput, dan packetloss. Sehinggan dapat ditentukan QoS (Quality of Service) dan MOS (Mean Opinion Score) dari sistem tersebut.Kata Kunci : NGN, OpenIMS, PDD, VoIP, QoS, Asterisk, MOSABSTRACT: IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) became very important network architecture as the development of telecommunication technology toward to NGN (Next Generation Network). IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) can combine wireless and wireline technology which offer services that are not only voice but also diverse data services. With IMS, integration of internet-based service can be built with much better QoS than the previous technology.OpenIMSCore (IMS Open Source) is one of open source software which built based on IMS architecture. OpenIMSCore is developed by one of the institution from Germany named FOKUS in 2006 as one of the solution to convergance fixed and mobile network. OpenIMSCore is a VoIP service server used SIP as their signaling protocol. In this last year project, IMS server is inter-connected with GSM Gateway used Asterisk server as redirect server. ENUM server used to facilitate the interconnection which is able to translate the numbering address such as PSTN (E1.64) to address URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). Thus able to handle VoIP calls to the GSM network.From testing and analysis the highest average value of PDD (Post Dial Delay) from interconnection between IMS – GSM Gateway is 0.25597 seconds which got interference traffic 80 mbps. As for the lowest average value of PDD is 0.10607 seconds between IMS user which got no interference traffic. In addition, also conducted analysis of the system with parameters are: delay, jitter, throughput, and packetloss. So QoS (Quality of Service) and MOS (Mean Opinion Score) from the system can be determined.Keyword: NGN, OpenIMS, PDD, VoIP, QoS, Asterisk, MO